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Top Ten Ways To Get Promoted On Star Trek

  1. Steer the ship. (hey, it worked for Geordie and Wesley!)
  2. Don't go down on the planet with Kirk if you're wearing a red shirt.
  3. Occupy any position but Chief of Security (Worf's been doing it for six years and he's still only a lieutenant)
  4. Cleavage is good.
  5. Tell Picard you think bald men in power are sexy.
  6. Don't tell Kirk you think that bald men in power are sexy.
  7. Kill off higher ranking officers and all other people in line for the position you'd like.
  8. Seize control of the first officer's mind (or the captain's) and take over the ship.
  9. Sleep with Riker.
  10. Sleep with Kirk.

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