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Veritas Academy Bookstore
Character Books for Children

The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories is the first of four 'virtue' anthologies edited by William Bennet. This is quite a hefty book, containing a wealth of classic stories organized around a series of themes that instruct both the mind and the heart in upright ways of acting and thinking.
Book of Virtues for Young People: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories This is a smaller selection of stories culled from the larger anthology above, geared specifically for middle-school children. The book features some engravings, woodcuttings and photographs.
The Children's Book of Heroes This is a child-friendly selection of stories with color illustrations. As the title suggestions, the focus here is on providing tales with vivid memorable characters that will hopefully inspire young listeners.
The Children's Book of Virtues is another child-friendly selection of virtue-oriented stories. Featuring delightful illustrations, it is an excellent companion to the Book of Heroes cited above. This is a 'read-to' book for Pre-K through second grade, and a 'read-it-yourself' book for third and fourth graders.

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