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Sir Shiva Dancing Court Jester of Castle Mrrowl (Official Provider of Silliness and Wishes)

Shiva Dancing was born on June 17, 1996

The first picture we saw of Shiva (25 days old) He's the grey and white one.

Jinjorbred's Shiva Dancing is from the first litter of a naturally born Sphynx named George Burns and Jinjorbred's Queen Noor. Shiva is a pet quality Sphynx, although his brothers and sisters have gone far in the cat show circuit.


We fell in love with Shiva from the first time we saw the picture above. He has grown into quite a cat. I can honsetly say I have never known a cat like Shiva. He loves everybody he meets.

We were told that cats have a very short memory span... Shiva never forgets! His memory is amazing. He is also an amazing bug hunter. He will spot a bug and show you where it is.

He has a silly side as well and you can always count on him to make you laugh when your down.

Shiva is very large for his breed. We attribute this to his father's "wild" background. Shiva's grandparents on his dad's side are two long-haired barn-cats from Tennessee named Cali and Piggy.

I love Shiva to death and he's my baby. He takes real good care of me and we have a lot of interesting talks. Shiva has a huge vocabulary and has a lot to say. He's very good at communicating what he wants out of life and usually gets it.

Shiva has a magic belly. Many times people have asked him for wishes. If Shiva feels it's a reasonable wish (he does accept occasonal bribes) he'll let you rub his belly and state your wish. Most of the time he grants the wishes. It's really amazing, but we've seen it happen too many times. It only works if he agrees to it... a forced or unwanted rub never works.

A handsome naked guy

Shiva being silly

Shiva and our "fake" dog, Spike