Award Winners

Ruth Ann nominated Susie for this award.
A wonderful place to find graphics created by Susie herself! Also many other beautiful things to see and read.
Susie was kind enough to help me learn how to make snow globes. Something I have wanted to do for quite a while. She spent a lot of time e-mailing me back and forth with my silly questions until I got it right, and I wanted to say "thank You" Susie for all your help.

Susie's World of Snowglobes

This nomination comes from me-RuthB.
I would like to nominate Emma for this award.Emma has spent alot of time creating beautiful and very professional looking guestbook graphics to Kindness in Action.The majority of graphics we have are created by Emma. She has been very kind,about making changes, lol, many. She is even kind enough to use certain colors that she doesn't like, but that I do. If a graphic doesn't come out right,she will keep working on it till it does. She also suffers from a physical illness . I always ask her to work at her own pace,whats really great is she listens,but once shes got some energy , watch out Kindness in Action members, lol, Guestbook graphic pages are about to be updated!She doesn't get insulted or angry if I don't think a certain graphic looks good, she just keeps trying. Emma,you have given myself and Kindness in Action so much I am so grateful-Thank-you!!

My Opening Teddy Bear Page

This nomination comes from Shayna.
"A wonderful site with lots of information on how to build a home page....a page that's full of love and humor. Dorothy, or chuckles as we know her, is always willing to help others build a website inspite of the fact that she has corneal dystrophy."

Acton's Attic

This nomnation came from Donna.
Jo does graphics and snow globes,and it was through her tutorial that I learned how to make snow globes! She has a little bit about herself, her family, and her interests along with linkware graphic sets and many snowglobes and helpful tutorials and links to other tutorials. I had written a poem and was looking for a specific style of graphics and Jo happened to write to me about something completely different, and so in answering her email, I asked her if she could point me in the direction I was looking for in the way of learning to make my own, or finding the graphic set for this poem I wanted to make into a page for my site. Jo wrote back and told me that she would be happy to make a set for me and would even help find a pic if I couldn't. It was then that I remembered a set of train photos that Hugh had taken years ago at the Sarnia Depot. I sent them and Jo made me a lovely set. It will be up and ready for viewing in a day! She was very sweet to do this for me when all I really was thinking when I asked her was that she might know of a set already to go somewhere!

Jojo's Corner

This nomination comes from Allie.
Angel's Touch is filled with poetry lovingly written by a gramdmother who lost her sixteen year old granddaughter to asthma. She has also included a page of angel quotations, angel crafts, and a special page where others can leave a dedication to their own beloved children whom they have lost. I would like to see this site receive an award because through her pain, Lissa is helping not only herself but others to cope with loss. She has an attractively created site which she updates frequently with new poetry of love and devotion.

Angel's Touch

This nomination is from Walter.
Donna was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1992. Since that time she has tried to fight and overcome MS using various therapies such as bee venom therapy and vitamin and massage therapies which have resulted in no progression of the disease for 5 years. She also provides helpful information about MS and her therapies to others. Donna is married to her husband Donald and they have 2 daughters who recently graduated from college. I would like to nominate for the Kindness Award - Donna whose site "My Life and Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis" deals with her fight to combat and overcome MS. Donna was first Diagnosed with MS in 1992. On her site Donna deascibes various therapies she has used in her fight against MS such as bee venom therapy, vitamin, massage, and meditative therapies. She also provides helpful information about MS and her therapies to fight the disease and support for others with MS. Donna also has some very beautiful Angel pages and other inspirational pages.

My Life and Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis

This nomination comes from Dookster(John).
Ricci's page is a beautiful page about being adopted and finding some of her family.
Rici is kind, generous, & very supportive of everybody. She works tirelessly in the adoption network yet she finds time to help her family make webpages. I have known Rici for a year & I am honored to be her friend! She does all this despite having a seriously dehabilitating disease that is VERY misunderstood!

Ailshire Babies

This nomination comes from me-RuthB.
This is a very special page,it illustrates a mothers,love and strength for her children,but it also realistic,as there are times when she really gets frustrated.She forgets to give herself credit,as there are many mother's out there who wouldn't stick by thier kids.A very special page that will hopefully encourage organ donation.

My Sons Kidney Failure

This nomination comes from Sue (aka Honey-Due) .
My daughter has poetry,recipes,her daughters site on with hers. My daughter worked very hard on her homepage with no help. She had to learn everything her self. She also has worked with the very handicapped for 14 years, her and her husband. They work for the state at Central colony in Wisconsin. She is always ready to help me when I need it because I'm handicapped and there is some things I can't do. Also she has a family which keeps her busy.

TeePee's Tent

This nomination comes from me,RuthB .
Donna has been there,she is always ready to help when things go haywhire,lol,with KIA!Sometimes things have gotten stressful between us,but Donna taught me something important-"Don't read emotions through someones e-mail".She was right :).At times communicating through e-mail can be very confusing.Donna is a mushy type of person,lol,I am not used to that.She really has been a great support for me with KIA,always has the html answers!Donna just helped me solve a webring move problem,that was priceless,oh am I grateful!She is ready to give me feedback,when I ask.She is also a good friend,there to listen and care.My goal is by the holidays to have the money to call Donna long distance.
A beautifully designed personal page, including graphics, a love story, some really beautiful cats,and more.

Donna's Domain

Award Created by Ruth Ann-thank-you!

Ruth's Revenge

Lissa's Cursors