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I have to admit, I am completely confused and baffled.


I simply do not know. Did I ever have my druthers and where were they located?

If my druthers are still with me what is their function? There must be more than one. Do you loose them one at a time or all of them at once? For some strange reason, everyone looses their druthers.

Everyone, at one time or another has said, "If I had my druthers." But you never hear anyone say, "If I had my tonsils."

I guess this may be a question for the doctor at my next visit. Although, I have discovered that doctor's don't know everything.

Shortly after my mother's by-pass surgery, the surgeon, a well known oriental heart surgeon, I might add, was explaining in great detail what my mom's surgery had entailed. All the medical terms and phrases were mind boggling and difficult to comprehend, but I kept up as best as I could. When he was finished he asked.

"Any questions?"

Not wanting him to go back over anything that he had already mentioned, I thought for a short moment then asked.

"How are the cockles of her heart?"

Now, he said something, I'm not sure what because he was mumbling as he turned and walked away.

I guess he was probably tired after a full morning of patients. But you see what I mean. I don't think doctor's have all the answers.

Anyway, in my opinion, my mother's cockles are still intact and we are keeping them warm.

But my druther's are another matter and a question that goes unanswered for the time being.

~I Feel Good~

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