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A Scene From
"Sometimes a HERO"

Kristina Diaz, a promising young figure skater, is about to take her senior skating test. Her older sister, Cassandra, is her skating coach. Kristina is a skater who has great artistic ability, but no confidence in that, so she tries to put all the pressure on her jumps which are not her strong point.

Kristina Diaz and Cassandra Diaz

INT. ICE SURFACE (Lloyd Park Arena) -- DAY

Kristina Diaz shakes her head as Cassandra talks to her. Kristina has long dark hair... she is slightly younger than Cassandra, but, like her sister... her athletic build is evident.

Cassandra's voice is calm and soothing.

            CASSANDRA (O.C.)
          Kristina, take it easy! Just
          skate the program as is... it'll
          be enough to pass. Forget the
          extra jumps.
Kristina leans against the boards as she tries to collect herself.

Cassandra rubs her sister's shoulders as she looks up at the three skating judges that sit in the center seats.

          The program is perfect... just
          follow the music... stick to the
          choreography... and do your strong
          jumps... you'll pass!
Kristina takes a deep breath and pushes off the boards.

          They're gonna crucify me.


            ANNOUNCER (V.O.)
          Testing for LLoyd Park Figure
          Skating Club... Kristina Diaz.

Cassandra takes a breath as she watches her sister... The music begins... Kristina begins.

The young girl glides along the ice... her movements are soft and calm... she sways back and forth. As she rounds the first corner... Kristina prepares for a jump.

Cassandra frowns... realizing that Kristina has aborted the set program.

            (to herself)
          No!... not the axel... it's
          too early.

Kristina holds her position as she fires her muscles to jump... but she falls...

Getting up quickly... Kristina glances over to Cassandra as she skates past her. Cassandra shakes her head.

            (to herself)
          Regroup... just do the program.

Kristina turns again... skating another improvisation... preparing for another jump.

            CASSANDRA (to herself)
          Dammit, Kristina!
Kristina jumps... and lands perfectly. Cassandra can't help but scream out her relief... she immediately calms herself.
            (to herself)
          O.K. sweetie... just skate the
          rest of the...

Before she can finish that thought... Kristina sets herself for another jump.

Cassandra sighs as she can do nothing but watch... she cringes as Kristina stumbles... she manages to stay on her feet... but Cassandra notices the judges making notes.


Kristina throws her skates across the room as her sister enters the area. Kristina's make-up has run slightly... evidence of tears.

Cassandra looks at the situation then walks over and stands in front of Kristina.

          What is it with you and this
          jumping obsession? You totally
          abandoned the program.
Kristina glares.
          Name one world champion that couldn't

          This wasn't Worlds, Kristina!!
          It was a senior's test!
Kristina scoffs.
          And I screwed it up!
Cassandra points warningly.
          You're starting to sound like
          our father.

Cassandra sits beside her sister.
          I know he treats you like crap. It's
          because I never went to nationals.
Cassandra's soft tone begins to sink into Kristina's heart.
          I wish I had half your talent. You
          just have to skate like yourself.
Cassandra smiles.
          You have to put your artistry on
          the ice... not your butt.
Kristina looks at her sister - then... slowly... a small smile begins to appear.

Cassandra chuckles and gives her a hug, then steps back and taps her sister's stomach.

          Hungry? or should I just offer
          you a lifesaver?
Kristina smirks.

Read an interview with Roselle Soussana who plays/skates the role of Kristina Diaz.

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