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Bryan Genesse plays the role of Remo Dwyer in the film. I asked Bryan to tell us a little bit about filming "Sometimes a Hero" and the role of Remo Dwyer. I also asked him what it was like working with Glen and about martial arts. This is what he had to say.

Remo was a fun role for me to play. He's the kind of guy who will get the job done no matter what. The character is more of a cameo role in the film but when Glen asked me to play the part I was so happy that he was getting a movie produced that I told him I would do whatever I could to help. Of course the fact that it was a well written script helped tremedously.

The role was not really a demanding physical role to do. There is one fight scene that I did and it was a lot of fun to do. Especially with Glen hanging around. As you know Glen is quite a practical joker and it was always a riot to be working with him on set. Suffice it to say that I am a man that appreciates a good "life support system" ... Glen will know what I mean.

I did know that Glen had gotten into writing and I had enjoyed reading his book, "The Martial Artist's Way". I highly recommend it to all your readers.

Glen and I go way back to the Hung Gar dojo in Toronto and we had the opportunity to train in Victoria where we shot "Sometimes a Hero". Needless to say it is obvious that Glen is always in training as he was in top form and as tough as they come...

I do still train almost everyday and teach as well, here in L.A. My style is now more eclectic as I incorporate The footwork and upper body attacks of Hung Gar with the leg strikes of Muay Thai and the ground techniques and grappling of Jiu Jitsu and Judo. I train in L.A. With the Machado Brothers (The Gracies cousins) in Jiu Jitsu and find it to be a great workout as well as very functional. It is a great tool to have if you are already a proficient striker.

Anyway, best to you and all of Glens fans. Look for a new movie that Glen and I may be doing in the future. I hope we can actually get him to act in the next one...

Peace and love to all

Bryan Genesse

Check out Bryan's movie credits



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