Okay, this is my first fanfic, and I probably won’t be good.
Hey! It’s time for {Drum roll} The Disclaimer! Okay, Pokemon is property of
Nintendo, Game Freak, 4kids, Japan, etc. The only character I own is Kevin Tini,
and if you want to use him,{which you probably won’t.} E-mail me. I’m flat
broke, so if you sue me, only the lawyers will get money. {Falls to the floor,
begging, {“ Please, don’t sue m e!”} Okay, I think that’s it. Oh wait,
Some of my typing off spaced because my uncle's computer is weird.

Mythical Pokemon
By: TurboSonic
Part 1

Note: This story takes place where Ash is 16, Misty 17, and Brock 23.
Ash was Pokemon Champ at age 11, but lost to AJ 5 months later.
Since then, Ash has worked with Professor Oak.
Over the past few years, Ash, Misty and Brock have kept connection,
But have drifted apart. Good thing their attitudes didn’t change much. Let’s see
what happens when a new problem arises...

Ash woke up to a phone call from Professor Oak. A few minutes before he had seen
a battle between AJ and a competitor, named Alex. He was surprised when he heard
the news.

“W hat’s the matter, Oak?” Ash said.

“Ash, Team Rocket’s up to no good. Come to my lab, immediately.”

“Co me on, Pikachu.” A sh hurried to his lab. “W hat is Team Rocket up to
now?” h e asked when he came.

“Mythical Pokemon.”


“ Pika?”

“ Tea m Rocket’s after the eight Mythical Pokemon. Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno,
Hitmoncha, Serpentas, Dragonia, Seaqueen, and Bejas. They’re all h idden
somewhere, but I don’t know w here. All I know is their types. Zapdos,
Moltres, and Articuno you know, Hitmoncha is a fighting type, Serpentas is a
poison type, Dragonia is Dragon type, Seaqueen is a water type, and Bejas is a
Ghost/Psychic type. Try to catch the Mythical Pokemon before Team Rocket!

“Pi Pika Chu!”<Let’s find the gang first! Come on!>

“Okay, Pikachu.”

Ash headed for Pewter City through Viridian Forest. As he walked through, he
caught some more Pokemon.

“A h, here’s Pewter City! Let’s go to the Gym.”

As they entered the Gym, a voice boomed out, “ Welcome to Pewter City Gym.
Have you come for a badge?”

Ash answered, “No. I came for an unofficial match.”

Brock answered, “Fine. We’ll both use 2 Pokemon. “ Graveler, go!”

“Go , Squirtle!”

“Graveler, Rock Slide!”

Rocks came hurtling down at Squirtle. “ Squirtle! Water Gun them away!”

Squirtle did, but it was hard. Squirtle finally got hit, and collapsed.

“Ha!” Brock said. “You d isn’t t rain it very well.”

Ash answered, “So , Brock. I see you haven’t gotten rusty.”

Squirtle stood up.

“Ash? Is that you?”

“ It’s me, alright.”

“ Why are you here?”

Ash explained to Brock.

“O hh...well, let’s get Misty.”

“P ika!” < Yay!>

And off they went. When they got to the gym, they found the three sisters and
talked to them. “W here’s the Gym Leader?” he de. manded.

They pointed left to a tunnel.

Brock said to Ash, “W hy don’t you go over there? I’ll stay with the girls.”
Then became googly-eyed.

Ash said to Pikachu, “ Why don’t you get in the Pokeball? It’ll m ake
Misty think I’m not Ash.”

“P ika Kachu!” <Sure. I don’t wan t to miss this gag.>

Pikachu got in the Pokeball.

Misty thought when she saw Ash, “ Yet another trainer. Hey, this one’s cute.”

Misty was now in a silvery gown that followed every curve of her body.

Ash almost went googly-eyed. “M an,” he thought as he shook his head. “ 
Misty sure is beautiful.”

“I challenge you to a unofficial match.” Since Ash was older, he sounded
different, so Misty didn't recognize him. Plus, he was wearing his alternate

“O kay. We’ll b oth use three Pokemon. Staryu, Go!”

“Go , Pikachu!”

“S taryu, Tackle!”

“P ikachu, Thunder Wave!”

Staryu was paralyzed.

Before Misty could muster a command, Pikachu whispered to Staryu, “P ika Chu Pi
Pika.” <W ere p laying a gag. That is Ash. Play along.>

“H ya!” < Sure.>

“S taryu, Recover!”

“ Hya!”

“P ikachu! Swift!”

“S taryu, same thing!”

Pikachu and Staryu started throwing stars at each other, making sure it was slow
enough so the Pikachu/Staryu could dodge it.

Ash finally said, “ Soooooo, Misty. You haven’t go tten worse.”

“H uh?”

“You don’t r emember me? I’m disappointed.”

“A sh?”

“The one and on ly.”

“P ika!” P ikachu jumped into Misty’s hands.

“W hy?”

Ash explained.

“O h. Well, let me change into my normal clothes.”

Together they went to meet Brock.

“H ey, Misty!”

“H i, Brock!”

They left.

As they headed for the PokeCenter, Brock squinted *Who knew he could squint? *
then said, “ Isn’t that Richie?”

“R ichie? Where? Oh. Hey, Richie!”

Richie turned around and saw Pikachu. “O h, hi Ash! Haven’t seen you in a

“H ow’s Zippo, Sparky and Happy?”

“O h, just fine. Hey, I want you to meet a friend of mine!”

He pulled a kid around. He had green eyes, a Pokemon hat, and a shirt with a
Dratini on it, and jeans. He had a red bandanna {Think Ryu here.} across his
forehead. He was about Ash’s age. There also was 2 Dratinis on him. One was on
his backpack, the other curled on his neck. (He had sneakers, of course.)

Ash couldn’t b elieve his eyes. “K evin?”

Kevin said, “Ash?”

“N o way. You know each other?” R ichie asked.

“ We’re o ld pals.”


It was when Ash was Pokemon Champ. He was called to a Pokemon convention and had
to do a speech. He wasn’t good at speeches , so the week before the convention
Ash + Pikachu went to the woods for deep thinking, when he stumbled over a rock
and fell into a tree... Literally. He had fallen into a portal. Ash woke up to
find Dratinis and Pikachus staring at him. “AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” A sh screamed.
Every Pokemon ran off. Suddenly a voice said, “It’s a lright. He’s a P ikia.”
Then he jumped out of a bush. “H ello.” H e said. Welcome, Pikia.” “ 
What’s a Pikia?” A sh asked. “You don’t know who you are?” asked the
person. “W ell, maybe I should give you a brain re-memory.” The person 
touched Ash head. In doing so Ash learned everything. The person then touched
Pikachu’s head. “ Pika!” A sh then said, “If I’m a Pikia, does that mean
Pikachu’s m y Guardian, and I could do ThunderShocks?” “T hat would be
correct. But now, let us celebrate your coming with a feast.” Sudden ly, the
was a loud KABOOM!! “Tea m Rocket!” K evin hissed. He then said to the
Dratinis, “S ector 4! Move out in Formation Perimeter!” H e then said to Ash,
“Co me with me. My name’s K evin Tini.” H e t hen ran off into the woods.
Ash and Pikachu followed him. They found themselves in a tree overlooking the
battle. They could see the Dratinis circling around Team Rocket. Suddenly, they
all yelled, “D raaaa!” A B IG shadow appeared over Team Rocket. {author’s n 
ote: This Team Rocket is not specific. Just a bunch of bad guys and girls in
black suits with a red R on it} A Dragonite slammed into the ground and roared.
All the Rockets got scared but one. He grabbed for a Dratini and went into a
“H e ’s got one of o ur Dratini! Everyone! Confusion!” All the Dratinis
started sending out psychic waves. 5 people appeared and added their rays to the
Kevin sent out waves. Ash tried hard, and sent out a little beam of energy. The
balloon blew up, the Rocket was “b lasting off” A s Kevin let go of the
waves, Ash felt a boost of energy. He speeded up, got the Dratini, and speeded
down. “Thanks , Ash! That was an Agility!” K evin said. “ Cool!” A sh
exclaimed. “O h yeah, here’s the Dratini.” “W ell, I think you should go
back to civilization.” A sh then remembered the Pokemon convention. “I’ll re 
turn you to the convention.” “H ow did you know?” Ash asked. “Your h at,
{authors note: he had Pokemon Champ written on it and the official Pokemon
League symbol on it} and I read the newspaper. It said that the Pokemon League
Champion was going to make a speech. I assume your name is Ash Ketchum.” K 
evin replied. “I’ll b e there. You see, I live here, but I usually hang out
among people. I’ll see you later!”


Ash asked Kevin (Tini) “H ow’s the Tinikas?”

“D oing pretty good.”

Richie, Brock, and Misty were bewildered. “What T inikas?” They a ll asked at

Kevin turned to explain. “You p robably didn’t n otice before, I don’t look 
like any of you.” H e took his cap off. Everyone except Ash + Pikachu gasped.
Under the cap, there were green, blue, and teal stripes of hair. “I m not a
human, but I look like one. I am really one of the Tinikas, a race of people
that are actually half-human half-Pokemon. The Tinikas were really humans, but
got teleported to a vast jungle, where we met Pokemon. We started living as one
of them, and soon gained their powers. Each of the humans branched off with a
different Pokemon, so there were 162 that I know. Maybe more. The Pokemon acted
as Guardians. He pointed to his two Dratinis. I came down from the Dratini
Tribe, called the Tinikas. Even though I’m a Tinika, I can use other powers,
only they are weaker then the Dratini moves. We can sense and pinpoint each
other, including other Pokemon People.” He then said to Ash & co., “You know who
you are?”

They all shook their heads.

“You’re all one of the Pokemon People’s friends descendants. That’s why your
Pokemon like you so much. And Richie…I never told you, but you’re a Pikia. A
Pikachu Person. I think you were separated from the tribe. Ash already knows he
a Pikia.”

Brock then had a lightbulb. “If you can pinpoint other Pokemon People, can you
tell us if there is a Articuno Person nearby?”

“Yes, but I have to get Ash and Richie used to their powers first. Good bye!”

“But…” Misty started.

Kevin held up a hand. Time stopped on Pokemon Planet, and Ash, Richie, all the
other Pikia, and their Pikachus were transported to a place called: Training

Stay Tuned for the next Part!

Soooooooo…Fanfic Readers, how do you like it? Please reply to me about this
Fanfic at aircraft_articuno@hotmail.com. Tell me suggestions, even flames! Just
tell the reason for the flame. I’ll try to fix the next fanfic so everyone’s
happy. Remember, this is my first fanfic and I’m not that skilled. I looooove
feedback! {Even though I never had any.}


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