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ReViEw Of My BsB cOnCeRt

Okay...basically on October 21st, I went to the Backstreet Boys concert! To some it up in 2 words, it was DA BOMB! They had the best performance ever. All the guys looked so hot...and their voices were fantastic! I went w/ my 2 friends (sup Chi and Katey) and my cuz Jenna. We got at the arena around 6pm and got our tickets. We had really good seats. Floor..section 2..row 14! We were right near the black box where the guys fly out of. Before the show, I saw AJ and Nick backstage. I didn't actually go backstage, but the curtain was kinda open and I saw AJ walk by and Nick was sitting down playing w/ a basketball. The concert started and they came out of the black box...that they fly out of in the beginning. They performed "Larger Than Life" and started flying around again and Brian flew right next to us. I had a sign that said "Ashlee loves Brian" and I was waving it around and he saw it and he pointed at me...smiled and waved at me! That was the best part! They continued to sing and my friend's and my sing connected and it said "We love Frick and Frack" and we waved it when Nick was facing us and he saw it and he pointed and smiled!! =0) They sang 19 songs total and finished w/ "I Want It That Way". They had like 8-10 costume changes and all the outfits were cute. The concert ended at 11:30pm and then we left. The concert was great! They had a great performance! P.S. I'LL HAVE A LIST OF THE SONGS THEY SANG IN ORDER SOON!!