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My Place In The Sun

This is my spot to get away.
All by myself, anytime of day.

A place where I go,
to make things right.
A place all my own,
with no one else in sight.

I can laugh or cry,
do as I please
Ponder my fears,
follow my dreams.

Sit and unwind,
find new meaning for life.
Try to progress,
while taking problems in stride.

I can't change all my troubles,
but some of them I can.
So I work at those special ones.
With a vigorous and eager plan.

Hold unto your dreams
and live for today.
Tomorrow will come soon enough
and you'll find a different way.

So go ahead, take your time
and watch the waves come in.
Walk barefoot through the sand so warm
and feel the sun rush in.

Release your pressures of the day
and make this place yours too.

Maybe it will help you some.

The rest is up to you.


~Ebb Tide~

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The Legend of Rumble-lar