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About Britney/Britney Facts/About Me

+about britney+

At 17, Britney Spears enjoys being a girl. She loves colors that pop and shopping till you drop, romance novels and idyllic days at the beach. Untamed and untarnished as they come, the bright beautiful teen from Kentwood, Louisiana (pop:1200), is poised to liven up the pop world with the irresistible collection of songs on her Jive Records self-titled debut release.

Produced by Eric Foster White (Whitney Houston, Hi-Five) and Max Martin (Robyn, Backstreet Boys, Ace of Base), the album showcases Britney's unbridled effervescence and musical curiosity. From the sweet melody of "From the Bottom of My Broken Heart," to the driving funk of "One More Time," to the funky reggae beats of "Soda Pop," to her soulful take on the Jets hit "You've Cot It All," Britney's lively, assured vocal style is intoxicating. "I want to be an artist that everyone can relate to, that's young, happy and fun," she says.

Despite a refreshingly adolescent attitude, Britney's life has hardly been traditional. "I've done the prom thing, but it's only once a year," she notes about her unconventional teenage lifestyle. "I need to sing and I love to travel."

Performing since early childhood in local dance reviews and church choirs, she auditioned for the Disney Channel's "Mickey Mouse Club" series at age eight in Atlanta. Too young for her series, but too talented to dismiss, a producer on the show helped Britney secure an agent in New York City, where she spent the next three summers studying at the renowned Off-Broadway Dance Center and at the Professional Performing Arts School. She also began appearing in national commercials and Off-Broadway shows including the 1991 comedy, "Ruthless," based on the 1956 thriller "The Bad Seed." "At 10 I was playing this really bad child who seems real sweet but she's evil too. It was so much fun," she recalls.

Finally old enough at age 11, Britney earned a coveted place in "Mickey Mouse Club." After two years performing on the popular children's TV show filmed in Orlando, Britney returned to Kentwood for one completely normal year of high school at age 14. "It was fun for awhile but I started getting itchy to get out again and see the world," she says.

A devoted fan of pop music- her favorites include Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston- Britney once again went to New York to pursue her dream. "I had always wanted to be a singer," she says. "It's what I always wanted to do since I was little." Now a seasoned performer at age 15, an audition for an all girl vocal group led to her developing a solo career as a pop singer as well as continuing her high school studies with tutors. "I need a lot of help in geometry and Spanish!" she admits.

Recording with Martin in Sweden this past spring and in New Jersey with Foster White, Britney's ready to make her own special mark on the world. "I love performing more than anything and having people hear my music. I know I've had to give some stuff up to do this, but I don't miss high school. When I was home two years ago, every weekend we'd go out and do the same thing. It's wonderful as long as you love what you're doing, but I'd rather be doing this!"

+Britney Facts+

*Full Name*
Britney Jeau Spears
December 2, 1981
*Home Town*
Kentwood, LA
105 lbs.
*Fav Musicians*
Mariah Carey, Aerosmith, Prince, Whitney Houston and Backstreet Boys
*Fav food*
Ben and Jerry's Cookie dough ice cream, turkey sandwhiches, pasta and hot dogs.
*Fav Past Time*
Hanging out with friends at the mall, talking on the phone and shopping.
*Fav Hobbies*
singing, dancing, basketball, swimming, and reading.
*Fav Movie*
My Best Friends Wedding and Steel Magnolias
*Fav Sport Teams*
Chicago Bulls and New York Yankees
*First Single*
Baby One More Time
"I want to be an artist that everyone can relate to, that's young happy and fun."

+about me+

November, 21 1983
99 pounds
*Horoscope Sign*
*Fave Bands,Singers,Groups*
I know its hard to belive but I luv KoRn,Limp Bizkit,No Doubt And Britney Spears.Its weird to mix KoRn + Britney but oh well IM weird!
*Bands,Groups,Singers that I hate*
I hate Nsync,BSB,ORGY,98*,Joey(the guy from New kids),Jordan Knight well I hate ALL BOY BANDS!Sorry!
*Fave Foods*
I luv Doritos,Pizza,Candy,Anything Barbaque!
Updating this site,Listen to music 24/7,going to movies(oh god amy do you remember),watching Buffy,and watching MTV.
"Fave Moment*
I luved it when I went to Seattle!
*Fave Movie*
Scream,Scream2,I know what you did last summer,I still know what you did last summer,+ Cruel Intentions.
*My friends*
Some of my good Buddies online,,,,,roxysrfer7@aol.comAND the best for the last Joey!you happy now Joey!!LOL!

Here is more info on me...

school: i dont go
birthday:Nov 21st
have you ever...

eaten an entire box of oreo's: no but I did eat a bag of Doritos
been on stage: um yea
been unfaithful: nope
been in car accident: yea one time in WA
hitchhiked: LOL!um One time but I was just joking!
stayed home on saturday night: yea
eaten kajmak: Im pretty sure NO!
been in love: Yea
seen the eifle tower: yes I have seen it


shampoo: Herbal Esences!
soap: Dove
type of soup: Top Ramen
tv show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
commercial: i like the one where it goes-Oh Oh
its Magic ya know.....
the place you feel the safest: um...DisneyLand


coffee or hot choclate: Hot chocolate
big or little: Depends
tom cruise or brad pitt: Probably Tom...I used to like him but I hate him dad met him
jeans or cords: jeans!
sweater or sweatshirt: I guess sweaters
t-shirt or tank: t-shirt
stripes or solids: solids
wool or cotton: cotton
rose or lilly: Rose
private school or public: um Public cause private is way to private!
chocolate milk or plain milk: Chocalate!
spring or fall: Spring!Its closer to summer!
history or science: Science..i hate sciene but I HATE history more!

your friends:

do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend ? ==free==
do you have a best friend: Yes
do you have speed dial: um no my phone sux!
who's your funniest friend: um......All of them I guess!They are all pretty funny
who's the loudest:Amy Silliman,once she was screaming about this movie comercail in public
who's the shyest: NONE!
who do you get the most surveys from:I really get none from no one except like 2
who has the best room: Probably Amber.She has like 100000 posters and stuff

When Was The Last Time You....

cried: about a month ago
bought something: um like a hour ago!
gotten sick: Like 2 months ago
not known the answer in class: Probably the last time I went to school!
cut your hair: About 2 months ago
worn a tie: um never ever
been sarcastic: About 30 seconds ago
been mean: um......
gone for a walk: too lazy to go on a walk
said "i love you":No Comment
written a real letter: Like about a year ago
written a paper: um sometime in June
taken a test: Um in June
moved on: OMG ok this question needs to be more pacific!Like do they mean move on from a real bad prob?well if so maybe 2 days ago
written in a journal:Yes!!I have like 10 journals FULL!!Here is a secret-I even wrote in my journal at school!
read a book: Buffy
talked to someone you have a crush on:Acutally he talked to was weird cause I never thought he thought i was alive
given someone a present: Many many times.I gave like 8 presents in one month one time!
hugged someone:I hug everyone!
had a nightmare: Yes!Recently about the BSB trying to attack me!!
fought with your parent(s): LOL!Yes about 2 hours ago!

Do you...

wear eyeshadow/cologne: NOPE!
wear nail polish/jewelry: UM yea i wear Neckalaces
wear glasses: i used to but now I have Contacts!!YEAH!
give high fives: lol!yes!to my brothers!they are surfers!what can i do?
like new kids on the block: uh all boy bands SUX!
if you get a tattoo where would it be and what: Ankle and it would be like a Butterfly
ever have that falling dream: Yes!I want to work for KORN!
like michael jackson: LOL!HELL NO!
use computer in the house: Yes its in my room! when was the last time you showered: this mourning
What was the last thing u ate: Some Chips what are you wearing: Im wearing a Bikini top with cargo shorts!
are you happy: Sord of!
are you hungry:Yea
are you eating: Yea
are you talking to someone on line: I was talking to this Molly but she had to go.
are you ready for this survey to end: OMG YES!
do you hate someone? YES!!!!
do you like someone?: Yea!

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