when is it EVER right to take the life of ANY creature? why do some believe they have the right to condemn other creatures to death?? no one's life is any others for the taking!!!
every day the human species murders millions of animals for such things as the production of food and clothing. and all the while we are mutiplying our own animal race that is nearing an astonishing 6 BILLION. we take our beautiful earth and it's creatures for granted; pumping tons of pollution into our land and waterways, oppressing, enslaving and murdering innocent creatures who have more rights to exist on this planet than we do, and constantly waging war with our own human species all for the acumulation of personal power, wealth and satisfaction.
we have also created numerous double standards in the way we live: we can't just walk up to a person and blow their brains out, but we allow people to hunt and shoot down creatures living in their natural habitat. we are enraged if someone murders a family member, but then are blinded by the need for revenge so another is killed to "pay" for the damage. some are against the killing of the unborn, but go home to consume body parts and fluids from innocent murdered creatures.
if we truely wish to erase violence from our society, we must discontinue the brutal and unneccesary murder of ALL beings. only then will we be able to give peace and love a real chance.
. . . piX to make you think . . .
. . . hungry for a hotdog ? . .
my view on abortion?
i believe that no one has the right to kill any innocent creature!
for me, animal rights and human rights go hand in hand. people always compare slavery to slaughterhouses and it seems as though to get more sensitivity from others one must always bring up humans. back in time, when blacks were not free, most people didn't think twice about them actually having brains and feelings. i just don't understand how people can discriminate who and what they think should be mistreated and even killed for their own benifits! life is life, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant. any creature having started a life in this world should be able to live out their full and natural existance; animal rights people should be all too familiar with this! still, some argue that it is the women's body so it is her choice-but what about the little women inside of the wombs? do they have no rights simply because they have not been born? and what kind of "choice" is killing the very life inside of you? i think that if people were educated to be more responsible for their actions and if humans would learn to accept and respect the life that surrouonds us, our world would rid itself of great suffering.
we women are, among numerous things, designed to make beautiful creatures-it is our natural ability to bring life into this world. it is special and neither society or technology should be able to hinder that in any way. life is beautiful; look in the mirror!
. . [ silent scream ] . .
"Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women."
-Alice Paul, Author of The Equal Rights Amendment (1923)
. . . did somebody say mcdonalds ? ? .

. . . home . . .