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~Only The Echo~

One of these days you'll explode and shout to all the kids.

"Why don't you grow up and act your age?"

And they will.

Or, "You guys get outside and find something to do, without hurting each other and don't slam the door."

And they don't.

You clean and straighten the bedrooms. They are neat and tidy and you yell. "Now, I want them to stay that way.

And it will.

You will prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that has onion in it and cake without finger marks running through it and you'll say."Now, this is a meal fit for company."

And you'll eat it alone.

You'll yell. "I want complete silence while I'm on the phone. No screaming."

And no one will answer.

No more kool aid stains.
No more dandelion bouquets.
No more iron-on patches.
No more sand filled shoes, knotted shoelaces, muddy boots or bands for ponytails.
No baby sitters for New Year's Eve.
No P.T.A. meetings or silly school plays where your child is a rooster, fairy, bunny or a Christmas letter.
No car pools, blaring stereos or forgotten books, homework or lunch money.
No more Christmas presents made out of macaroni and paste.
No more Tooth Fairy
No more giggles in the dark, scraped knees to kiss or sticky fingers to clean.

Only a voice asking--

"Why don't you grow up?"

And the silence echos--"I did."


~Bless The Beast And The Children~

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