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Yes, I met JC. Let me tell ya about it....

Ok, so this is my sort of *N SYNC encounter. I met JC way back when when he was a part of MMC, the band that spun off of The Mickey Mouse Club. I was a sophmore in high school then, which would've made the year 1993. Back then I was in love, ok lust, with Tony Lucca. So, he was the reason I ditched school and made my mom drive me over two hours away to a Target store where the group was supposed to be performing. Just as we arrived there, it began to rain, but I was pretty early so I staked my spot in front of the stage and hoped that the rain would stop before the concert. I stood there in the rain for about an hour, in my leather jacket that was totally ruined by the time they cancelled the show due to the rain. But, the best part was that instead of the show they were going to have an autograph session inside the store. So, I ran to get in line for that. While we were waiting outside, I saw Keri Russell and her sister, even though neither of them were part of MMC. After a very nerve racking wait in line, I finally got up to the table where they were all sitting. Tony was right before JC and since I was so excited about meeting Tony and getting my pic with him, I totally blew off JC. When I got to the end of the line, I realized that I didn't have a picture of JC, so I asked the security guard who was trying to push me out if I could go back. She was busy telling me no when JC noticed what was happening and said to come back. Well, mom and I went back and took his picture, but I wasn't in it. :o( If only I'd known then what I know now. But anyway, I thought it was really sweet of JC to insist that we come back to take his picture and that he took the time and consideration to make sure I was happy. So, while I was on cloud nine cuz I'd met Tony Lucca, JC also made an impression enough for me to remember him. Years later when my sister started watching the Disney Concert special, I went "Hey, isn't that that JC guy from MMC?!?" At the first (and only, so far) concert we went to, my sister and my best friend went to an after party and met the guys and said that JC was looking really tired, but that he was super nice, which is just what I would expect from that sweet boy I met in the men's clothing section at Target way back when....


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