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Veritas Academy Bookstore
Marriage and Family

Marriage: A Path to Sanctity by Abad and Fenoy provides a refreshing alternative to the modern view of marriage as a means to self-fulfillment: marriage as a means of sanctity and holiness. Covenanted Happiness by Cormac Burke offers an excellent overview of the nature of marriage and defends its indissolubility.
By Love Refined: Letters to a Young Bride by Alice von Hildebrand supplies many small, practical insights into fostering the growth of married love. This delightful book makes a wonderful gift for an engaged or newly married couple to read together.
Love & Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla (now Pope John Paul II) furnishes a philosophically rich (and challenging!) defense of the Church's position regarding the transmission of life. Why Humanae Vitae Was Right, an anthology edited by Janet Smith, contains essays by a range of authors who trace a variety of paths to support the book's assertion.
Totally Organized by Bonnie McCullough offers an excellent guide to efficient household management, with the stated goal of making family life more pleasant for everyone. Is There Life after Housework?, written by a professional housecleaner, contains very practical advice about how to clean more quickly and easily, while Children Who Do Too Little tells how (and why) to get children helping around the house.

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