The Latest News on Famke

7/6~ I'm back from camp! So you will see loads of new stuff around here.
- On July 10th there will be a live video chat event with Famke, Rebecca and Halle at MaximOnline! Make sure you all check it out! Click below for more information...

6/21~ You are going to see some major, major updates! The whole site is beign added to, edited, and changed around, I hope you guys all like it!
- Famke, Halle Berry and Rebecca Romijin Stamos on the newest cover of Maxim, pictures of Famke in the gallery, Thanx to!

6/18~ Okay, this site is going to be going thru some major updates considering I'm out of school in a week and I will have time to work on all my sites.
Pick up the new Premeire Magazine, Famke is on one of the covers w/James Marsden and Halle Berry, inside there is a beautiful picture of Famke. Also, X-Men stuff is out all over the place, and much more it to come, Suncoast video has a wall clock (with Famke on it) and a beautiful poster I managed to pick up, (once again, with Famke on it) also, if you see her figure, buy it! Its really hard to find!

5-16~ Wow. I haven't updated in a while, I know, sorry! I fixed the gallery, there are now thumbnails as well, more pics coming soon too, I promise!!!

3-11~ Join my Famke club @ Yahoo... The Famke Janssen club! Also, I'm an official X-Chick... Home of the X-Chicks

1-25~ I have a (small) gallery! Check it out!

1-24~ So much cool stuff to report about the X-Men movie! But ir you want the complete lowdown...visit... Countingdown to X-Men!

1/19~ Happy (Belated) Birthday Famke! Cinescape magazine is currently covering the X-Men movie, the latest one has many pics and lots of info regarding the upcoming film.

12/27~ This site will have a small gallery soon. When exactly is soon? I have no idea, ask my dumb computer when its going to stop acting up!?

12/27~ The X-men: the Movie website is now up. Its not all there yet, but it IS there. Also, the X-Men movie posters have now come out. You can find them soon at your favorite theater. The have a large metallic "X" on it. Thats it with various things printed on the very bottom like the official website and the date when it is being released (July 14th, 2000).
The official site is X-Men: The Movie Have a looksy!

Well. The lastest news regarding our dear Famke, is that she will be playing my favorite X-Men character Jean Grey (aka Pheonix) in the anxiously awaited X-Men movie which is due out June 30th, 2000. I will keep everyone posted on details of the movie.

Also, since she is playing a red head, Famke colored her hair for the part. Does anyone happen to have a picture? I'm on the lookout, but if anybody has any info as to any sites mags or anything that show her with the red hair, please inform me! Thanx!
You can e-mail me here.... Mail me!

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