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Hello all my invited friends and  internet surfer and thank for stopping by my personal website. These pages are delicated to all my friends all over the world. Relax ,  Sit back,  and click your way around!! Please don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way in or out!!!!  Give me a favor before u enter my site!! there are no pet or food allow in my page!! Thank for your cooperation!!:) thank a bunch leave all u alone!!! Enjoy!



Secret about me(1):   .Stick here if you want to get to know just a little bit more about me and my social life. 

Secret about me(2): Vietnamese version ( for those who can read viet)

   Thie^n co* ba(t' pha?i tie^t' lo^.
Tuy ra(ng` ba^t. mi' nhu*ng bi' ma^t. va^n~ con`...; )

Gallery: Click here!! this will bring you to a wide variety of  pix, among them are my coolest shots including my baby pix!...check them out u wont' be disappointed!!

Poem: Tho* la` thu*' vui cho ba^t' hanh.
         To^i ye^u tho* la` tho* thay tie^ng' noi'
         Ta~ no^i~ buo^n` xinh ddep. thanh` tho*.

Funny Words ban. co' bie^t' trong ddo*i` so^ng' cu?a chung' ta co' bie^t' bao nhie^u la` chu*~ " ba^t' " hay o/?? Ne^u' ban. to` mo` muo^n' bie^t' thi`ban. ddu*ng` bo~ lo*~ co* ho^i. vie^ng' tha(m chu*o*ng muc. nay` nhe'!!! se~ lam` cho ban. do*~ khoc' do*~ cu*o*i` ddo'!!  

Folk-songs ( ca dao )"kho tang` cu?a tinh` ye^u " ban. nao`  co' ta^m ho^n` da^n to^c. thi` mo*i` ban. ghe' vao` dda^y xu*o*ng~ xu*c' 1 chuye^n' nhe' !

Riddles ( ca^u ddo^'):  Ai ngu*o*i` le. lu*o*i~ lanh mo^i

              Mau nha?y vo^ dda^y giai~ ho^. gium` ?
              Ddo^' tuy kho^ng kho' ma` cha(?ng de^~
              Mo^.t phu't nhu*'c dda^`u cho*' vo^.i than...

Japanese Horoscope:   Quan nie^m. cu?a ngu*o*i` Nha^t. ve^` TINH' CACH' CON NGU*O*I` qua 12 con giap'

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dmlien78@hotmail.comthank you