Members Nominate a Special Webmaster/Mistress-Award
This page is for Members of Kindness in Action Webring.Its another way we can spread some kindness.If you know of any member or non member who deserves an award(they must have a website) for being kind,I want to print a brief story on why/how this person was kind to you or someone else.This brief description will be posted on a winners list along with thier page link.All the same rules apply as those to join KIA webring.
Think about it ,has someone recently gone out of thier way to help you learn some html coding for your page,or been there when you were so down you needed to talk?Or has someone in some special way reached out to others in an effort to help.You must be a member to nominate,but you are welcome to nominate members or non members for this award,you can also nominate pages that are special as far as reaching out to others,however they must help all races, religions,ect.You cannot nominate yourselves,sorry.
This is the Award-Special thanks to Ruth Ann for creating it!You can see the Award on the next page,just waiting for some special award winners,and thier stories.