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Submitting Your Fanfict/Stories

1.) It *must* be PG 13 and under. What kind of sick idiot would wander on to a children's page looking for R rated fanficts?

2.) I don't want my page to pile up with junk. If it gets a good rating from me, Crystal Dragon, or Alex, then I will post it.

3.) Proof read first. You must at least have it spell checked.

4.) June: None of this. It makes stories harder to read.
     June: It's so annoying, I hate it.

5.) I can change grammar and punctuation. But if the story is real long, I will send it back.

6.) Big fonts are okay.

7.) I really don't care how short or long your story is, as long as it is good.

8.) I am begging you, continue your chapters. Don't just stop at a chapter and never finish.

9.) Answer your e-mails. If you are lucky enough to get feedback.

Hmm, hopefully not to strict. I try to be flexible.
Submit them to me, June at: