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Welcome to my new section, Spotlight. Every month I'll try to put up a new feature spotlighting something that is wonderfully fabulous about Joey.

This Month:

Guys butt's aren't usually my thing (probably cuz most of 'em are flat...LoL) but Joey's tooshie is just too adorable to ignore! Here are some example's of Joey's cute behind and if you have anything you'd like me to add, just click on the e-mail icon at the bottom and send it my way, I'll be glad to put it up.


I'm not too sure exactly where they found this chair, or even what would make anybody want to sit in it, but I'm glad Joey risked throwing his back out to bring us this pic!

This is the first pic I ever saw that made me realize how rare Joey's butt really is. The way it's all round and cute...yummy!

My sis is mad at me cuz I cut Justin out of this pic, but we're not here to look at Justin, are we?!?! Not only does his toosh look nice, look at that smile!

Never before have I wished so much that I were in the front row.

I'm a little afraid of what reasons might be behind this guy carrying Joey around, but his butt looks SO sexy in those leather pants. (thanks for pointing it out Joey, we see it!)

Joey wet AND sticking his butt in the air?? Hmmm...

Well, this chair doesn't look uncomfortable, but Joey's making it that way and once again risking his health to bring us a great pic. Thanks babe!!

Don't see your fave
pic of Joey's bum here?
Have an idea for
next month's SPOTLIGHT?
Just give it to Joey and
he'll give it to me.
The mail, that is.