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I have a modest list of inventions that I had taken into consideration, but for one reason or another they didn't pan out. I don't really know why, but you know how that goes. Someday, someone will probably make a killing off of them. Anyway, they are listed below so you can see that my mind hasn't been completely idle:

A Pedal Powered Wheelchair.

A Black Highlighter Pen

Glow in the Dark Sunglasses.

Non-Stick Cellotape.

Waterproof Sponge.

Waterproof Teabags.

Inflatable Anchor.

Inflatable Dartboard.

Silent Alarm Clock.

Battery Powered Battery Charger.

Braille Driver's Manual.

Double Sided Playing Cards.

Fireproof Matches.

Fireproof Cigarettes.

Smooth Sandpaper.

Hand Powered Chainsaw.

Waterproof Towel.

Screen Doors for Submarines.

A Dictionary Index.

Powdered Water.

Zero-proof alcohol.

See-Through Toilet Paper.

Do-It-Yourself Road Map.

Turnip Flavored Ice Cream.

Which brings me to my latest invention.

It all started when I purchased an aquarium. I spent a lot of time and money on the blasted thing. Then it was time to add the fish. I went to the local pet shop and brought home some of the classic favorites.

This is where it turned ugly and into a vicious circle.

Buy fish, they die. Buy more fish, they die.

I got to know others who were going through the same thing. Geez, we were meeting at the pet shop on a regular basis. We could have started our own club, The Dead Fish Society.

Anyway, that's when it hit me.


Yes, just like silk flowers, but instead they are silk fish.

I'm having just a few slight problems though, like they won't stay in the proper position in the water. They seem to float to the top. Well, I'm half way there because the real fish always went to the bottom when they died so I'm encouraged. Just remember, you heard it here first.


~Johnny Be Good~

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