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Poem by, Armysgm172

This the senseless war

As I look out in the distant land
I hear the sound of rifles
firing their rounds into the air.

And as the night progresses on
I hear the sounds of popping
not of bags but of mortars
firing their rounds into the air
in this the senseless war.

And as the night progresses to day
you hear the sounds of guns
not small one but big ones
called artillery
firing their rounds into the air,
and as you look to the sky
you see planes flying overhead
not small ones but big ones
called B-52's in this the senseless war.

And as the bombs are being dropped
there are cheers below
not because we have hatred in our heart
but because we are praying that
the bombs get the ones
who are trying to get us
in this the senseless war.

And as we go from day to day
we think not of killing and hatred
but we think of the girl we left at home
and pray she is there when we return
from this the senseless war.

Well, the war has ended
the rifles have fired their last rounds,
the popping is of bags now, not mortars,
the guns are small ones called pop guns
the artillery is put in there armories,
and the planes are in their hangers
in this the senseless war.
And oh yes
as for the girl you left at home
she is gone too
and all that is left
is the Memories
of this this senseless war.

© April 7, 1968 PFC James H. Meyer

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