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May 31, 1999

Zoogerator: Welcome Jordan to our Zeethatorium!
Zoogerator: Any opening comments to your fans online?
Jordan_Knight: Thank you for joining me in this chat!
Jordan_Knight: It's a pretty cool way to get connected and talk to each other...
Jordan_Knight: so thanks for all your support!
Jordan_Knight: I have one dog named "Shane",
Jordan_Knight: he's a boxer, but please no little teddy bear boxers...
shades70 says: how old r u?
Jordan_Knight: I just turned 29.
Jordan_Knight: I'm on the cliff, just hanging on!
Jordan_Knight: ::Laughs:::
yuffy says: Did you enjoy working with the New Kid's On The Block?
Jordan_Knight: No!
Jordan_Knight: Just kidding!
Jordan_Knight: It was the experience of a lifetime.
Gar says: Did the newkids realy write there own stuff... or did someone else write it all?
Jordan_Knight: Someone else wrote most of it, his name is Maurice Starr.
Jordan_Knight: He later on became the General, and that's when we started to take more control of our writing and producing.
JoeyJoeM4ever says: Jordan, I love your album, I can't wait to see you in concert in Detroit! Do you feel that you and Joe will ever sing a song together?
Jordan_Knight: We did last night in the hotel lobby!
Jordan_Knight: That's pretty much the only place we have sung together so far.
Krysia says: how did you start your career
Jordan_Knight: Well first, one day I started singing, and I was five years old.
Jordan_Knight: Thus my career!
Tiffany17 says: Does Jordan Knight have a wife or girlfriend??
Jordan_Knight: A girlfriend.
Jordan_Knight: Is that a problem?
tazmanian says: When will he be in the US touring?
Jordan_Knight: Now!
Jordan_Knight: I'm touring with N'sync in July and August, and June doing a radio tour.
tater99473 says: What are your hobbies
Jordan_Knight: My hobbies are photography and basketball.
Taylor16 says: Do u like sports if so whats your favorite sport
Jordan_Knight: I like basketball.
Jordan_Knight: I always like playing sports rather than watching them.
Jordan_Knight: I like baseball and softball. And tennis.
Jordan_Knight: I like playing it but I can't stand watching them!
zoogermuf says: so what is your idea of the perfect girl?
Jordan_Knight: Ummm...
Jordan_Knight: Intelligent.
Jordan_Knight: A sense of humor.
Jordan_Knight: Independent, and of course, Very Sexy!
tixero says: what is your favorite color?
Jordan_Knight: Black...just kidding.. I also like Blue and Red.
JordanluvrZ says: I LVE U JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!
Jordan_Knight: Fantastic!!!:)
Anzea says: what color are youre eyes
Jordan_Knight: RIght now they are blood-shot red, but they are usually brown.
Jordan_Knight: Due to loads of traveling!
DULCE_NENA says: First, I wanna say hello to Jordan and I've been a fan since NKOTB, you are very talented. When u started to do this album were u at all worried about what critics would say or question ur talent?
Jordan_Knight: Somewhat, because the sound of music being played at the start was different,
Jordan_Knight: so I didn't know if I was washed up
Jordan_Knight: But I kept doing it and and it worked out.
Jordan_Knight: Sometimes what you fear isn't a reality,and you really can't see what the truth is.
CA03 says: do you now what the other New Kids on the Block are doing ,besides Joey ?
Jordan_Knight: Besides Joe, Jonathan Knight my brother, is really serious into real estate development,
Jordan_Knight: Danny Wood has started an independent record label in Florida,
Jordan_Knight: Donny Wahlberg is pursuing an acting career.
Anzea says: whats youre favorite band
Jordan_Knight: My favorite band is the Beatles!
Agan9 says: I also want to tell you never to change, because that is why I like you so much.
Jordan_Knight: Did you just listen to Joe's song, thanks for the compliment. I just saw him in the lobby!
mattperky says: Well when does you CD come out?
Jordan_Knight: My CD came out Tuesday, and "You have to Get It" is the name of the CD!
Agan9 says: Who inspired you?
Jordan_Knight: My dog.
Jordan_Knight: Just kidding.
Jordan_Knight: No one in particular, a lot of people, my parents, friends of mine, Robert De Niro, and Joe Pesci!
CA03 says: You did great on your first vidio, are you thinking of doing another one ?
Jordan_Knight: No!
Jordan_Knight: One's enough...
Jordan_Knight: Yes, of course I plan to do many videos, and I enjoy the process of making videos.
Jordan_Knight: I love it.
kirne says: do you like being o your own singing or in a group better
Jordan_Knight: I liked the group thing, but I really enjoy very much being a solo artist...
Jordan_Knight: and I wouldn't trade it!
fraskolia says: jordan at least say one thing to me like hi cause i will be crushed if you don't talk to me or say one word to me
Jordan_Knight: Hi Fraskolia!! I hope you are having a good day, and I hope you won't be crushed later on...
Jordan_Knight: Is someone else going to crush you, or will you be crushing yourself... Just kidding!
nicks98girl says: Jordan u attended Sweetstock on Saturday in u remember driving by on ur way out and a girl yelling I luv you Jordan lol that wuz me but u probably could care less..
Jordan_Knight: A lot of girls scream a lot of things, but thank you for your message.
Jordan_Knight: I do care a lot about my fans, and it would be great to meet you sometime in the future.
CA03 says: Do you still keep in touch with the other New Kides on the Block?
Jordan_Knight: All the time!
Jordan_Knight: We are pretty good friends,and we've gone through such a good experience together..
Jordan_Knight: it's always good to talk and keep in touch with them.
larue390 says: What is your favorite song you wrote and why
Jordan_Knight: Well, I am asked this a lot, and I can never come up with one song.
Jordan_Knight: It's like a mother looks at her children, they are all special and unique.
Jordan_Knight: Of course my mom always liked my brother better...just kidding.
Kiara140 says: I can't believe I'm talking to you! My friends also love you, and we've been wondering when is your birthday?
Jordan_Knight: Wow, that's great. My birthday just passed, May 17th!
Jordan_Knight: And I was born in 1970.
Zoogerator: what sign?
Jordan_Knight: I am a Taurus the Bull.
CA03 says: What are some of your favorite movies?
Jordan_Knight: Goodfellas.
Jordan_Knight: All the Mob movies, Casino, and of course the classic Lion King!
Zoogerator: did you cry when his father died?
Jordan_Knight: I cried when his father died!
sxbubbles says: What do you miss about being in the band?
Jordan_Knight: I miss the comradery, all the inside jokes we had when we were onstage, doing interviews and hanging out.
Jordan_Knight: That kind of stuff.
Jordan_Knight: There were a lot of laughs, and precious moments!
Mystic5550 says: When your touring with N'SYNC, will you be doing concerts together?
Jordan_Knight: Yes we will be doing concerts together, not singing together, but on the same show.
Jordan_Knight: It will be all through the summer, throughout the United States.
Jordan_Knight: The group Five will open,then N'sync, then I go on!
cchauvenne says: Hi , Jordan I LOVE your music . Do you have any advice for people who want to be singers or be in a Band ?
Jordan_Knight: Yes. Sing, and also join a band! I'm serious too!
Jordan_Knight: (actually I go on before N'sync!)
Zoogerator: What would be the first step towards their dream?
Jordan_Knight: Just start singing, sing everyday-don't have doubts,
Jordan_Knight: if you really want to be a singer,be passionate about it,
Jordan_Knight: and develop your skills and have confidence.
Jordan_Knight: The first step is to open your mouth and start singing!
Jordan_Knight: I got the idea from the last scene of "Grease" one of my favorite movies.
WhyNot17 says: Hey Jordan. So Happy yu are back! What was the toughest thing about making your "comeback"? (Tho you never left our hearts..)
Jordan_Knight: The toughest thing was trying to pursuade people that the music I had would work, and could be enjoyed.
Jordan_Knight: Alot of people told me to slash some of the music and try to re-do some of it.
Jordan_Knight: So remember kids, YOU MUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
batgrl39 says: hey jordan!....first, i'd just like to say, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!, and second, if you didn't sing, what profession would you have?
Jordan_Knight: If I didn't sing, maybe I would be a professional dancer.
nkb15 says: do you plan on touring with britney spears
Jordan_Knight: That would be nice!
Jordan_Knight: But no.
blueyes says: do you want to go into movies?
Jordan_Knight: Not at this point in time, but it seems like a fun thing to do,
Jordan_Knight: maybe down the road.
Jordan_Knight: But for now I will stick to my music.
rimas5 says: Do you have an idea for the video for "I Could Never Take the Place Of Your Man" yet?
Jordan_Knight: No.
Jordan_Knight: I really, really don't.
Jordan_Knight: Still trying to figure out what should be the next single.
Jordan_Knight: Any ideas?
spanishcat1 says: hi J, I'm Cati from Madrid, Spain, i just wanna tell u thet I LOVE your album, sigue asi!!!
Jordan_Knight: Thank you, it's fans like you that keep me going!
batgrl39 says: how has being a member of the nkotb, been helpful to you now?
Jordan_Knight: It's taught me a lot of things about the music business,
Jordan_Knight: being in the studio making music, putting together stage performance.
Jordan_Knight: I learned everything, it's like getting a college degree in being a solo artist.
Jen525 says: What was you big motivation for your hit song?
Jordan_Knight: The motivation would be, a strong passion that you have for a woman that you really are attracted to.
Jordan_Knight: And the feelings that go along with that.
comebackcats7 says: What is the best and worst thing about being famous?--Sandra
ashley_85 says: Jordan,I just wanted to say that i was a BIG fan of yours when you were a New Kid On The Block and i still am!!They say fans don't last forever...This one will-Ashley Buchanan,Okla
AllAboutJordan says: One final was your Memorial Day? go to a BBQ? well, whatever you did i hope you had fun!
comebackcats7 says: What is your favorite college basketball team?--Sandra
Jordan_Knight: The best thing is a lot of people treat you special.
letop99 says: are the ballads on your album dedicated to a special person?
Jordan_Knight: You get to cut in lines, get free things,
Jordan_Knight: and most of all you get to touch other people in a positive way.
Jordan_Knight: That's the best thing, making people happy.
Jordan_Knight: The worst thing is people thinking your are public property.
Jordan_Knight: Not much privacy.
beth1979 says: Hi Jordan, my name is Beth Anne. I am twenty and have Cerebral Palsy. You are my favorite singer and I love your new album. My favorite song is Broken by You. I am going to see you in July in Pittsburgh and I can't wait. I just wanted to tell you I love you and wish you all the luck in the world! !
Jordan_Knight: Broken by You is also a favorite of mine, and hopefully I will be able to meet you at the show!
PooBear43 says: I like it that you play the piano. i was teaching myself how to play until my keyboard was stolen and that broke my heart. i want to continue learning but i can't really afford another keyboard. Any ideas on how i can keep going without one?
Jordan_Knight: Why don't you write about your story so maybe people will help you to buy another keyboard.
comebackcats7 says: I must be honest, the first time i listened to your album I didn't like it, but after listening several times with and open mind, I can't stop playing it. your album is great!!-sandy
Jordan_Knight: Well, hey ! Thanks for hangin in there!
Jordan_Knight: A lot of people may have an expectation of something, but it doesn't meet their expectations at first.
Jordan_Knight: So listen with an open mind.
Leetinigh says: My Sister has your doll, from when you were in New Kids on THe Block
Jordan_Knight: Great! The doll is great because I never have to worry about working on my abs again!
Jordan_Knight: I have immortal abs!
Jordan_Knight: It's been great to hang out with Barbie a few times!
Vneck0 says: Okay Jordan, I'm starting to get a little hurt. I have been trying to communicate with you for 30 minutes, and none of my questions have been posted yet. I'm starting to cry...........: (
Jordan_Knight: Well wipe your tears my little friend. (Vneck0)
Jordan_Knight: I'm answering you as we speak.
Jordan_Knight: Smile :)
Jordan_Knight: Thanks for writing!!
sam517 says: Who is one person you'd like to work with on a song?
Jordan_Knight: Oh boy...I think I'd like to work with producer Glen Ballard, he produced Alanis Morrissette's album.
Jordan_Knight: He's a veteran producer.
ashley_85 says: People always compare the "boybands" to n.k.o.t.b. do you feel proud to say that you and the other new kids on the block kinda sarted this big tend? also, how does it feel to tour with a "boyband"
Jordan_Knight: I feel honored that the other groups were inspired by us, yes.
Jordan_Knight: And it's gonna be very exciting to tour with N'sync in the summertime.
Jordan_Knight: I'm sure we share some of the same fans, and it will bring back a lot of memories for me.
Dusty286 says: I have a 4 year ol daughter named Destiny who just loves you. When she heard that I was going to talk to you she went nuts. She wants me to tell you hi and dhe loves you.
Jordan_Knight: Thank you for your excitement, hello Destiny, I love you too!
irc` says: when did you first start singing? i'm trying to teach my cat
Jordan_Knight: Wow. I started singing when I was six, but I don't know what that equals in cat years!
Sammy544 says: My name is are soooo cool.How many people do you think come to you in concert?
Jordan_Knight: Usually about 3 or 4 thousand per night.
maleessa says: Jordan, how was the show today in Buffalo? How was it seeing Joe again?
Jordan_Knight: It's always great to see Joe, because we are such good friends.
Jordan_Knight: The show was great, it's been a long time since I've been in Buffalo,
Jordan_Knight: so it's great to see they still support me.
Kenj45 says: Do you sing in the shower?
Jordan_Knight: I do, all the time, I really do!
Jordan_Knight: Lots of times I do my vocal warm-ups in the shower.
LadyCabDriver1 says: What made you decide to cover a song by Prince on your new album?
Jordan_Knight: I've always been a big fan of Prince, and I noticed lots of artists cover his songs just like him.
Jordan_Knight: But I wanted to do a cover of Prince, but make it very different from the original.
SeahorseLove says: what inspired you to write broken by you? are you broken hearted?
Jordan_Knight: You might have to ask Jimmy Jam that, I didn't write one word in that song!
shelby770 says: do you feel strange when people you don't know come up to you and start talking to you like they've known you for years?
Jordan_Knight: Well, that would be very strange, I must admit!
sam517 says: Is there one incident at a performance that you'll always remember?
Jordan_Knight: One of the first performances I ever had, I walked off of the stage when the music was still playing!
Jordan_Knight: Yes! But it usually fades very quickly.
Zoogerator: what kind of love DO you believe in?
Jordan_Knight: I believe in love that is fun, that is caring, giving and that is honest.
beachgirl99 says: Jordan, where is your favorite place to go on tour or vacation?
Jordan_Knight: One of my favorite places is Australia.
mb841 says: do you like rollercoasters, skydiving, bungee-jumping, things like that?
Jordan_Knight: Yes!!
Jordan_Knight: But I have yet to skydive, but I am looking forward to it.
zingzong2 says: What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?
Jordan_Knight: Summer camp was always fun.
Jordan_Knight: I'm getting my dogs and sled ready as we speak!
Jordan_Knight: Just kidding, I've always wanted to go to Alaska,
Jordan_Knight: It's so beautiful, so it's definitely something to think about!
Pindara says: If you could change one thing in your life, no matter how great or small, what would it be, or would you change a thing?
Jordan_Knight: If I could change one thing in my life, I guess I would eliminate worry from my mind.
Jordan_Knight: That would be fun.
moecrunk says: i want to become a fashion designer in the future, do you have any advice you could give me. pleasse! luv ya!
Jordan_Knight: I would say just really try to persevere, and have persistance in what you do.
Jordan_Knight: If you really really love it, eventually it will become a reality.
Jordan_Knight: But you can NEVER GIVE UP!
Chryztal19 says: What did you want to be when you were little ?
Jordan_Knight: I wasn't thinking that far ahead when I was little, I lived in the moment, I guess!
Jordan_Knight: I just did whatever my heart told me to do!
AllCoolMusic says: Jordan, Does Shane ever try to eat you when your playin? My dog atacks me but we have fun!
Jordan_Knight: Shane has never tried to eat me, I feed him every day!
Jordan_Knight: Usually if he plays with me, and uses his mouth, he's very gentle.
PnYpRiNcEsSZoOg5 says: Whats your fave food?
Jordan_Knight: These days anything that is in front of my face!
Jordan_Knight: It seems on tour food is hard to come by!
Jordan_Knight: Good food, that is:)
shacat1 says: Jordan, I've been waiting for this chat so that I could have the chance to tell you how proud of you I am and how much I love the album. :) Shadow
Jordan_Knight: Thank you very much, I've been working on getting it out for a long time now.
Jordan_Knight: When I hear things like that, it makes me feel very satisfied.
Jordan_Knight: And worth all the effort!
Zoogerator: Well, Jordan we must wrap it up! any closing inspirational comments to your fans online?
Jordan_Knight: To all the people out there who have bought my album, I'd like to thank you very much!
Jordan_Knight: I hope it brings you positive things in your life, positive feelings.
Jordan_Knight: And thank you very much!
Zoogerator: Bye Jordan, you were totally awesome DUDE! And we'll look out for your new album! Good luck with your all your success!