What was my dream, anywho? Okay, the fanfics "Quarantine with a happy ending" and "Quarantine with a sad ending" are based on an incredibley strange dream I once had. You'll notice that this is in Ash's point of view, and it's an AAMRN, so you might be getting some pretty sick ideas in your head since I'm a girl. Well, I'm actually a boy! No, I'm just kidding. No really, I'm kidding. Anyway, the reason was because I wasn't Ash really, I wasn't even in the dream, I was just seeing all this, but all of it took place where Ash was, and for some reason I sort of knew how he felt, like I was psychic- but it was a dream, so you get the drill. Something else you'll be eager to correct me about: Misty with FRECKLES??? Okay, this dream didn't take place in the show and the characters were REAL PEOPLE. It just happened that Misty had freckles sprinkled across her cheek bones and nose, and Ash kept saying- err, thinking of how good they are on her and so on. Now you must be thinking why one has a happy ending and another with a sad ending. I never said all of the fanfic was in my dream was in there, now did I? I knew Misty was leaving and nobody knew. The whole thing skipped to the scene when Ash and his mom (why was she MY mom? Geeze, that's WEIRD- my mom's from America, Ash is from Japan, kooky dream...) are driving to Misty's house. I'll get to the subject of location right now. There doesn't seem anything too fishy about the street names and the address of her house, except the fact that her house is MY house, and those streets are in MY city. Yes, that's right- Misty lived in my house. Well, luckily for me I won't be blurting out what my city name is or I'll be getting mail that doesn't come in my hotmail account. Now this is where my dream is (almost) exact. So Ash is in my/Misty's house. Well, yes, his mother and Misty's mother left it up to him to find Misty. The pictures in the hallway- okay, actually they were the real photos of me taken and I can't say there were photos of Crystal Dragon hanging up on the wall, no can I? So there you go. Actually, Misty wasn't sleeping in her/my bed, she was on the floor in a sleeping bag and Togepi wasn't there. Actually, come to think of it- Pikachu wasn't there either. Anyway, it would be kind of weird for Misty to be in her sleeping bag in front of the door, so it's into bed she goes. Now as I recollect, Misty was the scrawniest thing I have ever seen, but with me being half in Ash's body (meaning mentally, not physically, or is it the other way around?) when she hugged him, he felt like there were warm wooden planks around him. It was like she came out of a toaster oven just a few minutes ago or something. You must be thinking why time seemed to slow down- well, in my dream, IT DIDN'T. That hug lasted 30 minutes at least. The only time it ended was when their mothers came into the hall and I forget what Misty's mother said to them, but that made them go into Misty's room. Well, I had to make up all that stuff about dinner and all the talking before that. It didn't happen, it went right to Ash asking why she was here. The WAY she said it was different, she just said it bluntly and Ash got all emotional about it. Ah yes, the kissing scene where I COMPLETELY WAS ON MY OWN FROM THERE. It turns out Ash kissed her but it felt weird and there was something about him trailing down into her neck accidentaly. He said he was so sorry for kissing her on the neck, and I (meaning ME ALONE) noticed her neck was well... brown and furry. When I got a better view, it wasn't Misty it was a weird cross between a camel and a lama, and then I woke up. It's okay if you don't get a WORD I'm saying, it was a dream and I get the strangest dreams sometimes (a lot stranger then this, I'll tell you). Now I didn't really wake up from the dream- I woke up physically, but I remembered practically every little detail in that dream, and I thought "why not continue on it it?" I wasted no time thinking of what would happen next. Yes, of course- a Quarantine sign. And now you know the rest. There is the stuff about all that decision making Ash had to do, and yes during that hug (a.k.a.- the main scene) those questions flooded into his mind, and he did all that stuff, and it just turns out as I did the fanfic, that he had to make all those descisions as well. Now back to the thing about the two endings which was forgotten for a while there- ahem. Okay I could figure out weather there should be a happy ending, or a sad ending. The sad ending might make you feel a little glum, but it's better then the happy ending, which isn't as umm... moralized as the sad ending and just ends with it turning out Ash was talking about what had happened during his age of 13 when right "now" he was probably 23 or something like that. He does in both, but it's not like such a "Wonder Years" thing in the sad ending. Well, I think that's all the inside/outside info you need to know, if you're curious at least.