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Watching the children play outside, they run and dance about.
Looking up, I see clouds are forming, we need it, there's a drought.

They're boiling up and moving in, above the mountains and the trees.
The darkness of the thunder heads, threatening, yet mystical to see.

The children sense a fear within and come running to be by my side.
And so starts the legend of man and horse, a magic spirit, to confide.

Rumble-lar is his name, he's dressed all in black and rides a horse, white as snow.
He races through the thunder heads, and makes the thunder roll.

Listen to the hoof beats, as he rides across the sky.
And the flash of lightning you will see, is his sword he waves up high.

Then when all the children's eyes are big, waiting for it to end.
Rumble-lar finally punctures the clouds, and the heavy rains begin.

Oh, the questions that came from little minds, were never-ending to hear.
And I tried to reassure them, they had nothing at all to fear.

But the children fled, to the shelter of the house.
And just at that moment, all around me it was as quiet as a mouse.

"I do believe I scared the bee-jee-bees out of them."

My children, all grown up now and with children of their own will tell you they still remember that late afternoon and the...

~Legend of Rumble-lar~

With Imagination & Love

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