Be Kind - Nominate a Website for an Award

Perhaps you would just like to do something kind today, or any other day. Why not nominate a website for an award? Can you imagine how happy you will make someone to find a beautiful award in thier e-mail?

We now have 4 beautiful awards to offer thanks to two very special and talented graphics creators - Connie and Rosepetals. If you would like to see there pages ,just click on buttons at the bottom of this page.

**All links will first be cleared by myself, so only winners of our award are on this list. Once I see your site, confirm it's been given an award, and the award is posted and properly linked to
Kindness in Action at:
your link will be posted. :) . Please if you are a winner, and adding your page link, add date you recieved your award.

If you are looking for special sites, please surf this list, you won't be dissapointed.

Award Winners List Links
Add a link to your winning website!

*Please note that the only language I can read is English,so please do not nominate if the site is in any other language than English.






1.) Child Safe Sites Only.
2.) "NO" adult content (i.e. pornography, or links to it, nudity, foul language, hate,racism etc.)
3.) You cannot nominate your own site.

*Page must be active and maintained,Content counts!,Personal sites only , please.

Just fill out form and within a week or less I will notify both the nominator and the winner, if the site has won our award.In the case of the site not winning, no reply will be sent. **Winners list is working.**If you are a winner - Please list your page link, you never know it may bring some traffic to your special page.**

                               Your name:

                               Your E-mail:

                               Your Homepage Title:

                               Nominee's E-Mail Adress:

                               Nominee's Homepage Title:

                               Nominee's Homepage URL:

                               Award You Are Nominating Site For?
                                Award #1 (Special Site Award)
                                Award #2 (We Love Your Site Award)
                                Award #3 (Excellent Site Award)
                                Award #4 (Your Site Touched Our Hearts Award)



***Please do not take this background it was made for me by a very special friend!!***

Award Ring




Other Links to award sites:

My Opening Teddy Bear Page

Pixie Grins

Jennifer's Playground-Children's and Teens Awards

Kidz Cardz-Childrens and Adults Awards-for children's fun sites

Crystal Bay Virtual Village

Disability Network

Connie's Creative Designs

Rose  Webdesigns