Author's Notes: I'm Back! And I've got another Pikachu POV for you, or should I say Pikachu Forever POV. Since Ash and Misty are together now there are going to be elements of an AAMRN, but there will be action! I promise you that! I've got the plot right now in my head. Just hope it stays there long enough for me to type it down! Oh yeah, and Brock fans, Brock will make and appearance sometime in the fic. I'm thinking about giving him a girl too.

Ash 16

Misty 16

Brock 19

Jessie 20

James 20



(pokemon translations)

*pokemon to pokemon*

Now on with the show! 


After taking a well deserved year long break in Pallet Town, Ash, Misty, Charizard, Pikachu, our kits and I, decided we had travelled too much to settle down in a town now and resumed our journey, which was strictly pokemon searching. Ash had accomplished his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master, but he didn't let it go to his head. Actually, Misty wouldn't let it go to his head.

*Boy, I really missed travelling and sleeping under the stars.* I sighed to myself, Pikachu nodded. Apparently, the kits had heard us too.

*So far this is boring!*

*Yeah! What is there to do mama?*

Our kits could be a little aggravating at times. Sometimes I wonder if I was like this as a kit.

*There are many things to do on a journey. On this journey, you, us and the other pokemon will be fighting wild pokemon, to weaken them so Ash and Misty can catch them.*

*Will we fight too?*

*Only after we've trained you a bit to make you healthier and stronger.* My mate told them when I gave up and jumped on Ash's head. Sure, I could speak human, but like that extremely annoying Meowth I could also speak pokemon and I did for the sake of the kits understanding me.

"Kits being a problem Pikachu?"

"No, they're just being regular kits I suppose."

"Why don't we take a break here and I'll call out the others to keep them occupied?"

"Sounds fine with me. What about you Misty?" I asked.

"Great! My feet are killing me!"

We stopped there and Ash let Primeape, Bulbasaur, Pidgeot and Squirtle out.

"Ok guys, the kits want a fight so they can go against wild pokemon, be gentle on them, they're beginners."

"Squirtle squirtle squirt tle irtle squirt?" (Water's weak against electric Ash, what about me?)

"It's possible for you to build an immunity against electric attacks if you practice enough. The kits are a good start to build your way to immunity."

"Pidg pigeooo pidgeot pidgeeo pidge?" (Who's going to call the attacks?)

"You'll have to use your own judgement, I have to call the attacks for the kits to get them use to listening to a trainer." Pigdeot nodded and the battles began. The kits soon learned it was better listening to Ash then try to win by themselves. Squirtle was really happy because he won against my daughter. It was a little tougher for him against my son but he managed. They were all exhausted by the time practice was done, Pikachu told them that they would feel better if they went into a pokeball. I understood what he was trying to do, get them used to a pokeball because we all knew they couldn't stay with us forever. Our son and daughter agreed and let themselves be put into the pokeballs.

"Ash, like any good mother I want my kits to stay with me, but they no longer depend upon my milk and have learned their basic attacks. I know they must be given to new trainers though, and I won't object on one condition."

"What's that Pikachu?"

"Simple and understandable, I choose the trainers."

"Fine with me."

A thought suddenly occurred to me.

"Oh yeah, and Ash?"


"Very few pokemon actually tell their trainers this but I decided to tell you, all pokemon are given names when they're born or hatched. Not the names that describe that particular type such as Squirtle and Bulbasaur, but personal names, different for each of us, like Ash and Misty. I want to tell you my given name and the names of my kits. When Pikachu and I have chosen their trainers you will not tell them their names, understood?"

"Understood Pikachu." He nodded, I looked down at his face and saw the sincerity in his eyes, he wouldn't tell. I looked at Misty and decided she would keep it a secret too.

"Good. My given name is Sasha, my daughter's name is Jewel and my son's name is Auryn."

Ash and Misty smiled at me and continued walking. Ash looked down at my mate.

"What about you Pikachu?"

"Pikachu pika pik pi pi kachu." (Sorry, I don't really want to tell my name Ash.)

"No biggie then." Ash shrugged. I jumped down and began talking quietly with Pikachu.

"Charizard char char charizard char." (Don't tell Misty, my name is Inferno.) Charizard rumbled.

"That suits you."

"What did Charizard say Ash?"

"Sorry Misty, guy thing."

"Hmph! Men!" She stormed off and sat down on a log. Ash started setting up camp for the coming night. When the moon rose and dinner was eaten, Ash, Charizard and the rest of the gang excluding me, Misty and Pikachu went to look for some nocturnal pokemon.

"Why didn't you two go with Ash?"

"Pika pik chaa pikachu pika pi pi." (Jewel and Auryn are the ones who need the practice, not us.)

Misty sighed.

"Why do I have the feeling you're not going to tell me what he said."

"Pikachu pipika chu pika." (You have to learn to understand me sooner or later.) He yawned. I giggled at the blank look on Misty's face. She'll learn. Misty gave up and went to sleep, Pikachu and I followed her example. I never knew when Ash came back. <I hope he's okay . . .> was my last thought before sleep overcame me.

When Pikachu and I woke up we saw Inferno curled around the campfire and Ash and Misty sleeping beside each other in the tent. Carefully, so as not to wake them up, I slipped into Ash's bag and released the other pokemon.

*Aww, they look so cute together . . .* Pidgeot crooned.

*Yeah. Why'd you wake us up anyway? I was having the best dream . . .* Squirtle complained.

*We have to get ourselves some breakfast, we're out of food. So we have to forage for ourselves.* I whispered.

We spread out and started looking for berries, nuts and stuff, leaving Inferno where he was. After all, it was better to leave sleeping Charizards alone.

We met an hour later to find Ash and Misty just waking up.

"Pidgeoo pidge pidgeot." (Finally, the two love birds are up.) She teased.

Ash blushed and Misty blushed when he told her what Pidgeot said.

"Primmmmeape priiiime." (We got you two berries for breakfast.)

"Thanks everyone, but what about you?"

"Squirtle squirtle squirt." (It's okay, we already ate.)

"Bulba saur saur bulbasaur." (Where are we going to pick up food Ash?"

"We're going to drop in on Brock in Pewter City today. Then we'll get supplies." He released Jewel and Auryn. "Alright you two, you're walking with us to Pewter City to see Brock."

"Pikachu pi pika chuu pika pika?" (Why should we walk when we can ride?) Auryn asked.

"You both need some exercise, and a little walking never hurt anyone. Besides, we might encounter a wild pokemon."

They smiled, they were going to get a chance to fight for real for the first time.

Jewel's ears twitched. She stopped and turned around to come face to face with a Pidgey.

"Pikachu?" (What's that?)

"It's a Pidgey. Hmm, you want it Misty?"

"Nahhh, I'll stick with Togepi and my water pokemon."

"Okay. Pikachu Thundershock!"

I watched as the Pidgey was shocked and began to fight back. Jewel squeaked and curled into a ball to avoid the talons.

"Pikachu Thunderwave!"

Her recently learned attack fainted the Pidgey.

"Pokeball go!"

Pidgey was caught and Jewel did a little dance for joy. When she suddenly stopped.

"Pikachu?" (What's that?) She ask as she ran into the bushes. We followed her and eventually reached a little girl crying under a tree. Jewel was trying her best to comfort her. Ash kneeled down and asked her what was wrong.

"My Bulbasaur was stolen! He was my only pokemon!"

"Did you just start your pokemon journey?" Misty asked gently.

She nodded.

"Pika pikachu pika pi chu chu pikachu." (If you want I'll be your starter and come with you on your journey.) Jewel offered. When Ash translated the girl's tears slowed.

"Really?" She looked at Ash with hope filled eyes.

Jewel nodded and jumped in her lap. Ash looked at me, remembering our agreement. I walked up to her and started checking her out.

"Don't worry, that's Pikachu's mother. She just wants to make sure you're okay for her daughter." Ash reassured her. I turned to him and gave a slight nod.

"Well, you passed. Here's Pikachu's pokeball, take good care of her. She's at level 11 and knows Thunderwave." 

"Thank you Mister! Thank you Pikachu!" She looked at me. "A red Pikachu . . .? What's your name sir?"

"Just call me Ash. Yo Charizard, Pikachus, Misty, let's go."

We left just as she made the connection.

"Ash Ketchum?! The Pokemon Master!?" She yelled.

"Yup but I hate formal titles. See ya!" I turned my head to look at her and chuckled. The look on her face was priceless! 

"I'd like to hear the story she tells when she reaches the next town." I laughed. Ash grinned.

"Yeah, she'll probably say a pokemon was attacking her and I called upon you to dispatch it and gave her Jewel to replace her stolen Bulbasaur. Then she'll tell all how she met the greatest Pokemon Master ever to walk the earth!"

Out came the trusty mallet and deflated his growing ego with haste.

"Owww, Misty that hurt!"

"Aww, maybe this will make you feel better." She said as she kissed him; Ash put his arms around her and returned the kiss.

"Hurt anymore?"

"A little. I know this will help with the pain though." He murmered as he kissed her again. I started counting the seconds silently. When they finally came up for air I stopped at a minute and a ½, that beat their record of a minute and twenty seconds.

We reached Pewter City and went straight to the gym. Ash got a look on his face and quickly ducked into the bathroom and changed his clothes. He walked differently and went to the main battle area. Pikachu, Auryn and I stayed in the shadows and grinned, this was going to be fun.

"I challenge gym leader Brock for a Boulder badge!" He called in a different voice. Misty hung back with me to watch the show.

"Fine, two on two battle. You're allowed to keep one in. Graveler go!"

Graveller? Looks like Geodude finally evolved.

"Okay pal! Let's do it!" He tossed out Squirtle.

"Graveler, Rock Throw!"

"Avoid and Bubble!"

The bubbles weakened Graveler and Squirtle began to glow! He evolved into Wartortle!

"War!" (Cool!)

"Water Gun!"

Graveler fainted and Brock returned her. He tossed out Onyx. Of course from his height advantage he saw me and Misty. He got the joke and played along. Ash saw that Onyx knew and winked at him.

"Water Gun!"

Onyx fell as though he fainted.

"Looks like you need to train your Onyx more!"

Brock just stared slack jawed, we couldn't hold it anymore and began to laugh. Onyx began laughing too. We stepped from the shadows still laughing, Brock grinned.

"So the Pokemon Master fights a gym leader. How ya doing guys?"

We caught up on old times and Brock shocked us by introducing his girlfriend Anna.

"He . . . Hello?"

I knew that voice, it was the girl from the forest.

"Hey Brock, you've got a challenger. We met her on her way here. She's the trainer my daughter

chose." I told him. He went to the arena and we hung out in the bleachers.

It was a pretty quick match, she had caught a Squirtle on the way here and used it to beat Graveler. Onyx came out and fainted Squirtle making her call out Jewel. Jewel Thunderwaved the still soaked dirt and electrocuted Onyx. Once the battle was over Inferno carried Ash, Misty and Pikachu down from the bleachers, I flew Auryn down with my wings.

After a happy reunion we continued down the road to pay Lt. Surge a little visit. Once we were outside his gym I got an idea.

"Can you wait out here for a few minutes? I want to have a little talk with Raichu and do something I've always wanted to do to her." A kid ran out of the gym carrying a fainted Pidgeotto. "Looks like they're still at it. Join me in about ten minutes okay?"

"Sure Sasha."

I took to the air and flew in the top window looking for Raichu. Surge was congratulating Raichu on another victory. From the air I did what I always wanted to do, I gave Surge and Raichu a little Thundershock to the butt. They yelped and looked around for the perpetrator but they didn't see me so still in the air I circled them and did it again, a little stronger this time. By this time everyone in the gym was looking but no one bothered to look up to the roof. I had a hard time containing my laughter at the bewildered looks on all their faces. I carefully shaped my electricity around me to give me appearance of a Zapdos and landed in front of Surge and Raichu chuckling with my Zapdos impression. Those two thought they were looking at a legendary bird and gaped. I let go of the electricity giving me the Zapdos look and smirked at them.

*Pikachu! That wasn't funny!* She finally looked at me. *Pikachu?*

*Of course it's me! You should be able to recognize the one that beat you! Weren't you watching the battles when I evolved?*

"Is that you Pikachu? Where's Ash?"

"Right here Lieutenant."

Ash walked in and I flew over to him and landed on his head. Charizard, Pikachu, Auryn and Misty came in to. Brock had decided to stay in Pewter.

"Your Pikachus look great Ash!"


Auryn carefully walked over to Raichu.

*Hi, I'm Pikachu.*

*I'm Raichu. Is that your mother and father with Ash?*

*Yup!* He whacked Raichu with his tail. *Tag! You're it!* He said and ran off. Bulbasaur, Primeape, Inferno, the newly recovered Jolteon and Wartortle joined the game and disrupted the body builders around the gym. Auryn really liked it here and I studied Surge. He would be a good trainer if he let Auryn learn all his attacks first, especially Swift and Agility. I chuckled.

"Hey Ash, how about a 1 on 1 for old times sake? Pikachu Forever against Raichu. I'd like to see her in action since I missed the last battle against Gio."

"Pikachu pika pika chu chu." (I'm up for deflating Raichu's ego. How about you?)

"Sure, lets do it!"

Surge called the first attack.

"Raichu Thunder!"

"Pikachu Blizzard!"

The lightning froze in midair, we all laughed at the look on their faces.

"Fire Spin Pikachu!"


"Pikachu Psychic!" He yelled. Psychic ended the match and Raichu fainted.

The members of the gym were all slackjawed, Ash, his pokemon, Misty and I all fell to the floor laughing.

Surge gave Raichu a full heal and she jumped on her feet groaning.

"Why don't we show them your other attacks?"

I grinned.

"Thunder Ball the wall over there."

I used Thunder Ball and the members of the gym watched as I blew up the wall and put the fire out with Hydro Pump. I grinned as Raichu and Surge were thoroughly impressed.

"No wonder Gio lost Ash! With attacks like that no one could win against you!"

"Pika pikachu pik pika?" (Mama, can I stay with Lt. Surge and Raichu?)

Ash and I nodded.

"Pikachu wants you to be his trainer Surge. Although I think he has an ulterior motive. Just make sure he learns all his attacks before you evolve him this time okay?" Ash told him.

"Really Ash? Thanks! And don't worry! I learned my lesson a long time ago." He smiled as we left the gym and entered the forest. 

Night came and we all fell asleep, I was exhausted. Tomorrow I was going to tease Sabrina, Haunter and her Alakazam.

I woke up when I began to bounce and instinctively let loose a Thunderbolt. When there were no screams I opened my eyes and found myself in a rubber bag . . . again; and there was no Charizard to salvage the situation this time. I saw Ash beside me unconscious, I used my claws and desperately mauled the rubber bag to no avail. I stopped when I heard three voices talking and listened.

"Why does the boss want this brat Jessie? For ransom you think?"

"Maybe, I wish I had thought of it first." She pouted.

"Will yous two shut up!? Da boss has his own plans for dese two!"

"Oohhhh! I wonder what it is?"

Jessie suddenly became uncomfortably quiet.

"James, you don't suppose he'll, you know, kill him do you?"

"I don't know. What if he does? Sure, we're thieves, but we're not murderers."

"Don't worry ya two, da boss just wants him. I don't think da boss'd kill him."

"Here we are." Jessie announced. "James, grab the brat and take him to the boss. I'll take the Pikachu and follow you."

"I'll be da top cat again!"

We arrived in a dark room, it gave me the creeps.

"Well, it seems you three have finally succeeded at something."

But the dark room didn't creep me out as much as that voice did, why did it sound so familiar?

"Release the Pikachu."

"But boss . . ."

"Do as I say!"

James trembled as he opened the bag and jumped back, I ran over to Ash.


Team Rocket scrambled out. I ignored them and faced the shadowed man that was the boss of Team Rocket; preparing for a Thunder Ball. He snapped his fingers and a blue aura surrounded Ash and lifted him up in the air. The pokemon holding him stepped out and I recoiled, this was not a pokemon you wanted to mess around with. All the pokemon had heard about him and how dangerous he was . . . Mewtwo.

"If you strike me Pikachu, then Mewtwo will throw Psychic at your trainer, and you know that's lethal to humans."

He was right, a Psychic attack would be lethal to Ash, I powered down.

"Pikapi kachu." (Ash, I'm sorry.) I told him sadly. Mewtwo translated what I said to the man.

"Pikachu pika chu?!" (What do you want me to do?!) I asked him harshly. He smiled as Mewtwo once again translated.

"First, I want you to fight for five minutes against Mewtwo. If you survive your trainer will stay alive and you will become my pet. If you die, then your trainer joins you."

I paled as he said each sentence, he wanted me to survive against Mewtwo? I had to, for Ash's sake.

"Pika pikachu pi pika pikachu pikapi pik kachu chuuu." (Before I fight, can I at least explain everything to Ash's pokemon?)

"Fine." Everyone was released and when they say Ash prepared to attack.


*You've got to be kidding! Look at Ash! Why haven't you attacked yet?* Primeape demanded.

*That man over there is the head of Team Rocket, and the pokemon holding him is Mewtwo. If we attack either of them, Mewtwo will kill Ash with Psychic. There's only one chance to keep him alive and I have to do it.* They all got wide eyed as I explained the situation.

*He's blackmailing you?!* Pidgeot squawked.

I nodded sadly.

*What does he want you to do?* Bulbasaur asked.

*He wants me to fight one of his pokemon.* 

*That should be easy!* Wartortle exclaimed.

*No it's not Wartortle. It's a life and death battle, if I die then Ash will die too. If I survive, Ash lives and I become that man's pet. I have to battle for five minutes against . . . Mewtwo.*

They were all shocked speechless by what I have been blackmailed to do. They stay silent as they followed me to the battle arena and watched through the window as Mewtwo and I prepared to fight. Ash, being held by two guards started to wake up. <Great, now he's going to watch my possible death.>

"PIKACHU!" He yelled. I paused and looked back with tear filled eyes at Ash, the human who I loved the most, the human I thought of as a son.

"Kachu pikapi." (I'm sorry Ash.)

One cold word started the fight.


He began with Swift, I countered with Thunder. He used Barrier and I knew this was going to take brains. He launched Psychic at me and I used swift and agility to avoid his attacks. Unfortunately confusion hit me right on and I couldn't move. He moved in for the killing blow, in the distance I heard Ash screaming to me to get up. I managed to get my mental feet under me and acted like I was still affected so I could prepare an attack that would hopefully at least stun Mewtwo. I felt his presence looming over me, preparing for the final blow. Ash was sobbing now, I couldn't stand it anymore. My eyes snapped open and I let loose one of my new attacks, the one no one would be expecting, Psychic. Mewtwo reeled and I released Hydro Pump, while he was soaked I shocked him with Thunder Ball before frying Mewtwo with Fire Spin. The bell rang, indicating the end of the battle. I collapsed in exhaustion. A pair of gentle hands picked me up and held me. I didn't need to open my eyes to know that the arms that held me to his warm chest belonged to Ash. I knew because I always felt safe when I was with him.

"Shhh, it's okay Sasha, everything will be okay. Shhh . . ." I heard him whisper into my ear. His voice was so soothing . . . I fell into the darkness of unconsciousness and could no longer hear his sob-ridden words.

When I finally woke up I saw Mew in front of me.

*You are very strong Pikachu Forever. Many have faced my son, you are the only one to survive.*

*Where's Ash? What happened?*

*Your trainer is being held in a furnished room with guards at the door. After the battle you fainted and Ash managed to break free of his guards and hold you. When the guards tried to take him from you he fought like a possessed Primeape. After he was beaten my son levitated him to the room, he fought the levitation the whole way. I came in here to heal your wounds.*

*I want to see Ash! Where are Wartortle, Pidgeot, Primeape, Jolteon and Bulbasaur?*

*They are in a different room.*

<I'm glad Jewel and Auryn are with good trainers, I wouldn't want them to experience this. And thank the goddess they're safe.>

*He is like your son isn't he? You must love Ash a lot. I will see what I can do to get you all together.*

*Really?! Oh thank you Mew!* I launched into her and hugged her. I was so grateful that she would let me see them all.

Not long after I followed Mewtwo and Mew to Ash's room. The guards let us in and when I entered, I heard sobbing. I ran into the bedroom and saw everyone trying to sooth Ash's tears to no avail.

"Pikapi." (Ash.) He looked up and spread his arms, I jumped into them and he let out a little grunt before hugging me. As I was squeezed against his chest I felt something wrong and pulled out of the hug to check him out. I put a paw on his arm to balance myself and noticed that his arm was hot and swollen, it was broken, badly.

*By the goddess! Mew! His arm is broken! Help him!*

Mew called a few Chansey's and they began to heal his arm after using gas to put him to sleep. I heard Mew and Mewtwo talking but I paid no attention. Although if you're curious I'll put down what they said.

*Why is Pikachu Forever so worried? He's just a human.*

*They really love each other my son. All his pokemon love him. Though they had a rocky start everything worked out for them. I scanned her mind while she was unconscious, they have all been through a lot together.*

*Hmmm.* He muttered thoughtfully. *Perhaps they will be our ticket to freedom mother.*

He closed his eyes and scanned the boss's mind for why he wanted Ash so badly. What he learned shocked him more than I ever could.

*Mother, we have a slight problem . . .*

Mewtwo and Mew left the room, Ash's arm was in a cast and he was still sleeping so I curled up beside him and fell asleep too. Everyone soon followed my example.

Ash stirring woke me up in the middle of the night, through half open eyes I looked at him. My eyes snapped open when I saw the tears on his face.

"Ash?" I whispered quietly.

"I don't know . . . I wish I knew . . ." He mumbled.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't stand it anymore Sasha, I can't stay strong."

"Shhhh. Hush, everything will be fine . . ."

"You don't understand Sasha, I never knew my father. I can't pretend not to be bothered by it anymore. He left before I was born, I don't even know what he looks like . . ." His muffled sobs woke up everyone else.

I shot everyone a worried look and they tried to help me calm Ash down. We hugged him to try and give him some comfort. Bulbasaur went and got him some water with her vines.

"Calm down and tell us Ash, we're here for you. We'll listen to you. Please tell us." I whispered in his ear.

"Thanks everyone." He whispered and began his story.

"I don't know much. But what I do know is that my dad left my mom before I was born to become a Pokemon Master. He never called or anything after that. Mom doesn't talk about him anymore, she never told me what his name was or if I had any other family besides her. I pretended it didn't bother me, I wanted to be strong because I thought he would want me to be strong. When I hear Misty talking about her dad my heart feels so heavy and when I see Brock with his dad, brothers and sisters I sometimes think my heart'll break. Then you guys will talk about your families when you were wild and . . . and. . ." His voice cracked and he started crying again.

"I . . . we had no idea Ash . . ." I tripped over my own words

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to dump all that on you . . ."

"No Ash, you needed to tell someone. Remember that's what we're here for. We won't tell anyone. We'll be your family Ash, we don't want you to be alone."

"Pidgeot." (That's right.)

"Jolt jolteon." (We're here for you.)

"Bulba bulbasaur bulb." (No one should be alone.)

"Squirtle squirt squirt squirtle tle." (Especially you Ash. You're like a father to us.)

"Priiimeape ape prime prrrrrriiiiiime ape ape." (We'd never leave you, just like you'd never leave us.)

(We love you.)

"We love you."

We said at the same time.

Ash manage to get back to sleep with a smile on his face for the first time that night. Something caught the corner of my eye and I whipped around to see Mewtwo's disappearing tail. 

<Did he hear us? If so, why was he listening in the first place?>

*I had no idea he felt like that . . . I just assumed . . .* Wartortle muttered.

*Neither of us knew, don't feel bad. Even though he's our trainer, friend and family there's a lot we don't know about him.* I reassured.

*I can't believe we never thought to ask what he felt!* Primeape cursed.

*You all know him better than I do, is he often like this?* Jolteon asked.

*No, he's usually hyper with a twinkle of happiness in his eyes. If he ever gets serious be concerned.* Bulbasaur told her.

*Really? He's like that?*

*Yeah, sure he's had his sad moments but nothing like this.* Pidgeot sighed as she looked at the sleeping Ash.

*We've got to figure out a way to get out of here.* Primeape announced.

"Yeah, I really don't want to do another round with Mewtwo."

"Did somebody say my name?" Asked a voice as it's owner slid into the room. He eyed Ash for a moment before scanning his mind, of course I objected to this.

"What do you think you're doing?! I'm sure there are things he wouldn't want us or anyone to know!" I hissed at him, trying vainly to impress him with my three foot height compared to his seven foot height. I must've looked ridiculous but I didn't care, I was trying to make a point.

"Mmm, mother was right. You have been through a lot together. You are worried for the human?"

He was starting to get on my nerves. I whacked him with my wing and pulled him down to my level and held him there. The others stared slack jawed.

"Listen Mewtwo, I no longer care if you're the strongest pokemon on Earth! I wouldn't care if you were the goddess herself! No one and I mean NO ONE speaks about Ash Ketchum of Pallet like that when I am around! If you refer to him with such disrespect again I will tear you into 150 bite sized chunks and feed you to one of every kind of pokemon myself! You understand that Mewtwo?" I hissed dangerously at him. Everyone nodded in agreement.

He looked a little spooked, no one had ever dared to talk to him like that. Then his look changed to anger and he hissed at me, I glared at him with dangerously narrowed cold ice eyes.

Sensing the imminent fight, Primeape and Jolteon restrained Mewtwo while Bulbasaur and Wartortle held me. Pidgeot played referee.

*Don't start you two! Remember that the last thing we want to do is wake up Ash! He's sleeping peacefully even with his broken arm and emotional turmoil. Besides, if you two fight unrestrained you'll destroy the place even with Ash in it!* Pidgeot told us. That sobered me instantly and I relaxed, I didn't want Ash to get hurt. Seeing me relax Mewtwo relaxed too, but we still glared at each other.

"I have some news that might be of interest to you six misfits concerning why Giovanni wants Ash so badly."

"Giovanni? As in Gio? Them man with the smart mouthed Omastar I had to silence during the championship battle? He leads Team Rocket?" I asked, pale and slack jawed.

"The same."

*Why does he want Ash?* Asked a very curious Jolteon.

"Gio leads Team Rocket?"

We froze, Ash was awake.

"How long have you been up Ash?" I asked.

"I woke up when Bulbasaur said 'No, he's usually hyper with a twinkle of happiness in his eyes. If he ever gets serious be concerned.'." At that we all paled, even Mewtwo. Ash got out of bed and kneeled while pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you for standing up for me Sasha, it means a lot." He picked me up with his good arm and faced Mewtwo calmly.

"Why does he want me? If it's Sasha he wants he won't get her." He surprised me with his maturity. Mewtwo shook his head slowly.

"No Ash, it's you he wants. I scanned his mind yesterday, he's . . ." He looked at Ash with pity. "Giovanni knows your father, he's alive and well. Giovanni wants you to take over Team Rocket in his place."

Ash fainted. We all rushed to catch him. Bulbasaur used her vines and gently put him on the bed and pulled the blanket around him. He'd be out for the rest of the night and most of the day. Even I had come close to fainting when I had heard what Mewtwo said. 

He looked at the out cold Ash, I looked at him. Mewtwo hadn't told the whole truth, I could see it.

"That's not all is it? You're holding something back I can tell."

He looked a little uncomfortable.

"I'm worried that Ash might actually accept the position when he learns the truth about his father." Mewtwo admitted.

*Ash would never do that!* Wartortle protested.

*That's right! He would want nothing to do with Team Rocket!* Primeape told Mewtwo.

Everyone told Mewtwo that Ash would never do that in their own way, including me.

"What is the truth about Ash's father Mewtwo?" I asked.

Mewtwo sighed and something teleported into his hand. It was a picture frame with a picture of a man and a woman in their early twenties, I recognized them immediately and fainted.

I came to and found myself being carried I was about to let loose a Thunder Shock when I realized that it was Mewtwo carrying me.

"Where are you . . Mmmph!" I was abruptly cut off when Mew put her paw over my mouth.

*Do not speak the human language now, we are approaching Giovanni.* She told me and I nodded in understanding.

*Where's Ash? And why are you taking me to Giovanni?*

*Ash is safe in his room. Giovanni wants to see you. We think it concerns Ash's parents.*

Just then I remembered why I had fainted.

*Is Giovanni really Ash's father?*

Mew sighed.


I saw Jessie and James watching us warily, I could see doubt in their eyes.

"Good work Mew, Mewtwo." I shivered at the cold emotionless voice of Giovanni. Mewtwo put me down and I glared at the man, wondering what he wanted now.

"Pikachu Forever, I am your trainers father and I want to tell him so he can assume my place in rule of Team Rocket. But I know he will not believe me and I can see that you do not either. I can prove my claim." He motioned me to the phone and I saw the number he punched in.

"Talk to his mother." He told me as he pushed talk. The phone in Ash's home began to ring. I stepped up to the video camera and waited.

"Hello? Oh Pikachu it's you! Let me get that translator Ash bought." She rummaged around for a minute. "Here it is. Now, why are you calling?"

"Pikachu pik pi pi pi kaaa chu pika chu pipi pikapi?" (The man behind me says he is Ash's father, is it true?)

"What man . . .?" She saw Giovanni step from the shadows and gasped. "Giovanni . . ."

"Hello Kathy."

"Pikachu pik pikapi." (He's holding me and Ash.)

"He's WHAT?! Giovanni let them go!"

"Tell the Pikachu I really am his father and she will tell him. It will then be up to Ash."

She sighed and closed her eyes.

"It's true Pikachu, he is Ash's father. I'm only telling you this because I know Ash will make the right decision."

"Pikachu pi." (I'm sure he will.)

Giovanni suddenly pulled the plug on our conversation, literally, and snapped his fingers. A couple of guards brought Ash in. I ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged me back. I could feel Giovanni's cold eyes boring into my back.

"Pikapi pikachu pi pichu pikaaa chuuu pikachu." (Ash, I called your mom and found out who your father is.)

"You did Pikachu? Who is it?"

"Pikachu pi pikaaa chuuu pikapi pichu pika." (I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, Giovanni is your father.)

Ash froze, I looked up and saw through his clouded and confused eyes that emotions were raging through him like wildfire.

"Pikapi? Kachu? Pikapi?" (Ash? You okay? Ash?)

He didn't say anything, he was frozen. I'm sure if his father had been an ordinary man it wouldn't have hit him so hard, but to be told your father is the leader of Team Rocket . . . I don't blame him for his reaction.

Giovanni tolerated this for a few minutes.

"Ash, I want you to lead Team Rocket and hold up the Ketchum name. My grandfather started Team Rocket and eventually passed the job to my father, who in turn passed it on to me, now I pass it on to you." I looked at Ash, how could such a good kid be related to that sorry son of a Muk? Must really take after his mother.

"I'll let you sleep on it, I want a decision in the morning." He said in that chilling voice of his.

I wanted to Thunder Ball him so badly, but I couldn't, not unless Ash said so. I led him gently back to his room and Bulbasaur helped me put him on the bed.

"Bulbasaur, Sasha, could you please get the others?" He asked in a pitiful voice which scared me badly. We nodded and roused the others, Mew and Mewtwo came in.

What scared me the most though were his blank eyes, they showed no emotion at all.

"Jolt eon eon?" (Are you okay Ash?)

Bulbasaur whacked Jolteon with her vines.

"Bulbasaur saur bulb bulba saur!" (Of course he's not Jolteon, look at him!)

"Stop it, all of you."

I was worried beyond words now, and from the looks on everyone's faces they were too by the tone of Ash's voice, it was emotionless.

"If I say yes I'll lead Team Rocket, one of the most powerful organizations in the world. But if I did, I could never live with myself, I know what they're capable of. If I say no, we'll either all be killed or kept prisoner."

He brooded.

"Mew, Mewtwo. What makes you stay here and obey him?" Ash suddenly asked.

"Our lives. These devices . . ." Mew pointed to a small implant attached to her and Mewtwo's head. "Are bombs. If we betray him, all he has to do is push a button to detonate them."

"Can I take a look?" Mew nodded and went over to Ash, he reached into his backpack and pulled out tools I had never seen before, they were small and precise.

"Hmm, nothing I can't handle." He muttered under his breath, I barely heard him.

"How about a deal? I remove those bombs and you help us out of here. Deal?"

"Wartortle war war tle?" (You can remove them?)

"Pidgeot?" (How?)

Ash smiled, the first time I'd see him smile in awhile.

"Pokemon aren't my only obsession, computers and circuitry are too."

Mewtwo and Mew looked at each other. "Deal." They said.

"Right, Mew, I'll handle yours first."

He pulled out his precision tools and started tinkering. A half hour later the thing fell off and we all cheered.

"We'll, I'll say this. Whoever created that nasty little toy knows their stuff. It only takes me five minutes to hack into the Pentagons top secret files." He grinned before beginning work on Mewtwo's device. It didn't take him as long to disarm it and remove it as it had taken for Mew.

We started making plans for our escape. When that was done, I asked Ash a question.

"What do we do if we come across Giovanni?"

He scowled, something I had never seen him do.

"Do what you want to him, I want nothing to do with him even if he is my father. C'mon guys, it's morning and I'm due to meet Giovanni. Get inside your pokeballs, this could get ugly."

Ash, Mewtwo, Mew, and I walked to his office and I built up electricity for my Thunder Ball. For good measure I added fire, water, ice and some psychic power into the mix. 

"Have you made your decision?"

"Yeah, I have."

"And that is . . ." 

"Eat lightning, fire, ice, water and psychic Giovanni!" I screamed as I threw my concoction at him while Mew and Mewtwo threw Psychic.

The attacks vaporized him and continued through the wall to the power room. 

"Mewtwo! Teleport!" Ash yelled as we vanished and Team Rocket headquarters was blown sky-high.

We reappeared in a lush forest. Mewtwo, Mew and I turned to Ash.

"It only takes you five minutes to hack into the Pentagon?" We asked him all at once.

He scratched the back of his head and laughed a little in embarrassment, I grinned, now this was the Ash I knew, I think . . . 

"Well yeah, it's sorta a personal hobby of mine. But if word got around I'd be over my head in trouble so can I ask you all a favour to keep that quiet?"

We nodded and went to search for Misty. Ash turned to Mew and Mewtwo.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you following us? I thought you'd be long gone by now."

"I wish to stay with my son. It is really his decision."

Mewtwo studied Ash and I before he began to speak.

"You are unlike any human I have met and I wish to stay with you and learn more about humans."

"That's fine with me! Welcome to the gang Mew and Mewtwo. Do you want to travel in a pokeball or no?"

"We will travel in a pokeball if only to prevent us from being stared at."

"But first, could you please Teleport us to Misty's position? I really miss her and I'm sure Sasha misses Pikachu." I nodded then giggled at the look on Mew's and Mewtwo's faces when they realized Ash had called me by my name.

"I told Ash my real name not long before we were kidnapped."

"Just like a mother . . ." I slapped my paws over Mew's mouth, I didn't want him to know that!

Mewtwo snickered and I glared at him.

"Don't fight you two, let's go already, I miss Misty."

"Wait, I have a better idea." I told Ash. He looked at me, and I'm sure he was thinking 'what could be a better idea than going back to Misty?'

I started to grow in size until I was almost twice as tall as Ash.

"I figured out how to Fly recently and I want to fly you to everyone. Mew and Mewtwo can fly too."

Ash grinned and got on my back, it was a little strange at first, usually I was the one riding on his back and now the situation was reversed.

"Who knows? We might even see Inferno hovering around." He laughed as I took off. I laughed too, the look on his face would be priceless! I could almost imagine it.

I glided along with Ash cracking jokes. Yup, he was back to his normal self again. Although I made a mental note to question him about his other 'hobbies'. When we approached Pallet Town Mew and Mewtwo jumped into their pokeballs and I circled the town, looking for Misty, Pikachu and Charizard. Ash and I were certain that they would come here. We had all made an agreement not to tell anyone what had occurred at the base of Team Rocket, we didn't want to open old wounds after all. Finally, I spotted them. And surprise surprise! Brock and Ann were with them talking to Prof. Oak and officer Jenny. Inferno looked up and saw me a huge, happy smile broke onto his face and he tossed Misty and Pikachu on his back before flying up to meet us.




Inferno plucked Ash off my back and hugged him tight while hovering and reluctantly handed him to Misty. They kissed and hugged each other like there was no tomorrow. Inferno and I landed in front of an astounded Prof. Oak and a close to fainting officer Jenny.

Two days later after going through third degree interrogation about Team Rocket, Ash was sitting at his computer and typing furiously, that was all I needed to know that he was hacking again. I had learned that not even Ash's mom knew of his other 'hobbies', Wartortle, Jolteon, Pidgeot, Inferno, Bulbasaur, Primeape, Mew, Mewtwo, Pikachu, and I all crowded around to see just what he was hacking this time.

"Who is it this time?" I asked, I was dying to know.

"Mr. Welswealty's Swiss Bank Account. It's time for his bi-monthly donation to the orphanages and my bank account. Let's see . . . 2 million to Pewter city orphanage, 3.5 million to the Society of Prevention to Cruelty to Pokemon . . . and 1 million to my personal account."

We cheered at the 'donation' to the SPCP.

"There's the treat . . ." He grinned, "Now for the trick. Who wants me to wipe out the memory of every pokedex around the world?" We thought about that and shook our heads, he did that last year apparently.

"Ok then . . . how about planting a virus in Gary's computer via internet?" We all agreed, none of us liked Gary Oak, he was still a pest that challenged Ash every time he had the chance.

"Just give me a minute to create one then . . ." I watched as an image of me as a regular Pikachu, Inferno as Charmander, Primeape, Jolteon, Butterfree, Pikachu, Pigeot as Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Muk, Krabby, Mew, Mewtwo, Wartortle as Squirtle, Auryn and Jewel was created, all of us were wearing a Pokemon League hat and typing on a huge keyboard, Squirtle was wearing his Squirtle Squad Sunglasses. As we typed, words appeared on screen and we all began to laugh and pointed at Gary who would be sitting there. Suddenly in english we said:

"We've just destroyed your computer. Virus courtesy of The Troupe. Have a nice day!" We would all stick out our tongues and raspberry him before Bulbasaur shot Poison Powder and the computer would die. We all laughed as Ash attached it to an E-mail with the subject saying 'You've just won a free trip!' And the letter said, 'Open attachment for instructions to gain your prize'. He made it actually seem that the letter was from a travel agency. 

"You are the man Ash!"

Everyone agreed whole heartedly as Ash sent the E-mail.

"Ash honey, Misty is here!" Came his mother's voice from downstairs.

"Coming!" He yelled. "Okay gang, into your balls. I'm taking Misty to Saffron City and Sasha wants to have fun with Sabrina, Alakazam and Haunter."

When everyone except Pikachu, Inferno and me were in the pokeballs Ash ran down and met Misty with a kiss.

"Pidgeot! I choose you! Fly!"

Pidgeot came out and grew until she was big enough to accommodate the three of us on her back before we climbed on and she took off. I landed just outside the City and went out separate ways, but not before I asked to borrow Bulbasaur for my little trick. In an alley beside the Gym I told Bulbasaur my plan and she chuckled.

*You're getting almost as bad as Ash Sasha!*

*You know what they say Bulbasaur, like trainer like Pokemon!*

Like my trick on Surge with the Zapdos, I use my elements to form a temporary body around me. I threw on the cloak Ash had bought me for my tricks and put it on my temporary human shaped body. Ash was really surprised when I showed him what I could do with my elements but agreed to let me have my fun. 

Bulbasaur and I walked into the gym.

"I Jane, challenge Sabrina for a Marsh badge!"

There she was, sitting on her throne with Haunter and Alakazam beside her.

"It will be a one on one battle, go Alakazam."

"Okay Bulbasaur! Let's do it!"

I channelled some of my Psychic attack to Bulbasaur and she grinned.

"A Bulbasaur?"

"Yup, Bulbasaur, Psychic!"

Sabrina and Alakazam watched in shock as Bulbasaur threw the Psychic attack I had lent her at Alakazam, too shocked to do anything except stand there. The look on their faces were too much as Bulbasaur and I collapsed to the floor laughing. My concentration ruined, my human body evaporated and the cloak was covering me like a blanket as I rolled around clutching my hurting sides still laughing. Haunter must have noticed my decrease in size because he floated over and took the cloak off revealing me. Sabrina and Alakazam got over their shock and glared at us. 

We finally settled down and began to talk.

"I'm sorry I nearly bust a gut laughing but the looks on your faces were too funny to resist!"

"Well, it's not everyday you see a Bulbasaur hurling a Psychic attack." Sabrina said, smiling as she took no offence to my little joke.

"Don't tell the other Gym Leaders about me and Ash okay Sabrina? That would ruin the fun."

"Alright!" She laughed. "I won't. But you have to tell me what you're planning to do to the Cerulean City Sisters."

"Actually, I was thinking on giving myself the appearance of Articuno and freezing the water in their pool with my Blizzard Attack."

Everyone laughed.

*I want to be there to see that!* Haunter laughed.

"Maybe you can . . . Sabrina, would you let Haunter come with me to watch the show? And tell Ash and Misty if they drop by where we went and what I'm going to do?"

"Sure. Have fun!"

Haunter and I flew to Cerulean City and he watched as I froze their pool. We both laughed and took off back to Saffron where I met up with Ash and Misty on their new bikes. The five of us left back for Pallet and ran into Gary who was cursing and yelling all the way to the next city to pick up his new computer we all smiled the whole way back.


ASH AND MISTY: A few years later they got married and are expecting. Everyone who knew them came to the wedding, Jewel and Auryn came, they had managed to drag their trainers here. In the corner I saw Jessie and James, smiling.

JESSIE AND JAMES: They eventually got married too and went on their own legit Pokemon Journeys.

JEWEL AND HER TRAINER: Both are on their way to the Pokemon League Finals. Jewel is stronger than ever. Of course she would help her trainer to the League, I am her mother after all. Jewel is almost at the level I evolved, currently she trying to figure out the Thunder Ball.

LT. SURGE AND AURYN: My earlier suspicions were right, Auryn did have and ulterior motive for staying with Surge and her name is Raichu. He did learn Swift and Agility, but Surge wants him to be a Pikachu Forever like me. 

Ash still continues his hacking career, he hasn't told Misty, yet. 

"Hey, Misty?" Ash asked. The 5 month old pregnant Misty looked at him.


"I have two kinda new Pokemon to show you."

"Really? Are they cute?"

"Let's see what you think. Okay guys! Showtime!"

Mew and Mewtwo popped out of the balls, Misty gushed.

"Ash! They're adorable! What kind are they?" I smothered my laughter at the thought of Mewtwo being described as 'adorable'.

"Hello Misty, my name is Mew and this is my son Mewtwo."

At their names, Misty stared at them, jaw gaping. The four of us laughed at her expression, not realizing she had pulled out her trusty Mallet . . .

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