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Who are you?  Why are you here?

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Here are some things we think you should know about us

Child Care Is Provided

    We have a trained, loving staff of child care workers for newborns to age 10.  If, however, you feel your child would enjoy being with you in the regular meeting, please feel free to have them stay with you.  Child care and restrooms are located through the east door at the back.

A Prayer Team Is Available

    Elders are available after every meeting, and would love to pray for any personal situations.

We Have Various Ministries And Activities

Besides our regular Sunday meetings, we have home group meetings on a regular basis, we do prayer walks, worship on the streets, intercessory prayer, local and overseas outreaches, leadership training, and various fellowship activities.  Details are available at the info table.  The monthly calendar is provided on this website.

If You Would Like More Info

Please fill out the following and place it in the offering box at the information table.  Please let us know if there's any way we can serve you!

If You Would Like
To be on the regular mailing list, or
To talk to someone personally...

    Then don't hesitate to email the webdude who maintains this website - who will immediately notify the pastor in person about all requests..