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All About Me

Ok, well, this is a little page for those of you who care to know a bit about me. My name is Katie, I'm 22 years old and I live in Utah. I used to live in California with mom and dad but then I got brave and decided to see what this world could ofer me all on my own. And guess what? I love life here in Salt Lake City. I have awesome roommates and lots of friends and a decent job. The only thing that brings sadness to my life is the lack of a professional hockey team and missing Cali. Not that I miss the tree-less dustbowl where I used to live, but I miss my family and my few friends (I miss my cookies and milk!). I also miss the beach and going to LA for hockey games. It also sucks that certain bands (U2) think they are too good to tour in SLC. But oh well. Anyway, my life wasn't always this exciting (hence, this website). In December of 1998 I got my associates degree in broadcasting/communications from San Bernardino Valley College, with honors, I might add (see pic below). I love to be behind the scenes in a tv studio, and someday I might pursue it as a career. Right now I work at Staples which isn't my dream job, but my co-workers are awesome and it pays the bills. I love to read and to write and to cook. I love to spend time with my family (I've got two younger sisters) and my friends. I love to go to the movies (let me know what your current fave is!) or just hang out at home. Parties and crowds have never really been my scene. I love to listen to music and I listen to it everywhere I go, the car, my room, the shower, etc... My website might imply that I like *NSYNC, but the truth is this whole Joey/baby thing has me messed up about them. My other faves consist of The Barenaked Ladies, Sarah McLachlan, Dave Matthews Band, Guster, The Getaway People, Eagle-Eye Cherry, Bush (me and Sergei!), Beastie Boys, Enrique Iglesias, the list could go on and on, but I'll stop there. My only real interest besides these is my love for ice hockey. I love to go to a game and listen to the sound of the skates scraping the ice and the guys hitting the boards. My fave teams are The Detroit Red Wings, The Los Angeles Kings, The Utah Grizzlies (love ya Tyler) and whatever team Eric Lindros happens to be playing for today. The true, honest reason that I love hockey is cuz the guys are hot. If that makes me a shallow puck bunny, then so be it. I don't have a boyfriend, I'm not really looking for one (unless this is Eric, Sergei or Tyler reading this and you're volunteering). Being single is not always a bad thing, but it can suck every once in a while (valentines day SUCKS!). I spend a lot of time at chruch being involved in single adult activities there and basically just having a good time with people my own age who share my beliefs. Alrighty, well, I've run out of stuff to say about myself, so if there is anything else you want to know, email me and ask. Thanks for your time, and I love pen pals!


