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I've never had a knack for telling jokes. Somehow, I always manage to take the best joke and mess it up. I have a bad habit of wanting to get to the punch line before it's time, so this is a good opportunity for me to get some of these said without screwing them up. I've tried to include the ones that make me giggle when I just think of them. I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I do.

~Be aware that some of these may be off the wall or for the more mature~

I hope you don't find them offensive, however, if you do, just skip this section and go on to the next section of my site. I have tried my best to clean them up or alter in places that I thought may offend someone. In doing so, I have discovered that there are some things in life you just can't change.

O.K., now that we got that out of the way, let's begin. I'm sure you will leave here with a smile on your face!!!!

~Jive Talkin~

Lunch At McDonalds
Now That I Am Older
Proud Papa
Robert The Rooster
The Chinese Detective
The Crude Professor
Sperm Count
The Snow Plow
Annual Physical
Anyone For Bungee-Jumping?
The Optimist