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~Christmas 2002~

I have decided to do a Christmas page this year. Christmas will be different this year because of our new member of our family...Wilbur the cat. We have had to change quite a few things around the house this year because of him and his affection of things that dangle and he can climb,,,like a Christmas tree


~Living Room~

This year we have removed two level of branches off the lower part of the tree and are still debating whether to put garland around it like last year. He still swats at the ornaments at the bottom but he does it gently.

Wilbur in Tree

Wilbur Under Tree


~Dining Room~

Because of Wilbur we were unable to hang most of the onrmations on the tree so instead we hung the lights with garland over the archway in the dining room with six of the ornamations dangling from that. Wilbur enjoys watching them and we enjoy that he can't reach them


This is taken from our family room

My computer is in the dining room and this nativity scene is at the top of the computer stand, another move so that the cat couldn't get at it. I made this nativity about 11 years ago and I just love it.

I also put some garland with some lights under it and when the main light is turned off it looks so pretty in the dining room. I have to thank for Wilbur for that!


Wilbur watching santa band in book case, the moving band just fasinates him.



~Family Room~

This is on the other side of the archway in the dining room and here is Wilbur on his cat tree eating. I like to put garland up over each window with a bow in the middle, Wilbur can't get these either.

he he he

Here is Wilbur on the back of the chair in the family room.


This is a picture of the kitchen taken from the family room, we have a open concept house. The Mr and Mrs Clause we bought 18 years ago and I redid them last year. (They are on either side of the west window, the window to the right of the picture is actually the patio door.)Wilbur hasn't bothered with them, which I'm very thankful for.

This is our patio door

I tried to take a picture of the lights in our backyard, but they didn't turn out, you can only see the snowman out there.


This is one of Wilbur's favorite spots


I have added a few pictures of the park across the street from us and what we get to see every day from our living room window. It was hard to get the pictures to come out so I only have a couple.


How to cat proof a tree

So thanks for dropping by, I hope you liked the tour. I will be updating my web site every so often so please come by again and I hope you and yours have a Very Merry Christmas.


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