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Book of Shadows- Season 2

How are you? I'm fine. Here is some of the things out of the Book of Shadows, or other spells that are on Charmed.

Witch Trial

Spell to Vanquish Jeremy
The Power of Three Will Set You Free

Woogie Man Spell
I am light
I am one too strong to fight
Return to dark where shadows dwell
You cannot have this Halliwell
Go away and leave my sight
And take away this endless night

Spell to Vanquish Nicholas
Lavender, memosa, holy thistle
Cleanse this evil from out mist
Scatter it's cells throughout time
Let this Nick no longer exsist.

Spell to invoke powers
Hear now the words of the witches
The secrets we hid in the night
The oldest of gods are invoked here
The great work of magic is sought
In this night and in this hour
I call upon the ancient power
Bring your powers to we sisters three
We want the power
Give us the power

Gram's note
Happy Aniversary
My Darlings

Morality Bites

Spell to Go Into Time
Hear these Words
Hear the rhyme
We send to you
This burning time
Then our future selfs
Will Find
In another place
And time

Some Spells in the Book of Shadows in the future:
To create a Door
To Enduce Slumber
To change one's appearence
To create Money
To bend someone's will
To erase a memory
Binding Spell

To Create a Door
When you find your passage blocked
All you have to do is knock

The Painted World

Smart Spell
Spirits send the Words
From all across the land
Allow me to absorb them
Through the touch of
Either hand
For 24 hours
From 7 to 7
I will understand
All meanings
Of the words
From here to heaven
And P.S. there will be no personal gain

The Devil's Music

What is said about Masselin
Trapped within the demon, the unfortunates are kept alive, their souls tourtured for the pleasure he gets from their suffering. The demon seeks willing, trusting souls delivered by the one who sealed the pact.

She's A Man, Baby, a Man

What it said about the Succubus...
When a witch renounces all human emotion and makes a pact with darkness to protect herself from heartbreak she becomes Succubus, a sexual preditor.
She seeks out powerful men, who become helpless against her magic, then feeds on their testosteronewith her razor sharp tongue.

To attract the Succubus
By the Forces of Heaven and Hell
Draw to us this women fell
Bring from her foul desire
That she may parish as moth to fire

That Old Black Magic

(In Twowatha's book)
To Disenpower a Witch
A red ribbon tie
Round a fresh human heart
Before the casting
Of this hour
Take away all of their powers

They're Everywhere

To Hear Secret Thoughts
As plain light shadows
And truth ends fear
Open locked thoughts
To my mind's willing ear
May the smoke from this candle
Into everywhere creep
Bring intermost voices
To my mind in speech

Reckless Abandon

What Patti wrote about babies
Sometimes a baby just has to cry


Awakening Spell
You need a poppet and blood of the person to be awakened:
Troubled blood with sleep's unease
Remove the cause of this disease
Sleep eternal nevermore
And shift this source of illness borne
To this poppet whom none shall mourn

To Reverse the Awakening spell
What was awakened from its sleep
Must once again slumber deep

Animal Pragmatism

Love Spell (Made by Phoebe for her college friends)
From the strike of 12 count 24
That's how long this spell is for
If to abate my lonely heart
Enchant these gifts I thee empart

To turn the guys back into animals (actually turned everyone into animals)
Something wicked in our midst
In human forms these spirits dwell
Make them animal sayeth this spell

Pardon My Past

Past Life Spell
Cast by Phoebe
Remove the chains of time and Space
And make my spirit soar
Let these mortal arms embrace
The life that haunts before

Spell to Kill Phoebe
Cast by past Prue and past Piper
Evil Witch in my sight
Vanquish thy self
Vanquish thy might
In this, and every life

Spell to Switch Bodies With a Past Life
Cast by Phoebe
In theis time
And in this place
Take this spirit I displace
Bring it forth, while I go back
To inhabit a soul so black

Spell to Return to Present Life
Cast by Phoebe
In this time and in this place
Take this spirit I displace
Bring me forth, while she goes back
To a soul so black

Give Me A Sign

Spell For A Sign
Cast and written by Phoebe
I beseach all powers above
Send a sign to free my sister's heart
One that will lead her to her love

Murphy's Luck

Good Luck Spell
Written and cast by Prue
From this moment on
Your pain is ceased
Your bad luck is well
Enjoy your good luck Maggie
You are free from this Hell

How To Make a Quilt Out Of Americans

To call Cryto
Cast by Helen, Amanda and Gale
We call on the demon Cryto
Reach back throughout the ages
Humbled by his power
We invite him into out circle

About Cryto: The Demon of Vanity
In the 16th century Cryto traveled from dukedom to dukedom, preying on people's vanity; bestowing youth and beauty in exchange for their souls. Cryto was found out and skinned alive by a group of witches who believed that it would keep his spirit from ever being ressurrected.

To Call A Witch's Power
Powers of the witches rise
Course unseen accuss the skies
Come to us who call you near
Come to us and settle here

Chick Flick

Spell to Vanquish Demon of Illusion
Cast and written by Phoebe
Evil that has traveled near
I call on you to disappear
Elements hear my call
Remove this creature from these walls

Ex Libris

Spell to Vanquish Libris
Cast by Prue
Demon hide your evil face
Libris die and leave no trace

Apocalypse, Not

Spell to Vanquish Demon of Anarchy
Cast by Phoebe, Piper and Prue
Sewer of dischord
Your works must ceise
I vaquish thee now
With these words of peace

Be Careful What You Witch For

Spell to Vanquish Dragon
Cast by Piper, Prue and Phoebe
The Power of Three Will Set You Free

*The episodes not listed did not include any spells or other information regarding the Book of Shadows.


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