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You Know You Watch Too Much Star Trek When...

  • You send weekly love letters to the actress who played the Green Skinned Orion Slave Girl in episode number 7.
  • You pull the legs off your hamster so you'll have a tribble.
  • You tried to join the Navy just so you could serve aboard the Enterprise.
  • Your wife left you because you wanted her to dress like a Klingon and torture you for information.
  • You went to San Francisco to see if you might bump into Kirk and crew while they were in the 20th century looking for a whale.
  • Your college thesis was a Comparison of the Illustrious Careers of T.J. Hooker and Captain Kirk.
  • You fly into a homicidal rage anytime people say "Star Trek? Isn't that the one with Luke Skywalker?"
  • You have no life.
  • You recognize more than 4 references on this list.
  • You join NASA, hijack a shuttle, and head for the coordinates you calculated for the planet Vulcan.
  • You wear a Bajoran earring to work all the time. (Stephanie A. Smith)
  • You're engaged to Captain Robert T. April, who was captain of the Enterprise even before Captain Pike! (Stephanie Smith)
  • You can say "make it so" in casual conversation.
  • Indignation because the periodic table doesn't include dilithium and tritanium.
  • You are able to use "variable phase inverter" in a sentence without excessive thought first.
  • You have more than one pair of Spock ears on junk drawer.
  • You have figured out the stardate system.
  • You have a sudden urge to wear lots of Lycra.
  • You scan the shelves at local liquor store for synthehol.
  • The Star Trek theme becomes background music for your dreams.
  • Major quote sources for thesis are Shakespeare, the Bible, and "The Omega Glory".
  • You memorize of the crew's authorization codes.
  • You forget that present-day elevators don't have voice interface.
  • You attend a convention wearing non-Terran vestments.
  • You have actual serious thoughts about buying that $300 model of the Enterprise from the Franklin Mint
  • You understand Klingon.
  • You lecture any science professor on how transporters work.
  • You play fizzbin and understand it.
  • "The Outrageous Okona" seems like a fine piece of writing and dramatic stylistics.
  • You pay rapt attention during those endless special effects sequences in ST:TMP.
  • You have inexplicable rock-climbing urges.
  • You have more than three original episode outlines buried in your drawers.
Want to add to this list? E-mail me at with your submission(s), name and e-mail address (optional) and I'll post it up as soon as possible.

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