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I hope you have enjoyed my ramblings as much as I have enjoyed putting them together.

I wish you all the best in whatever you do.

Believe in yourself and you will make a difference. It is up to you. This is heaven or hell right here on earth. It's what you make it. Only you can empower your well-being. Only you can control your situations and your outlook has alot to do with it.

Positive Thinking and the Power of Suggestion.

Live your own dreams everyday in your mind. In order for your dreams to come true, the motivation has to lie within.

"If it is to be, it is up to me."

Don't waste time on self-pity or self-doubt. Those two distructive forces can keep you from achieving your self-worth.

Make a special effort to except the choices that your love ones make. Those choices aren't always what we may prefer, but the direction they choose must be their own.

"When you love deeply, you must love always."

Nonjudgmental and Unconditional Love.
They go hand in hand.

Slow your pace down a little.

"Dance a slower dance--

Sing a softer song."

It will give you a different outlook on life and your priorities will change.

And so until we meet again, may you come to know the real person within and realize that you are so very special in this world.

As Always

I'll Be Seeing You.

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