
"Genetic freak!" I snapped.

"Please stop this petty argument!" Mew urged. I went silent but continued to glare at Mewtwo. He glared at me as well before we turned our backs on the other and stomped off in different directions.

It was obvious to anyone who had ever met me and Mewtwo that we didn't like each other. Of course it wasn't real hate, underneath all our squabbling we were good friends; though it would take extreme circumstances for us to admit it.

Pikachu tried to calm me down and succeeded by telling me an interesting rumour he had heard.

*Sasha wanna hear something I heard?*

*Sure, I love gossip!*

*Well, I heard from a Pidgey who heard from a Charmeleon, who heard from a trainers Starmie who heard . . .* He stopped as I gave him a look.

*Ok ok! Apparently around Cinnabar Island in the ocean a Lapras evolved! It's said that he's really powerful and can't be caught in a Masterball!*

*What?! Anything can be caught in a Masterball! Weakened or not!*

*Not Lapsea. That's what he calls himself.*

"Lapsea, what a pretty name!" I stiffened, Misty!

Authors Notes: Okay, this time I'm *determined* to put out an AAMRN! I'm really gonna try this time. If you have any comments, e-mail me, k? I love feedback, I live on it! Oh, and by the way, this story is in no way related to my other fics Forever and Sons. There's a possibility that this fic will be told from several different POV's, I'm not to sure at this stage though . . .

Disclaimer: I hate having to type disclaimers but I have to because I *really* don't want to get sued by the really nice and really rich people that own Pokémon. I don't own Pokémon and never claimed to.

Ash 15

Misty 15

Brock 18

Jessie 19

James 19



(pokemon translations)

*pokemon to pokemon*


~~~~~~Narrators POV~~~~~~

Ash, Misty and Pikachu had finally relented to Ash's mother and accepted the tickets to board the St. Anne II. Ash, as the Pokemon Master was greeted with full honour and Misty . . . well, Misty wasn't too thrilled that he was getting all the attention.

<But he deserves it, this is his dream.> She thought fondly.

Ash burst out of the congested group of reporters, officials and other people before dashing to his room at warp speed. Misty, Togepi and Pikachu looked at each other and giggled before going to tell Ash that the people had left and it was safe to come out for dinner.

"Ash, it's safe to come out. They're gone." Silence. "Ash?"

"Pika!" (Ta da!) She said triumphantly as she pulled out the spare room key and handed it to Misty. Togepi whispered in Pikachu's ear.

*Didn't daddy say he was going to take a shower?*

*Yes, and that's why I'm letting Misty in.* Pikachu said with a mischievous grin.

Togepi's eyes widened as they followed Misty in the room.

"Pikachu, I left some ketchup for you on the bed in case you're hungry. Just don't get ketchup or fur on my tux ok?" Ash called as he stepped from the bathroom with only a towel around his waist.

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

As Ash stepped from the bathroom, time slowed to a crawl. I whipped around and saw Ash standing there in total shock holding the towel. I gaped and admired him. He never told me he worked out! I mean, he must work out. He had a medium build, not too lanky and no bulging muscles. He looked absolutely amazing and I fell in love with him all over again.

"Misty?" He croaked.

<Oh my god! What am I doing?! I must look like an idiot!> I gasped and ran out of the room and into my own across the hall. I knew my face was redder than my hair at the moment as I plopped down on the bed and tried to let everything that had just happened sink in. Then I realized I had left Togepi in there. There was a knock at the door and a very familiar voice.

"Toge toge prrriiiiii." (Let me in mommy.)

I opened the door enough for Togepi to waddle in before closing and locking it. I picked her up and sat down on the bed with her.

"Pi pi gepi togepi toge toge prriii togepi pi." (Why is your face red mommy? I thought you liked daddy.)

"I do Togepi, it's just that I really wasn't expecting that, no matter how much I enjoyed the view."

"Togepi toge." (You should tell daddy.)

"I wish I could little one. But what if he laughs or doesn't feel the same? I don't think I could live with myself if that happened" I told her. I fed her and set her to bed before getting dressed for dinner.

~~~~~~Ash's POV~~~~~~

I watched as Misty darted out of my room and turned as red as my renegade Charizard's flames. How on earth had Misty gotten in here? Not that I minded of course but only Pikachu had the spare key and I had told her that I was going to take a shower when . . . Suddenly it clicked just as I heard a familiar "Prrriiiiii?" (Mommy?). Not that I understood what Togepi had said but I could guess. I let Togepi out and watched as she knocked on Misty's door before closing my own and turning to Pikachu, who was shifting uncomfortably.

"Pikachu, I told you I was going to take a shower when I got back here. Would you mind explaining just why you let Misty in my room?"

"Pikachuuu pi pika pikapi." (I forgot. And I couldn't reach the lock Ash.)

"That's a bunch of bull and we both know it! You of all pokemon simply don't forget things."

Pikachu squirmed under my gaze and didn't say anything. I sat on the bed and pulled Pikachu's brush out of my bag and started brushing her to relax the both of us.

"What am I gonna do?"

"Pika pikachu chu." (You could try just telling her.)

"You've got to be kidding. Misty absolutely hates me. I think I'm even forced to admit she's more bull-headed than me. She still follows me for that stinking bike. Well, have I got a surprise for her when we get back to Pallet."

For some odd-ball reason, Pikachu's face lit up like a light bulb.

"I'm gonna get in that Mankey suit that's called a tuxedo and meet Misty in the dining room."

I didn't hear Pikachu's response to that, I don't think I wanted too.

~~~~~~Pikachu's POV~~~~~~

I had bad memories of the St. Anne, or at least it's predecessor. I shuddered in memory of that Gyarados.

I had let Misty in Ash's room, hoping I could at least get her to admire him and watch her reaction when he came from the shower. I knew that by human standards Ash was pretty good looking. My efforts weren't in vain thankfully, Misty almost drooled. Okay, so physical attractions had definitely been established. After that incident Ash had questioned me, I knew he wouldn't believe my excuses.

As Ash got ready, I looked out the window, we were well out at sea. I froze when I saw several familiar fins break the surface of the water.

<Oh by the goddess, he's back for revenge; and he's brought several of his friends this time.>

"Pikapi . . ." (Ash . . .) I said nervously, he turned at my tone and I pointed out the window. He looked outside just in time to see a dozen Gyarados's beginning Dragon Rage, a move we knew all too well. Ash immediately forgot about his tux and ran to Misty's room to warn her and get to the life boats. This time we might not be so lucky and live.

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

By the time Ash and I carrying our respective pokemon made it to the deck, Dragon Rage was in full throttle, the cyclone of water rushing to the ship. I put Togepi in a pokeball, Ash tried to do the same for Pikachu but she would not be a coward and hide. The lifeboats had already been launched, so me, Ash and Pikachu were the last ones on the ship as we held each other tight and waited for the cyclone to take us in it's terrifying grip. I regretted not telling him that I loved him, now it might be too late. The cyclone hit us and all went black.

~~~~~~Narrator's POV~~~~~~

Dragon Rage struck them and carried the two unconscious people and one unconscious pokemon several miles before it died down in the middle of the sea and dropped it's cargo in the water. Pikachu had been separated from Ash and Misty and landed on an island. The current and small waves gently pushed the two people to a different island and they were washed up on the beach.

A few minutes after being washed up, one of them stirred. It was Ash.

~~~~~~Ash's POV~~~~~~

<Ugh, I feel like I've just been through the spin cycle . . .> Memory suddenly struck.

"Pikachu! Misty!" I bolted up and looked around. I saw Misty, and she was lying face down in the water!

"Oh bad, this is really bad!" I said as I rushed over to her and pulled her up the beach before beginning CPR.

<Come on Misty . . . Come on . . . Please breathe! Oh god, don't let her die! Please don't let her die!> I prayed as I ignored the stabbing pain in my leg. I continued for another five minutes, refusing to give up on the young woman I held so dear to my heart. I was running short of breath when Misty began coughing up sea water, I turned her on her side and rubbed her back.

"Misty?" I asked.

She looked up at me with her beautiful water colour eyes and smiled before launching herself into me and hugging me. After soothing her for a few minutes I painfully stood up and started worrying about the other girl of my life.

"PIKACHU!?" I called worriedly.

Misty stood up with me and was about to call for Pikachu too when she gasped and grabbed her arm. I made sure she sat down and told her I was going to get some wood for splints.

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

I woke up to the most wonderful sight I could think of, a pair of deep, honest brown eyes belonging to the one I loved looking at me. On impulse I hugged him, thankful we were alive, but more thankful that Ash was alive. We stayed in our blissful embrace for a moment before Ash stood up and called for Pikachu. I was about to join him when extreme pain lanced through my arm.

"Misty, you sit down and I'll find some wood to use for splints. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I watched with worry as he limped off, it wasn't a bad limp that would suggest it was broken, just twisted. I could hear him calling for Pikachu as he looked in the forest for the wood. Like he promised he came back and splinted my arm with the wood and by ripping his shirt. We then called out our pokemon to see how they were doing. All of them had various injuries we took care of with wood splints, what was left of Ash's shirt, vines, leafs, anything we could find. He even called out Charizard, who still didn't listen to him. I honestly didn't know why Ash kept Charizard after all the grief he's given him.

~~~~~~Charizard's POV~~~~~~

I grumbled as the loser Ash let me out of my pokeball. I was in pain and in a bad mood. I watched with little interest as he tended Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Butterfree, and Pidgeotto. Idly I wondered where Pikachu was. Had she finally gotten some sense and left him? I hoped so. Ash didn't deserve any respect despite his Pokemon Master title. I really didn't care about that or him. I looked at my shredded wings and groaned before turning to the other pokemon. Despite the belief I didn't listen to him because I lost my Charmander memories, I had them all and I remembered how he did save me. The fact is I have no respect for humans in general. I looked at Ash briefly and noticed that his pants had been reduced to shorts and he had no shirt. The other pokemon were wearing them on their wounds. I started as the pain in my wings flared up again and glared at Ash who was using his last remaining bits of clothing to bandage my wings. He turned and stared me straight in the eyes and used the pathetic human equivalent of Leer to silently tell me to stay still. The only reason I obliged to this one silent command was because he was actually making the pain in my wings lessen.

When I accidentally brushed my knee against his leg he grunted and gritted his teeth in pain. Curiosity got the best of me and I looked down, his leg was almost twice it's normal size and obviously badly broken. So why hadn't anyone noticed? He limped into the forest, muttering something about food and I saw why. He made it look like he only had a sprain. I watched as he entered the forest, a brief thought of worry flashed across my mind but I dismissed it immediately, why had the thought ever occurred to me in the first place?

<Because you admire him.>

<Not a chance! Why would I?>

<Maybe because he's looking after everyone else before he even considers taking care of himself. And the fact that despite he's in obvious pain he still goes into the forest with no one with him and only goddess knows what kind of predatory pokemon in there.>

And thus started the silent arguement between my head and my heart.

~~~~~~Pikachu's POV~~~~~~

I felt some electricity run through me and bolted to a sitting position.

*Good, you're awake.*

My memory came back to me and I looked around frantically for Ash and Misty.

*Where's Ash?! And Misty?!*

*If you're referring to the humans whose scent clings to you their not here. Humans haven't been to this island in years. And if there were humans, the scouts would have reported it in by now.*

I recoiled. Everything in my life had just been turned upside down, Ash and Misty were gone, I didn't know if they were alive or not. And I was on a strange island with a pack of Pikachus.

<By the goddess I swear I'll find you Ash.>

*So there are no humans on this island?*


*Oh no . . . I've gotta find them!*

*Why? It obviously looks like Ash has abandoned you.*

*Grrr, you don't understand! We were caught in Dragon Rage and separated! Are there any other islands around here?*

*Yeah, there are several others scattered in the region. How are you going to cross the distance between them?*

*I'm hoping for an obliging Squirtle or other water pokemon. Thank you for all your help.*

*Yeah well, good luck to you.*

That was the last I heard as I left the pack and headed for the beach.

<Okay, now, how do I get a water pokemon's attention? Misty would probably use Starmie and Ash would maybe use Squirtle.>


I looked around for the origin of the groan and saw a Tentacool that had been washed up on the beach, it didn't look like he was doing too well.

*Do you want some help?* I asked as I approached him.

He nodded, not having the strength to speak. I went by his head and started pushing him towards the water.

About a half hour later I had managed to push him in the water and waited while he recovered at his insistence.

*Thank you Pikachu, you saved my life. Is there anything I can do for you?*

After a quick conversation and agreement I hopped on his head and we rode to another island.

~~~~~~Ash's POV~~~~~~

I dodged before the Persian made contact and punched it in the head as it flew past me, this of course made the rest of the pride angry.

I had been searching for food when I was tackled by a Persian who knew I was weak and injured. Using the strength I had built up for five years I threw it aside and managed to get back on my feet before it did.

By now my back was bleeding, one of them had managed to nail me. I was too far into the forest for anyone to hear the fight, except for maybe Charizard; but he wouldn't care. This was the law of the jungle, eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. I wasn't the hunter, I was the prey.

I didn't see the Persian till it was about two feet from me, on reflex I hit the dirt and watched as it sailed over me. Suddenly, from the bushes, came a burst of flame and hit the oncoming pokemon head on. I looked as no other than Charizard started attacking the cats, using Rage. The battle was quick and the Persian pride ran away. I felt myself being picked up and opened my eyes.

"Thank you Charizard." Were my last words as I slipped into the unconscious world where I couldn't feel the pain.

~~~~~~Charizard's POV~~~~~~

As I sat on the beach deep in thought, I barely heard the hunting scream of Persians. Then I barely heard Ash scream. I stood up and walked through the bush to that area and watched, hidden in the trees. Truth be told I thought that by the time I got there Ash would be dead. But he wasn't, he was alive and still fighting the pride.

<Impressive.> I knew he wouldn't survive much longer so I intervened and sent the pride on it's way with several bad burns. Ash looked like he was unconscious so I picked him up to carry him back to the beach.

"Thank you Charizard." Came Ash's hoarse whisper before he did fall unconscious.

When I got back total chaos broke loose, Misty ran to Ash and started patching him up. I pointed out his leg to her before turning my back on the events and lying down to do some serious thinking.

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

I brushed his hair aside and looked down at him. From what I could gather he'd been attacked by Persians. Charizard saved him and brought him here. I patched him up the best I could and laid down beside him.

"Starmie, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Staryu, would you go fetch some firewood? And stay together."

The four pokemon went on their way, though Bulbasaur and Squirtle were hesitant about leaving Ash's side. Not that I blamed them of course.

"Pikachu . . ." I heard Ash mumble in his sleep. He was really worried about her, and so were the rest of us, except maybe Charizard; I wasn't so sure about him anymore.

I stroked his face and kissed him lightly.

<Oh Ash, why didn't you tell me your leg was broken?>

I knew why of course, he would look after his pokemon before he thought of himself. I smiled at him, Togepi had curled up and gone to sleep on her 'daddy's' chest. I followed her example and went to sleep too.

<Ash, I love you.>

~~~~~~Narrator's POV~~~~~~

The pokemon came back with the wood and asked Charizard very nicely to light it for them. He wasn't too happy about the thing that was bugging him but he obliged since he was getting cold too. They managed to dig up some nuts and berries to eat and thank Charizard for saving Ash. Although they knew better than to ask why he did.

A few hours later, everyone was asleep. Ash woke up and gently put Togepi into Misty's arms before getting up and checking on everyone while they slept. When he reached the sleeping Charizard, he sat down and stroked his head knowing the fire pokemon slept through just about anything when he slept on his stomach.

"Thank you Charizard. I don't know why you did it but thank you. I would've hated for Misty to be alone." He looked over to make sure Misty was still asleep. "I wish I could find Pikachu, she's not here on the island and I hope to heaven that she survived Gyarados's Dragon Rage." He gave Charizard one more pat before lying down by the fire and looking up at the stars. If he had bothered to look at Charizard's face he would have see that Charizard hadn't been asleep to begin with.

Ash looked at Misty and lightly pecked her cheek.

<She's so beautiful, even in her ripped clothes.>

Now we go over to Pikachu, who by the way is on an island with Tentacool waiting in the shallows.

*Are you sure there are no humans on this island?* Pikachu asked sadly.

*Yeah, I'm positive. Sorry Pikachu. But I would suggest going to that island over there, I saw smoke coming from it earlier.* The Pidgey told her.

*Thank you Pidgey.*

*Wait! I guess I should tell you that 'She's' been spotted around these islands.* Pikachu paused and turned around.

*She's in the area?* Pidgey nodded.

Pikachu got on Tentacool's head and they made for the island that Pidgey had suggested.

At the island, Pikachu sent Tentacool on his way, she had a good feeling about this island. As she ran along the beach, she saw a familiar red pokemon in the distance lying down on his stomach, sleeping. She also saw two wonderfully familiar people lying down on the sand, one asleep, one awake and staring at the moon.

"Pikapi!" (Ash!) She screamed.

Ash bolted up and looked at the approaching Pikachu. Ignoring the pain in his leg he started limping as fast as he could toward her.

"Pikachu!" He yelled in ecstasy. The yelling of human and pokemon inevitably woke Misty, Togepi and Charizard. Seeing Ash's limp, Pikachu ran faster than ever before and leaped into the air. As the two friends connected, a strange, almost melodic sound was heard.

"Terrrrrnaaaaa, terrnaaaaaanana."

All heads whipped toward the sound as all their pokemon came out of their pokeballs and added their own voices to the mysterious song.





"Psy yiyi."

[AN: you get the idea]

The song stopped, and everyone looked at each other.

~~~~~~Ash's POV~~~~~~

That song, that sound, it reminded me of something, but what?

"What was that?" Came Misty's voice.

"I think that was the Eterna." I responded, Pikachu looked at me in shock, so did all our other pokemon.

"Pikachu pikapi chu?" (How do you know about Eterna Ash?)

I could feel all their eyes on me in puzzlement and wonder. Wonder how I knew about Eterna probably.

"What's the Eterna?" Misty asked.

"A legendary pokemon. People have seen the legendary birds, Mew and Mewtwo. But no one's seen Eterna, and only very few, maybe three per century hears it's song. No one knows what it looks like. It's said that the pokemon know but are sworn not to tell."

"Really? Then how do you know Ash?"

"I was getting to that." I told her. "When I was little, mom told me stories of the Eterna. She claimed she saw it when she was a child and lost in the forest once. I know the story by heart, I was 6 years old when she first told it to me."

(((Flashback-Ash narrating)))

"Ash honey, I'm going to tell you a very special story tonight."

"Yeah!" I yelled.

"When I was 13, my mom, dad and I were on a vacation in the Viridian forest. On the first night, I started walking around and soon found myself lost. I sat down and cried until I heard someone humming a beautiful song, then, out from the bushes came a beautiful pokemon, still humming. I stopped crying and looked. She looked like a Rapidash except it's fur seemed to glow with the colours of the rainbow, with a mane and tail of flames greener then grass that danced without the wind, it's horn was like it's fur, it had such lovely and caring silver eyes, here's the best part, it had amazing wings whiter than snow. She talked to me, in my head. I remember it's words."

"Young Kathy, alone and lost. Remember this day and tell of me to your child."

"Then, it gave me one of it's feathers before it led me back to camp. It's voice I remember was soft and gentle, a voice an angel would be jealous of."

(((end flashback-still Ash's POV)))

"The night before my 12th birthday, mom gave me Eterna's feather and told me to never lose it. And I still have it, despite all it's been through the feather looks and feels like new." I finished as I unzipped a pocket inside of my backpack and pulled it out. Like mom had said, it was whiter than snow, and probably more pure than it too. Pikachu stared at the feather in utter shock before she surprised me by jumping out of my arms and running into the woods with all the other pokemon on her heels with the exception of Togepi. I couldn't help but be curious, as was Misty, but we assumed we really wouldn't be welcome to do whatever they were going to do. I looked at Misty.

<Okay, I'm going to tell her how I feel now, with no interruptions.> I resolved.

"Misty, I . . . I need to tell you something."

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

"Misty, I . . . I need to tell you something." Ash stammered and I turned to look at him. He was unbelievably nervous and looked like he wanted to shrink and crawl into a hole. I smiled reassuringly, he nearly melted.

"Go ahead Ash, you can tell me." <I hope you're going to say what I want you to say.> I finished silently.

He fidgeted nervously. I wonder if he had any idea how cute he looked when he was nervous.

"I . . . Ummm . . . Misty . . ." He stuttered before he got a look that said 'Oh screw it!' before he took me in his strong arms and kissed me passionately full on the lips.

<Oh man, he's kissing me. Please don't let me be dreaming.> I prayed as I threw my arms around him and returned his kiss with all the love I had kept hidden over the three years we've been together. I felt as if time had stopped. From the forest, I heard Eterna's beautiful yet enigmatic song. I wanted to stay like this for all eternity.

"Pikapi pikachu pi ka chu pi pi kachu . . . ." (Ash and Misty sitting in a tree . . . .)

"Staryuuuuu star!" (K-I-s-s-I-n-g!)

"Bul ba saur." (First comes love.)

"Pidge Pidgeot." (Then comes marriage.)

"Toge toge prrrriiiiii togepi toge togeprriiii!" (Then comes mommy and daddy with me in the baby carriage!)

Ash and I turned red at the teasing of our pokemon after we broke our kiss. We heard Charizard actually chuckling as our pokemon rolled around in the sand almost ready to bust a gut laughing. I suddenly felt an urge to toss them all in the ocean. I could tell Ash was thinking the same thing.

~~~~~~Pikachu's POV~~~~~~

When Ash pulled out that feather I was shocked beyond words, mainly because it really was one of Eterna's feathers. I jumped out of his arms and bolted for the forest. Everyone except Togepi, Ash and Misty followed me. They knew what I was thinking, we had to talk, NOW!

*I don't believe it!* Starmie gasped.

*He is the chosen one.* Charizard rumbled.

*Yet you have no respect for him and all he's done.* I remarked dryly.

Everyone stared at Charizard.

*I thought you didn't remember . . .* Horsea gasped.

Charizard growled but stayed silent.

*So now what do we do now that we know Ash is the chosen one?* Bulbasaur asked.

*Train him to fulfill the prophecy I suppose . . .* I suggested.

*Oh yeah, good idea. We'll just tell him he's part of a two thousand year old prophecy and will be the first of a new race. Just brilliant, how do you think he'll react to that?* Charizard sarcastically told me.

*Cork it hot head!* Psyduck snapped at him.

*Yeah Charizard! What is your problem?* Squirtle asked.

*You've been moody ever since Ash bandaged your wings!* Pidgeotto told him.

An all out argument broke out that I silenced with a mild Thunder Shock.

*Look, we're getting no where with this petty bickering. Why don't we all get some sleep and discuss it tomorrow.* I told them.

They all nodded and we headed back for the beach, only to see Ash and Misty kissing like the world was going to end in a few minutes.

<It's about time!>

We teased them a little and began laughing. Charizard did chuckle at their red faces for a minute before he walked over to Ash.

~~~~~~Ash's POV~~~~~~

After our pokemon were done embarrassing us, Charizard ambled over to me.

"Char char rizard zard." (I need to talk to you in private, please.)

His face and tone were so serious, I knew it wouldn't be smart to refuse. I nodded at the others and followed Charizard down the beach.

<I wonder why he wants to talk to me. Maybe he wants to be freed, or maybe he respects me . . >

Out of the hearing range of all the pokemon, including Pikachu, I carefully sat down trying not to jar my sore leg while Charizard just plopped down on his butt.

"Charizar char rizard zard char charizard rizard chaaar zard charizard?" (After all this time of giving you nothing but grief when I refused to obey you you still kept me, where most trainers would have abandoned me or sold me, why?)

I blinked, this was certainly not what I had really been expecting.

"Granted, most trainers would have. I'm not one of those trainers. It's my belief that all pokemon have a reason for their actions, let's take Pikachu as an example. First, she won't go into her pokeball, even if her life depends on it. Her reason, which I soon learned, is that not only is she claustrophobic, she was sealed into her pokeball when she was caught and remained in there until I let her out. Surely she must have told you how she acted when we first met right?" He nodded. "She had a reason for that too, she simply didn't trust me, in her short life with humans, specifically Prof. Oak, she was never given a chance or reason to trust. I must confess I was disappointed in Prof. Oak when I learned from her how she was treated those couple of weeks before she was sealed."

Charizard nodded thoughtfully, I wasn't to sure what was going through his brain at that moment and some gut instinct said I really didn't want to know.

"Charizard char?" (How did you survive as long as you did against the Persians?)

"When I was 9 years old I decided to start working out and prepare my body physically for my journey. Although that meant I didn't really have time to prepare mentally as you soon learned." I chuckled. I was happy to hear him chuckle too.

"Char char charizard zard rizard?" (And why in the name of the goddess did you go for food when your leg was as bad as it was?)

I had the grace to blush at that stupid decision.

"Actually, I only thought it was a bad sprain. I remember when I was 5 I broke my arm, I'll tell you now that hurt much, much more than my leg did. But I guess that didn't stop you from noticing huh?"

He nodded before what must have been a disturbing thought run though his mind. I held my peace though, I really didn't like the look he had now.

"Char charizard zard charizard char char chaaaarrrrr rrrrrizarrrrd char charizard zard rizard char char charrrrrizarrrrrd." (Ash, at first, I didn't like you. When you bandaged my wing I discovered how bad your leg was it got me to thinking. Then there was that incident with the Persians. I found I was starting to respect you and I didn't like it at first but now that we've had a long needed talk, I now know that not only do I respect you, I consider you my friend. You never gave up on me.)

"Thank you Charizard, I'm glad you finally respect me, but you know what? I'm even happier we're friends."

We shook hands and recalled some happier times. Sufficed to say I was shocked to learn that Charizard remembered everything from the start, but I forgave him.

~~~~~~Pikachu's POV~~~~~~~

We all saw Ash and Charizard come back with smiles on their faces, that was a good thing.

Around mid-day, while we were all lounging in the sand or playing in the ocean, I thought this might be a good time to tell Ash his destiny. Earlier that day when Ash and Charizard returned from their chat, Charizard gave me an estimate on how far Ash's ability had developed. That worried me a little yet gave me joy, he was developing quicker than we had originally thought, I guess it was his working out that helped his future abilities along.

I glanced at the two new lovers, or at least I tried to. They were otherwise . . . occupied I supposed. Just then they walked from the bushes, still lip locked and playing tonsil hockey by the look of it. All of us rolled our eyes and I let Staryu do the honours of cooling them off. I giggled at the looks on their faces.

<Ok, now we have to get down to some serious business.>

"Pikapi pika kachu." (Ash, Misty, sit down please.)

The look on my face was so serious they sat down and held hands, looking at me with a worried look.

*Charizard, suggestions on how to start would be nice.*

*Try starting with the legend that started the prophecy.*

I nodded and began, Ash translating for Misty as I began.

(There is a legend among pokemon, a legend of two humans and their powers. They had the power to transform into any pokemon, like a ditto, but they could also heal wounds with a mere touch of their hands. They could talk to us in our own language and also speak the language of humans. Because of these powers they held, they were worshipped by us. But for good to exist, there must be evil, and vice-versa. Dark magic created a pokemon meant for destruction and killing, there was no reasoning with it. The dark pokemon slaughtered many of us, as we were defenceless. We had no types, we had no elemental attacks then. The humans discovered that by merging they could create an equal to the Dark one and be the one of Light. A grand battle ensued between Light and Dark before the light won and destroyed the Dark one. But the Light one could not return to her normal forms. She wanted to make sure we could defend ourselves against our enemies to prevent such mass murder again.) I paused as I looked up at the sky with a smile. (So she gave us elemental attacks and the ability to evolve. She chose a name for herself and we call her goddess.)

"What does this have to do with me?" Ash asked. I held up a paw.

(I'm getting to that. So thus started the legend. Now for the prophecy. Two thousand years ago, our goddess proclaimed that one shall be born with the powers she held before her human predecessors merged. When the chosen one meets his soulmate, the sleeping powers within will slowly begin to awaken. With his soulmate, he will bring force a new race by awakening the sleeping powers of other people with the same gift. Though the gift of the other people will not be as strong of the chosen one and his soulmate.) I finished with a sigh.

"Charizard zard char." (We know who the chosen one is.)

"Who is it?" Misty asked earnestly. I bit my lower lip at the question. I could tell at a glance the others were unwilling to tell them either.

"You are the chosen one."

We all whirled around only to come to face with . . .

*Goddess!* Me and the other pokemon exclaimed.

"Eterna!" Gasped Ash and Misty.

"Son of young Kathy you are the chosen one. Your powers have begun to awaken and are gaining strength quickly."

I gazed at Eterna, the goddess, reverently. She was as Ash's mother had described her, at every move the colours rippled along her fur. With every ray of sun her horn seemed to shine with every colour at once. Her wings white enough to put snow to shame. Mane and tail of green flames danced without wind and her warm, gentle eyes like molten silver. I involuntary sucked in a breath and noticed that Ash and Misty were unusually quiet.

<Oh great, they've fainted.>

~~~~~~Charizard's POV~~~~~~

I looked at the two out cold humans unbelievably, I truly had begun to believe Ash was made of sterner stuff than that. Of course he had been through a fair amount today . . .

"His abilities are further advanced than they should be for his age. Perhaps meeting his soulmate early did that." Eterna told us thoughtfully.

*It might also be because of all the adventures we had. Specifically the Mewtwo incident. That would mature anyone quickly.* Pikachu shuddered. She was right, and between you and me it gave me the creeps. Ash had just been lying there . . . I shuddered too at the memory.

*Ash is the chosen one, how do we train him to use his powers?* I asked, curious.

"I will put the knowledge in your minds. The sooner his powers are harnessed the better."

*What about Misty? Does she have the gift?* Goldeen asked.

"Misty, being Ash's soulmate, has power equal to Ash's." She looked at the two trainers. "I must leave now." And with that our goddess, Eterna, was gone.

To be continued in part two of THE POKEMON PROPHECY

Authors Notes: Okay, this time I'm *determined* to put out an AAMRN! I'm really gonna try this time. If you have any comments, e-mail me, k? I love feedback, I live on it! Oh, and by the way, this story is in no way related to my other fics Forever and Sons. There's a possibility that this fic will be told from several different POV's, I'm not to sure at this stage though . . .

Disclaimer: I hate having to type disclaimers but I have to because I *really* don't want to get sued by the really nice and really rich people that own Pokémon. I don't own Pokémon and never claimed to.

Ash 15

Misty 15

Brock 18

Jessie 19

James 19



(pokemon translations)

*pokemon to pokemon*


Last time, on The Pokemon Prophecy . . .

~~~~~~Charizard's POV~~~~~~

I looked at the two out cold humans unbelievably, I truly had begun to believe Ash was made of sterner stuff than that. Of course he had been through a fair amount today . . .

"His abilities are further advanced than they should be for his age. Perhaps meeting his soulmate early did that." Eterna told us thoughtfully.

*It might also be because of all the adventures we had. Specifically the Mewtwo incident. That would mature anyone quickly.* Pikachu shuddered. She was right, and between you and me it gave me the creeps. Ash had just been lying there . . . I shuddered too at the memory.

*Ash is the chosen one, how do we train him to use his powers?* I asked, curious.

"I will put the knowledge in your minds. The sooner his powers are harnessed the better."

*What about Misty? Does she have the gift?* Goldeen asked.

"Misty, being Ash's soulmate, has power equal to Ash's." She looked at the two trainers. "I must leave now." And with that our goddess, Eterna, was gone.

And now the story continues . . .

~~~~~~Togepi's POV~~~~~~

I was confused, mommy and daddy were sleeping in the middle of the day. Uncle Charizard looked kinda disappointed, Aunty Pikachu gave mommy and daddy a Thunder Shock to wake them up. Like always it worked.

"Ohhh, what happened . . .?" Mommy asked before she remembered Eterna. "Oh my god! Ash! We saw Eterna!"

Memory struck daddy too and he looked . . . we'll, I don't know how he looked, I couldn't tell what was running through his mind at the moment. But just by taking a guess, I would say he looked thoughtful. Aunty Pikachu and mommy always told me that when daddy got thoughtful we had a problem.

"Ash? What's wrong?" Mommy asked him.

"I was just thinking, how are we going to get off this island? Squirtle doesn't know Surf, neither does Staryu and Starmie can't hold two people."

We all realized daddy was right and everyone sat down to think.

"Char charizard rizard." (There's enough trees, we cut them down and make a raft.) Uncle Charizard was really smart, that was a good idea!

"That won't work Charizard, I bet that the gang of Gyarados that nailed us is still swimming around, waiting for us." Daddy said. He was right, so we all started to think again. Suddenly, Uncle Charizard sighed.

"Charizard zard rrrizard char char rizarrrd charizard char." (Ash, Misty, since you two have the gift why don't we teach you your first power, Transform, then you two change into flyers and fly to the mainland.)

"Pika pikachu pi pika." (Good idea, they have to learn anyway.)

"Prrriiiiiiii togepi!" (Great idea Uncle Charizard!)

For some odd reason, Uncle Charizard turned redder than usual, mommy and daddy looked like they were trying really hard not to laugh.

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

Ash is translating what our pokemon are saying and I'm dumbfounded. When did he learn how to understand all our pokemon? Must be this 'gift' all the pokemon are talking about. I'll pick it up soon I suppose, though I felt a little left out.

(Okay Ash, Misty, it's time for your first lesson in using your gift.) Psyduck said. I felt a little better, I was learning.

(Right, now think of a pokemon. Now think of becoming that pokemon with all the abilities.)

In my mind, I pictured Staryu and pictured me as Staryu using all his attacks. An odd sensation came over me, it was sorta a warm feeling, the kind of feeling you get when you drink hot chocolate on a cold night. The sensation stopped and I looked at myself.

"Ahhh! I'm a Staryu! It worked! Ash look . . . at . . . Ash? Where are you?" In my excitement I had failed to notice wah Ash had changed into. But I should have been able to guess, he had changed into a Pikachu. So what I saw were two Pikachu's looking at each other.

*Hey Misty what do you think?* Ash asked in Pikachu as he tried and experimental Thunder Shock. I yelped when I got hit.

*Ash watch it! That hurt!*

I noticed Pikachu was snickering and shot her a look she didn't notice.

*Looks like we need to work on your aim a bit Ash.* She snickered.

Ash and I glanced at each other before I hit Pikachu with Water Gun and he electrocuted her. Just then Ash got a sneaky look on his face and I couldn't help but wonder what he was going to do. He concentrated and for the first actual time I saw what the transforming looks like.

~~~~~~Pikachu's POV~~~~~~

We continued Ash and Misty's training in the art of transformation until it was as natural to them as breathing and we agreed we were ready to leave this island. Of course landing would be difficult for Ash, and Misty couldn't fly with her broken arm. I reluctantly agreed to go into my pokeball just to lighten Ash's load, he wasn't as yet accustomed to flying with a passenger on his back so it was kept to just Misty and us in our pokeballs.

*Hurry up already! My mom must think we're dead! Pikachu I told you we should have gone back earlier and continued our training!*

I disappeared into my pokeball.

<Ugh! Ash owes me big time for this!>

We pokemon had many secrets that we never told humans. One such secret was a radio that allowed us to talk to other pokemon in their pokeballs. What? Did you seriously think all we did was sleep?

*Pika Power to Flamer and Bulb Back.*

*Charizard here. What's up rodent?*

*Bulbasaur here.*

*I'm bored, lets talk about old times and adventures.*

*Yeah, and speaking of old times. Any one ever wonder what happened to Team Rocket?* Charizard said.

So, us pokemon spent the rest of the flight theorizing what might have happened to Jessie, James, Meowth, Arbok, Likitung, Victreebell and Wheezing.

~~~~~~Ash's POV~~~~~~

The feeling of flying is . . . well, it's hard to describe, but I was euphoric. I could feel the wind brushing along my feathers, caressing them. I flapped to get a higher altitude and felt the thermals keeping me up in the air. I had been flying for a few hours now and I was starting to get tired so I decided to just glide for awhile. Misty had fallen asleep on my back, I turned my head to gaze adoringly at her.

<Misty, my soul, my heart, my life, my love. How could have I argued and insulted her for all those years?> I shook my head and steered toward the mainland I saw to my right. Oddly enough my leg didn't hurt anymore. Experimentally I shook it and discovered that it was totally healed! Unreal!

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

Slowly I woke up while Ash was still in mid-air and saw we were approaching land! I could see Pallet Town from where we were!

"Are you taking us to Pallet Ash?"

*Of course! I wanna see my mom and relieve her worries! She must be ridden with guilt!*

"You going to tell her?"

*About everything that's happened to us? Not a chance! I'm going to tell her everything that happened on the island except what we learned about ourselves. Now hang on, I'm going to land.*

I noticed that Ash didn't even wince when he landed in a field about a mile away from Pallet and I asked him about it after he had transformed back to his regular self.

"Actually my leg is totally healed, and I think your arm is too."

To my surprise, he was right. There was no pain at all.

<I could get to like these new powers.>

~~~~~~Narrators POV~~~~~~

As Ash, Misty and Pikachu went on their way to Pallet for a very happy and tearful reunion, the laboratories on Cinnabar Island continue with experiments.

"Drain the fluid and bring the security grid online. We don't want a repeat of the Mewtwo incident."

"Yes doctor."

Inside a large tube, is an indistinguishable large figure, wider than two full grown men. As the yellow-brown liquid drains out, a man in the shadows turns to the doctor.

"Are you sure it will obey me and me only?"

"Positive sir."

"Good, release it."

The pokemon is released from the now drained tube. It's black, 15 ft tall, 25 ft long from nose to tail. The pokemon's skin is covered in thick armour made of a fusion of rock and bone, the ridges along it's back are razor sharp and deadly. Blood red eyes seem to show a rage that has been pent up for thousands of years. At the end of it's tail are wicked looking blades that resemble a broad ax.

"I am your master, you will listen to me."

It nodded its ugly, horn covered head.

"Good, now go to this island and bring me the one named Mewtwo."

"Yes master." He said as he spread his demon like wings and flew off to the island.

"Finally, I will have my revenge on Mewtwo for destroying my empire."

Elsewhere, on a beach a fair distance away, two humans and one pokemon are enjoying the sun.

"Ah, now dis is da life!"

"Mmm, you said it Meowth." Jessie murmured, half asleep.

"No more trying to get that darn Pika . . . what is that?!" James suddenly yelled as a large, black figure landed in front of them.

"Meowth, where is Eterna?!" He mentally thundered. Meowth cowered.

"I . . . I don't know! She rarely shows herself to anyone!" He stammered.

He advanced on the three, but stopped when he remembered his masters orders.

"I will kill you three later." He told them as he took off. Meowth waited until he was out of sight before he grabbed five pokeballs and called out Arbok, Wheezing, Victreebell, Likitung, and Growly. They raised a commotion until Meowth silenced them with slashes to their faces.

"Meowth, shut up! We have an emergency! Kurai is back and he wants Eterna! Go into the woods and tell every pokemon you see! Hurry!" Shocked and near panic, all six ran into the forest and began spreading the word, hoping it would soon reach the ears of their goddess.

On an island that's pretty much the middle of nowhere, Mewtwo, Mew and the clones are practicing when Mewtwo's and Mew's eyes suddenly snap upward as Kurai lands among them.

"Who here is Mewtwo?"

"I am Mewtwo. You are trespassing!"

"My master has told me to bring you to him."

"Why should I go with you?"

"Because no is not an option!" He roared as he released a wave of Dark power that paralysed Mewtwo.

"Leave my son alone!" Mew yelled as she hurled a Psychic attack strong enough to faint ten Kadabras. Kurai laughed and tackled Mew. The clones threw their strongest at him, but they were barely rewarded with a scratch on his armour.

This distraction was enough for Mewtwo to teleport himself, his mother and the clones away to a person who might be able to help.

~~~~~~Mewtwo's POV~~~~~~

<Ash Ketchum . . . the chosen one. Now that I know I am not surprised at the deep connection he has with his pokemon.>

I knocked at his door and adjusted the hood of my cloak. Hoping I wouldn't have to talk to his mother. The door opened to reveal a young man I wouldn't have recognized if it weren't for the Pikachu that was perched on his head.

"Ka . . . Kachu!" (M . . . Mewtwo!)

"Mewtwo? What are you doing here?"

"Ash honey, who's at the door?"

"Just someone I know mom! I'm going out!"

"Alright dear, just be careful."

"I will!" Ash called to his mother before grabbing his pokeballs and joining me outside.

"Follow me."

Ash and Pikachu followed me to the forest where we met up with mother and the clones.

"Pikachu pi pika kachu?" (You seem edgy. What's wrong Mewtwo?)

"Kurai's come back, hasn't he?"

"Your training is further along than I thought. You are able to sense him."

"Pi . . . Pika?" (Ku . . . Kurai?)

I nodded, Pikachu was shaking in fear. As strong as she is, she wouldn't survive alone against Kurai long.

"You must summon Eterna and your soulmate Ash. We must rally our forces and beat him once and for all."

~~~~~~Kathy's POV (Ash's mom)~~~~~~

I was in the kitchen when a knock came at the door. Like the good boy he is Ash ran to get it. A moment later I heard Pikachu stutter something in her own language. Most wouldn't know but she was the only pokemon of Ash's that I could understand. I was startled when the word 'Mewtwo' came from her lips.

<That didn't sound like a name, it sounded like a pokemon! But that's silly, why would a wild pokemon come to our door and want to talk to Ash?>

I knew there was a way to find out exactly what Mewtwo was. I went up the stairs to the guest room, where Misty was staying. I knocked lightly and heard a muffled 'come in', so I did.

"Misty, there was just someone at the door and I was wondering if you knew who he was."

She looked at me and picked up a glass of water she took a sip before asking me what his name was.

"It was someone named Mewtwo."

I got very worried when all the colour drained from her face and her hands started shaking violently, causing her to drop the cup.

"Did . . . did you say Mewtwo?" She asked shakily. I nodded my head. "I wonder why he's here, he wanted to be left alone with his mother and the clones." I heard her mutter.

"Misty you're scaring me! Who is Mewtwo?!" I almost screamed, this Mewtwo was obviously bad news, so why had my sensible son gone with him?

"Mewtwo is a pokemon that was created on Cinnabar Island by altering the genes of a Mew. He's the most powerful pokemon there is. You heard about the explosion that destroyed the Cinnabar Labs?"

"Yes, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Mewtwo did that with a Psychic. He's a Psychic type, so is his mother Mew."

That was the straw that broke my back, I grabbed Misty and her pokeball then continued to drag her to the forest. In a clearing ahead, I saw Ash talking to what had to be Mewtwo.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" I screamed at the large pokemon.

Mewtwo whipped around to face me and his eyes glowed blue, I stopped in realization that he was going to hit me with a lethal Psychic!

"Mewtwo NO!!!" Ash screamed before he did something that made me faint, he changed into a Jynx and used Blizzard on Mewtwo!

~~~~~~Pikachu's POV~~~~~~

Once I saw what Mewtwo was going to do to Ash's mom I powered up for Thunder, but Ash was quicker than me and transformed into a Jynx and used Blizzard to cool Mewtwo off. He changed back.

"Mewtwo you almost used Psychic on my mother!"

Mewtwo blanched and blinked in surprise.

"Pikachu, go see if mom's ok."

I ran over to his mom and checked her out, she was ok, only fainted.

*She's ok, she's only fainted. No doubt from seeing her son transform into a pokemon.* I added dryly.

Just then, our goddess arrived.

*Goddess!* We all exclaimed before kneeling, even Ash and Misty.

"We must prepare, Kurai approaches as we speak with his master Giovanni."

"Giovanni survived?!" Mewtwo mentally yelled.

"Oh, great!" Misty muttered sarcastically. "As if we didn't have enough to deal with we have to beat him too?"

The Scyther clone spoke up.

*I'll handle Giovanni then come to help you.*

"Thanks Scyther, for a bug you're pretty cool."

Ash looked up at the sky, so did I and I saw who he saw. Kurai.

"Misty, Ash, listen to me. Merge your pokemon powers within you, then you will evolve to the next stage." Eterna told them before preparing herself for another gruelling fight with Kurai. Pokemon came from the forest and prepared to fight and help our goddess. Ash and Misty released the others from their balls and told us all to be careful. You had to love those two.

~~~~~~Gary's POV~~~~~~

I was working on an experiment with grandpa when all the pokemon in their habitat and pokeballs suddenly went nuts! The ones in the field started stampeding north and the pokemon that had just burst out of their balls did the same! I was total chaos! Confused, me and gramps followed them to a clearing where I saw Ash, Misty, and a bunch of pokemon facing off against a really evil looking pokemon and the arriving members of Team Rocket. What was going on?!

~~~~~~Meowth's POV~~~~~~

After we had warned all the pokemon we could we suddenly knew that Eterna was facing off against Kurai. We left Jessie and James in the dust as we went as fast as we could to the battle to help and were joined by other pokemon in our race to help.

~~~~~~Charizard's POV~~~~~~

I grimaced, this was it. The final battle of Light and Dark. I stood alongside my clone, prepared to fight to the death. Only one side would emerge victorious, and alive.

Ash and Misty held hands, giving each other courage. I could see them trying to figure out how to evolve to the next stage like our goddess had told them to. One thing was for sure in this uncertain war, I would willingly die protecting them and our goddess, I could tell the other pokemon felt the same way. My clone and I, or son depending on how you looked at it, prepared to fight.

"PIKA PIKACHU PIKA PIK PIKACHU!" (IF WE DIE, WE DIE PROTECTING THOSE WE LOVE!) She shouted. All the other pokemon yelled in agreement.

~~~~~~Narrator's POV~~~~~~

The newly assembled Team Rocket, excluding Jessie and James, pulled some nasty surprises from their waists, guns. The pokemon didn't give them the chance to fire and tackled them with various attacks. Chaos broke loose as the pokemon who hadn't occupied themselves with Team Rocket began to mercilessly attack Kurai. Giovanni watched from the sidelines, eyebrows raised when Ash and Misty began using elemental attacks. Gary and his grandpa came just as the war started. Pokemon started limping off the battlefield, injured and exhausted an hour into the fight only to be replaced by fresh pokemon. Eterna reared and slammed diamond hard hooves into Kurai repeatedly with the occasional burst of Light power.

Ash and Misty started to glow, and then transformed into pokemon similar to Eterna. Except Ash's mane and tail was white flames and Misty's was blue flames. Realizing they had evolved to the next stage as Eterna had instructed, the fought with their Light power too.

Giovanni watched as his ultimate pokemon was beginning to lose, he pulled out a gun, aimed and fired at Ash. Eterna saw this and knocked him out of the way, taking the near fatal hit. Charizard and his clone ran to Eterna and carried her to Kathy, who had just woken up, before returning to the fight.

~~~~~~Kathy's POV~~~~~~

I couldn't believe my eyes, what I saw was absolutely unbelievable. Ash and Misty transformed into pokemon like Eterna. A gunshot brought me back to reality and I watched in horror as Eterna was hit when she knocked my son out of the way. Two Charizards brought her over to me and I gasped at the wound in her side. Gary and professor Oak entered the clearing just then and I called them over.

"We've got to help her! She saved Ash's life!" I told them, the three of us tried to pick her up but she was too heavy. A white light, not unlike the one that had transformed my son and his girlfriend engulfed her, we were blinded momentarily and when I opened my eyes I was in shock, Eterna had been replaced by a young man and a young woman. Sufficed to say this made it easier to carry them to the hospital in town.

~~~~~~Mew's POV~~~~~~

I was enraged! That human had just shot Eterna! My son was equally angry and we took it out on the remaining members of Team Rocket. The chosen ones had discovered their next stage and I was happy for them yet also worried. They were the only ones who even had a remote chance of beating Kurai. Their hooves pounded relentlessly against his armour, bursts of Light came form their horns, but they were inexperienced, that was their weakness. Both were bleeding from the scratches on their bodies but the continued to fight, and so did we.

The chosen ones reared, their bodies surrounded by and aura of Light. As one, they crashed their hooves down on Kurai's head, breaking the armour. The aura of Light drained from their bodies and into Kurai, who gave a bellow of pain before exploding. They collapsed, transforming back into their normal selves.

~~~~~~Young woman's POV~~~~~~

Weakly, I opened my eyes. I could no longer sense Kurai, I sighed in relief, the chosen ones had won! I saw a hand in front of me and realization hit when I saw it was my own! Could it be? <Are Nathan and I human again?>

Wearily I looked to my left and saw someone that looked vaguely familiar.

<Kathy? Is that young Kathy? Yes, it is. I wonder if she knows that we have won?>

I turned my aching head to the right and saw Nathan, still asleep on the hospital bed.

"Eterna?" I heard a sleepy voice ask, I turned my head back to Kathy.

"Eterna doesn't exist now, she only exists when Nathan and I merge. My name is Julia." It was comforting to hear my own voice again after two thousand years.

"I think I understand, but what about Ash and Misty? They . . . they transformed into POKEMON!"

"It's all perfectly explainable."

"Then please, enlighten me."

"Alright. Ash and Misty are the chosen ones. Two thousand years ago . . ."

I proceeded to tell her the story, belief slowly made its way to her face as I drew to a finish.

~~~~~~Nathan's POV~~~~~~

When I woke up, I woke up to a lovely sight. Julia. We were human again, though I don't know what triggered it. After the first battle with Kurai we had tried so hard to change back but we couldn't. Two doctors came in with two stretchers that held an unconscious Ash and Misty, I was worried, and I could tell Julia was too. Kathy rushed to her son and I briefly wondered what it would be like to be a parent. To watch a child grow and learn. I hope it would be possible, someday.


~~~~~~Pikachu's POV~~~~~~

I ran as fast as my stubby legs would carry me to the hospital where I knew Ash, Misty and Eterna would be. I had seen her change into two humans and I inwardly rejoiced, she had wanted to return to her human selves for so long, and now that the war was over, her wish was granted.

I screeched to a stop in their room and was met with an amusing sight, all the pokemon, clone and original alike, including Mew and Mewtwo were being royally scolded by Ash's mother!


I jumped and looked at Ash's mother and she pointed with her finger to an empty spot in front of her. I slunk into the empty place and took the berating like everyone else.

15 YEARS LATER . . .

~~~~~~Misty's POV~~~~~~

I sighed as I told Pikachu to wake up Ash. You'd think after 10 years of being married I would have finally been able to break him of the sleeping in habit.


"Wake up you lazy sloth! Or have you forgotten that Selene starts her Journey today?"

"Ack!" He bolted out bed and ran to Selene's room, which was empty because Selene had already made her way to Professor Oak's. Pikachu and I got huge sweatdrop before following Ash to Oak's.

~~~~~~Selene's POV~~~~~~

I waited at the gates for Professor Oak to let me and the other two kids in. I was so excited! I was finally going to start my Journey!

"You excited Pearl?"

"Pika!" (Oh yeah!)

Pearl had the . . . unnatural strength of her mother, not that I was complaining or anything, Dad's Pikachu could beat almost anything! Including Ground types! But there were more traits she picked up from her mother, I'll tell you two of them. One, like her mother she hates pokeballs with a passion, and two, she was way too protective of me! That second one was sooo annoying!

I looked at the other two kids, only one was my friend, Dolly. She wanted Squirtle, and the other, well, he was sort of odd. I think his name is Hoshi, as distrusting as Pearl is she likes him. That confused me.

Mom and dad were talking with his parents, they seem so young despite their age of 35 and they held secrets I was told I would learn someday.

Yes, one day I would learn the secrets of mom, dad, and Hoshi's parents, Julia and Nathan.


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