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welcome to

the shack
a bohemian cyber cafe

update bells are ringing.....

not some were else, right here!!!!

greatings to the newest of new bohemian cyber cafe. here we try to bring you in to the action and in the show to discuss and vote in topics concerning and protaining to rent. will host much things to be discussed, with polls and message boards it will be a hoppin place to go "out tonight" while still @ your computer. we hope to make this a festive community where we hope you will take part and enjoy all we have to offer here @ no day but 2DAY - a bohemian cyber cafe!

Vote at the poll
Who do you like most?

Current Results

Please e-mail me with ideas for new RENT polls! Thanx!

Showing? - Check up on thenewly updated RENT tour list
Pictures - My collection of RENTpictures from all over
Bios - Small bios of each character in RENT
Midis - My collection on RENT midis
Quiz - My new RENT quiz
Souvenirs - A link to the officail souvenir web page
Links - My collection of the best RENT link
Webings - The webring I have joined
Jonathan Larson - The creator of RENT
Awards -Awards RENT has won
e-mail me -E-mail me with you questions of comments

Please remember to sign my guestbook! Thank you!

"Would you lite my candle?"

Who makes the cutiest cupple?

Current Results

Jonathan Larson
February 4, 1960 - January 25, 1996

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Sign my guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View my guestbook

I owe $ in RENT

UPDATED 9/3/2004

Quote of the week "Today for you, tomarrow for me!" P>Now playing: Seasons of Love

I am in NO way affilated with Jonathan Larson or any of the RENT casts