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Quoteable JC

HELP!! I desperately need help with this JC quote page-as in there is almost nothing here. And, I'm not at all happy about that. So I am begging you to PLEASE send me JC quotes. And thanks to Pontea for being dedicated enough to her man to send me these.
"Im not bossy.I'm just in order."
"Chill out girl!! And get you some Kellogg's corn pops cereal!!"--from a radio commercial in Dallas (thanks Ktgumdrop!)
"It's not exactly Beatlemania but it's pretty cool."
"I'm in shape. Round is a shape!"
"What do I like to do beside singin and dancin? I like to sleep! And I dont get to do my hobby very often.......THANK YOU!"
"I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. I fell asleep on the plane and we landed and everything and I didn't know it. Lance had to smack me on the back of the head and go,'Dude, the plane is empty. You're the last one.' I said,'Oh, my goodness.'"
"l like down-home, good girls, ones with good morals. l like the girl who can be herself, and you're not going to find that with a lot of these show-business girls. There's nothing better than an honest, good-hearted person. That's where it's at: You treat people like you want to be treated. l figure if l stay simple and honest, l'll be lucky enough to meet someone like that."
(on if he's a virgin) "Uh.....I'm a gentleman." (what the heck kind of question is that anyway?!?!)
" Let's get outa here with one of these man, we'd be cool!" -talking about Hard Rock Cafe menu's
"So what we're tryin to say is JC's a clepto." --Justin talking about JC "collecting" Hard Rock Cafe menu's
"You see, JC matured too quickly. He peaked at the age of 15 and he's goin downhill slowly. All he wants to do now is sleep!"
"JC's just cheesy. He's got all these really bad pickup lines and, I promise that the other day, he actually said to this girl, "So do you come here often?" Okay that wasn't really JC talkin' but its pretty close."--Chris
"The funny thing about JC is.....well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl on the sidewalk, the four of us will go, "Hey check out that girl".....and five minutes later JC will go, "Wow check out that dog. What kind is it?" He's nuts about dogs."--Chris
If you want to e-mail me,
just give it to Joey and
he'll give it to me.
The mail, that is.

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