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Music, Sounds and Other Files


Dear Mr. Jesus
Dear Mister Jesus - Shelter From The Storm Records and Tapes Produced by Richard Klender Gospel Workshop for children, Inc. Real Audio file created by Loupgarou Inc. Used with Permission. Permission requests for Freely distributing Dear Mr. Jesus, can be gotten from DPatrol Joanie at
Flute song
A midi of the flute song played by Picard. Forgot the real name for it.

Bloopers/Out takes

TOS Out Take
I always thought McCoy and Kirk were close...I didn't think they were this close though. An out take. Kirk and McCoy are on the bridge. Kirk is sitting down. Kirk says something. McCoy leans over, gets close to Kirk and well...let's just say you are going to have to see this for yourselves to believe it.


Very Funny
*Transporter hum. Kirk Chuckling.*

"Very funny. NOW, BEAM DOWN MY CLOTHES!!!"

The Captains Meet
"Captain James Kirk of the United StarShip Enterprize."
"NO! You are out of your mind! This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprize."
"Don't you think you better check with me first?"
"I would appreciate an explanation. That is enough, DAMMIT!"
"Get off my ship! Go to your quarters or I'll pick you up and carry you there."
"Mr. Worf, throw him in the brig."
"Delighted, Captain."
Enterprize vs Barney
"I love you, you love me. We're a..."
*Cheesy Sound Effects*
"He's dead, Jim."
"No, I don't think so."
"I love you, you love me..."
"Capt'n, what'll we do?"
"Scotty, give me that power!"
*Cheesy Sound Effects*
"I love you, you love m..."
"It's medicly impossible. His brain is gone. It won't die."
"Capt'n, what'll we do?"
"Scotty, get us out of here."
*Cheesy Sound Effects*
Worf Rap
Worf rapping the 'I protest, I am not a merry man.' line. Then Q comes back with, "Oh, very cleaver Worf."

Text Files

Your Starship Captain just might be a redneck if...
Twenty-five ways to tell if your Starship Captain is a redneck. If one or more of these apply, then be prepared to run in the other direction. Obtained from ArcaMax Jokes.

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You Know You Watch Too Much Star Trek When...
Plenty of ways to tell if you watch too much Star Trek. (Watch too much Star Trek? There's no such thing as watching too much Star Trek!!)
The Night Before Star Trek Christmas
There's no explanation there? (Ut oh..we're in trouble if there is one needed...can't go into detail without spoiling the story. }:-])
Enterprise Meets Road Runner
Here's a what if joke...what if the crew of the (TOS) Enterprize met up with Road Runner from looney toons? These would most likely be the Captain's Logs narrating the insedent.
The Borg List
Sayings/People/whatever generalized with/about/in the Borg collective.
Star Trek Smileys
A small list of different Star Trek smileys.
Who's On First
If you thought the Three Stooges version was bad, then you'd really groan at this Classic Trek Style of Who's On First.
Bones Jokes
For a variation of 'He's dead, Jim', you have come to the right place. Some are really good..
The Writing Of The Last Episode
Author Unknown. Something to ponder about the possible writing of the last ST:TNG episode.
21 Things that never happen in Star Trek
And if they do happen, better start thinking of watching something else.
Get Promoted On Star Trek
With these ten sure fire ways, there's no way you can fail to make Admiral quicker than Kirk.
Bumper Stickers
Top Ten Bumper Stickers on the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Data's Detached Head
Top 20 Uses For Data's Detached Head.
Signs of a bad Trek Convention
Ten ways you can tell that it's a bad Star Trek Convention. Got any other signs? E-mail me at with the subject as Bad Trek Convention Submission.
Reasons Why Sisko Is Better Than Anyone
o_O This file speaks for itself. O_o
Kirk Vs. Picard
100 things that show the differences between the two captains.
Fav. Activities of Capt. Picard
Top 10 Favorite Activites of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Everything That Can Go Wrong...
Fan-Fic rated R by auther.
Amanda's Q(uest)
A little poem-like review of a TNG episode that I cooked up a few years ago. --007 of 9
Thought I'd bring up this little tune from out under the piles of dust it was collecting in. It's to the tune of 'Jingle Bells'. -- 007 of 9


007 of 9
The real 007 of 9 (As if! ^_^). Animated gif of 007 uneasily laughing. What the subject was that made her this way is unknown. *Shrugs* Maybe she finaly snapped....

=/\= Index =/\=