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Who are you?  Why are you here?

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An Introduction to the Intercessors Network

    Intercessors Network is a set of freely interacting prayer units in about 90 nations (Autumn -99).  Intercessors Network has set the intercession for men in power positions, for kings and rulers, 1 Tim 2.1-4, as its first priority and sole ground for existence.
    Intercessors Network does not hold any special political colour or position. The Network is eagerly praying for holiness to be established through recognition of the lordship of Jesus Christ. 
    Intercession is ability to act and react; watchfully waiting in the presence of the Lord - acting according to his revealed will; reacting the right way to the right things.
    Rapid action in prayer is so often needed at many levels of human experience. Computer technology allows us to work closely together and enhances the possibilities of mobilising much prayer in short time.  E-mail communications provides foundation for solid and immediate prayer back up. E-mail communication allows us to provide precisely defined and
focused prayer cover.
    Intercessors Network provides an Urgent Prayer Target e-mail list, to be used for instant prayer mobilisation in regards to current issues related to the common goal of the Network.  The major focus' of this list are the prophetic dimension, the cities,
the nations, the men in power, and the areas of life in your community where any wind of change must begin to blow.
    A division within the Network covering Jewish issues is to be accessed and subscribed to by referring to "On the Walls of Jerusalem". Issues pertaining Middle eastern affairs, Jews in the diaspora and Messianic Jews will be focused under this heading.
Intercessors are indeed welcome to partake in the labour for change.  Intercessors are certainly welcome to send reports on current issues and definitions of prayer targets.   By subscribing to the Urgent Prayer Targets list, you are not obliged to
respond to everything that is sent out from the Network. You may and must pick and choose according to interest and the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
    Intercessors Network also invites you to visit our web site, where we provide help to find proper prayer targets and instruction on spiritual warfare.
    Send us a note, if you want to be linked to our e-mail lists!  No need to re-confirm if you are linked to our lists already.
Rich blessings, Lars Widerberg.

    Give the king knowledge of Your way of judging, O God, and the spirit of your righteousness to the king’s son to control his
actions.  Psalms 72:1 Amplified version.


Lars Widerberg
Intercessor's Network

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