Glen Doyle teaches at Previous Lessons
By Sifu Glen Doyle
I have always believed that a great student is a student
that asks a lot of questions (re: technique, training,
etc.). But many times, students fall into a couple of
classroom pitfalls; The 'what if' question trap, and the
'robotic' application.
These two pitfalls are very common no matter what style you
study. When dealing with these areas I fall back on the
teachings of my Sifu, Lore King Hong.
'What if's' usually happen when an instructor is teaching
a technique (for this instance let's say a blocking
technique). The class will be in full swing, and then it
happens… "What if he steps to the side?", "what if he sees
the kick?", "what if there are two other people there?"
The 'robotic' applications too have their instances,
you're teaching a multiple attack scenario which require a
two punch finish... then it happens, "which hand do I punch
with first?", "Do I step in with the punch?"... etc.
When these instances found their way into the classes taught
by my Sifu, his answer was simple and straightforward.
Sifu always says, your eyes will tell you everything.
There are no rules in martial arts with regards to
technique. Just because you were taught punch, punch,
kick, punch in class, a real combative situation may
require a sudden kick, punch, punch, punch.
Simply stated; the techniques you learn in your style are
suggested movements in response to a general idea, but in
actual fighting, nothing is certain and the numerous
variables within the combat situation may require you to
change the learned technique into an improvisational
replica of said movements.
Your eyes will give you any info needed with regards to
your fight... distance, number of attackers, weapon options,
and numerous other bits of information that will lead you
to the proper technique for the moment of truth.
Now that this has been discussed, we can look to our
instructors, styles, and classmates as building blocks to
the martial artist we are to become... and no matter what,
we will be ourselves.
All in favour, say 'EYE'.
G. Doyle
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