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Quoteable Joey

Hey all! This quote page is turning out quite nicely, but there's always room for more. If you have any good Joey quotes, please send them to me along with where it was said. Thanks! And thanks to Pontea, Rin, Holly and Valerie for getting me started with these.
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I'm going to pee my pants!"
"Whatever you like to do, I do it too. I think. I just don't play hop-scotch."
"What do I get--Pepe le pew! What does that tell you? I dont stink! I smell like flowers!"
"The reason my nostrils are so big is cause when I was little I used to pick my nose!"
"Not all my jokes are practical or slapstick, sometimes I get in the middle of a tour bus or airplane and do a whole comedy routine. It's sort of like 'Jerry Seinfeld meets Don Rickles with a little Rodney Dangerfield thrown in.' I'm not afraid to make fun of myself."
"A mushroom walks into a bar and the bartender says "We don't serve your kind here" and he says "Why not? I'm a fungi!"
"I was just dancin and...I don't know. I just felt a breeze, I guess. I thought I just had to fix my belt, and I was like Whoa!"
"Oh, everyone does it! Like we'll all be dancing, and you're the only one doing the wrong dance step and you're like, Whoops! What happened over there? I did something wrong!"
"I'm always happy. I'm the flirtatious, happy-go-lucky one of the band. If someone's down, I try to get him or her in a good mood--that's my charm! I have to look on the bright side of everything."
"There's nothing more attractive than a girl with a sincere smile, I'm really attracted to big smiles and confident attitudes."
"The most romantic thing I've ever done was on my girlfriend's birthday. I sent flowers to her workplace every single hour of her shift What can I say? I'm the sentimental type who will never forget my first kiss."
(Joey)"If I didn't have talent? I don't know what I would be doing..."
(Justin) "You'd still be doing wolfie at Universal Studios."
(Joey)"But if I didn't have talent..."

This one you have got to hear for yourself, so just click on the .wav button and wait for it to download and enjoy! (You might want to push the stop button until it finishes downloading and then push play when it is all done.)

"Joey is charismatic. He's a crooner, a Sinatra,"--JC
"Joey makes annoying sounds."--Chris
"Joey is a womanizer....."--Justin
"Joey is a Lady Killer. He flirts with all the girls."--Lance
"Joey's the Clown"--Chris
"When Joey yawns he makes annoying sounds."--JC
"Joey is like Tickle Me Elmo"--Chris
"He's a happy go lucky kind of guy."--Lance
"Joey is the most talkative and the most flirtatious! He also gets the most phone calls."
If you want to e-mail me,
just give it to Joey and
he'll give it to me.
The mail, that is.

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