there! And welcome, but please leave all
sharp instruments at the door.
I must protect my bubbles. Don't you
just love bubbles. I mean, what's not
to love. I can honestly say that I have
never met a bubble I didn't like. Some
of my best friends have been bubbles.
Thinking back, can you think of just one
bubble that really made you feel mad or
bad? No, I didn't think so. So now
that we have reached a happy medium
climb on one and enjoy your ride!***
If your gonna be sitting
on my bubbles, your gonna need to know a
little bit about me...my name is Sandi
and I live in Northern California. I'm
married, (to the same man for 38 years)
neat trick huh? I have 3 children, and 5
grandchildren. They are all near and
dear to my heart and are my whole reason
for being. Each one makes my world
complete. I have been very fortunate
and blessed with my family.
I enjoy shopping, cooking,
and yes housekeeping, what's up with
that? Must be a generation thing I got
going on. I also enjoy interior
decorating. Music is a must. Of course,
give me those Oldies But Goodies, (sha
boom-sha boom.) I also love the BeeGees
and Elton John. Creedence Clearwater
Revival and the
Eagles. Country is great too. (love
those cowboys, but keep
those hats on guys)One
thing that I haven't
done but would really like to try is
painting. Now, I have house painting
down pat. I'm a master at that. I'm
talking about art. I would love to try
my hand at painting some day. I guess I
better get to steppin' as I have
definitely seen more yesterday's than I
will see tomorrow's. I guess it's time I
got with the program, so to
And now onto the rest of my site. This
is all new to me. It just looked like
of fun so I decided to throw a bunch of
stuff out there in hopes that others may
find something of interest. I don't
know, maybe it's more of an open diary.
You know, things that touch you
personally and you just get that urge to
write them down in hopes that they will
not vanish from your heart, your soul,
your being.I hope you
enjoy your stay
here. Please give each of the pages
time to load so you can get the full
benefit from each. Feel free to stay as
long as you like. But remember when you
are done please return to my home page
and sign my guestbook. And be sure
to check out some of my favorite
sites on the web. You will find them
listed at the
end of my
~The Last Waltz~
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My Other Kids
In Honor Of
Poetry In Motion
Things To Ponder
Don't Worry Be Happy
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My Treasures
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Good Byes