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Honorable MENtion

Thanks for coming to check out the rest of the men in my life. If there is a website related to the hotties you see here, just click on their pic to get to it. And let me know what you think!!


Ok, so they may not be much to look at, but this is Barenaked Ladies, a band who has picked me up on many a bad day. Their music is hilarious if you listen to the lyrics and the guys are just a bunch of goofballs that love to have a good time.

I believe that Justin Jeffre from 98 Degrees deserves more attention than he gets and this is my contribution to that. I can't even explain why I like him so much, maybe it is because he seems to be a lot like me. Anyway, he is a cutie and has the best bass sexy I could listen to it forever. Excuse me while I get on a little soapbox, but I really hate the fact that Justin always has to stand in the back of group pics and that he never takes his shirt off, even though I'd rather see him than any of the other guys shirtless. The link is to a great site about Justin and our very own Joey.

The Bush boys have been a fave of mine for a long time and I must say that their new album is awesome! My fave, however, is Dave, the bassist 2nd from the right. Did you see them on TRL an dhow Carson didn't understand a single word that Dave said? So he just smiled and nodded, the best defense...I do it all the time.

So Matchbox 20 is hot! But truth be known, I really just have the hots for Rob Thomas, which has nothing to do with the fact that he reminds me of my ex, believe me, Rob is way sexier. Anyway, this link is to an awesome site, though it's not the official site. But they have great sound and video clips, so check it out!

Enrique Iglesias is the only latin lover I ever want to have. BTW, his album is AWESOME!! Ricky Martin Who???

This is the awesome man known as Eagle-Eye Cherry and I have to admit that I bought his album because I couldn't get that "Save Tonight" song out of my head, but it turns out that I LOVE the album. Don't ya just love it when that happens??

This is The Getaway People, one of my off the wall bands that I love that seem to be unknown. But I'm sure they will meet the same fate as The Barenaked Ladies, which is actually how I found them, they opened for BNL at the concert I went to. They too will someday become popular, thus releasing my little secret....

Well, I was watching TRL today, not actually a common thing, but Robbie Williams was on and I was reminded of how hot I thought he was. I don't know much about him, but I do think he's hot and I just got his CD and I must say that Carson was right when he said it was the best pop album in a long's awesome!

This is Big Wreck a mostly unknown rock group, but I love their music...and their bass player, Dave, on the far left. NOT the same Dave as from, Bush, I promise, just an errie coincidence.

So I hope that no one immature comes to my page with the false notion that there is some crime in liking *N SYNC and the Backstreet Boys because it's just not true. Besides, I don't like all of them, just A.J. and don't ask me to explain it cuz I can't. It's not that he is especially hot, it's just that he is so freaking weird that it fascinates me. Or maybe it's just the fact that he is the bad boy.

I have loved Tony since I was a sophmore and I recently found out that he's still around, he just put out an album AND...he's as hot as ever.


These are the boys from my fave TV show, Sports Night on ABC on tuesday nights. It is an awesome show that is really well written, directed and performed. I like it mostly because unlike many other sitcoms, this one doesn't insult my intelligence. The guy on the left is Peter Krause (Casey), the guy on top is Josh Charles (Dan) and the guy on the bottom is Josh Malina (Jeremy).

The very first time I watched X-Files with my dad I was scared to sleep, because of the wierd stuff that was happeneing. But after a while I realized what a total hottie David Duchovny was and is. I have also come to realize what an incredible actor he is. The link is to the official X-Files site, it has awesome graphics and animation so go see it!

This fine englishman is Jude Law, who you might recognize from Gattaca or Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I recently saw him in a sweet movie called Music From Another Room and I fell for him. Such a hottie!

So the fact is, it is kind of disturbing that I like a man the same age as my father, but Jeff Goldblum makes my blood boil. I guess I can only hope for a husband that looks as great as he does at that age.

This is Kevin James from The King of Queens. I think he is so adorably, huggably cute. I will try to set the link up soon.

Freddie is definitely All That!!


This fine specimen of a man is Eric Lindros, a hockey player for the Philadelphia Flyers. This is truly the MAN I want to marry someday. The link is to his website. YUMMY!!

Well, aside from Eric, there are many other fine men playing hockey in the NHL. This site has a sampler of all of them, so go check it out and perhaps you'll become a puckbunny too!

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