The gentle sun rose from the mountains. The freezing
air stung my face as I walked throught it. I
could hera every single step I made. I could hear my
heart pump, at that minute I wouldnīt say it was
pumping, it was screaming its way out of my rib cage.
The tiny snow flakes that were everywhere
turned into tears on my cheeks. But I didnīt want to
cry. Not yet atleast. I still couldnīt belive what I
saw. I couldnīt believe it was him kissing her. Not
just her but my worst enemy. I knew last night
that I shouldīve gone with him. But I didnīt.

It was an ordinary winter morning. And I was heading
towards my house. I could feel that as soon as
I take one step into my house it would be hell. Since
that day I could have called myself a sight kick.
The moment I entered the house the phone rang. It was
seven oīclock in the morning and I was sure
it was him. First I didnīt even make an attemp to pick
up the reciver. I thought that he would wait a
while and then stop thinking we were all asleep. I was
correct. The phone rang a couple of times
more and then stoped. It felt as as if my heart turned
into an extremely heavy stone at that very
second. With that feeling I went upstairs. There my
prediction was proven wrong. The phone started
to ring again. I couldnīt resit from picking it up
this time.
"Hello?" I said answering the call.
"Hi itīs me." I heard in return.
There was a pause for a while. It only lasted for
seconds but it felt like hours. I had a war of feeling
going on inside. I could never explain what I felt
that very second. Sadness and emptyness,
happiness because he called, anger after what I saw,
and maybe hope.
"Do you want to go somewhere today?" he said with this
softness in his voice.
I was shocked. I thought he called with the aim to
break up. And what was he doing? Asking me
out. This was unbelivable. I felt like hanging up the
phone and after a few seconds I did. But the
phone rang again, and kept ringing and ringing. I had
to pick it up incase my parents would wake
"Hello?" I said again.
"Why did you do that?" he asked and his voice began to
"Do what." I felt like I wonīt be able to talk to him
for much longer without bursting to tears.
"Hanging the phone." he started to sound more angry.
"Oh I am sorry, I pressed a button by mistake." Iīve
got no idea what my voice sounded like then.
"Hmm...." he just said. He always did that when he
didnīt belive something.
"Okay....fine..... so.....are we going?"
"No" I said in my mind.
"Yes" I said to him. He sounded pleased and satified.
We said goodbye to each other and our
converstion was over. I put the phone down slowly. I
was paralysed. I didnīt feel anything. I only
knew that in an hour I would have to see him. On the
way there I didnīt care about anything. Two
questions were circling in my mind. Why did he call so
early, and didnīt he know that I saw him. I
arrived there a bit late as ususla. I saw him straight
away. He was standing in the snow, right infront
of me and I couldnīt belive how could I be doing this.
He reached out for my hand and we walked
on together. We didnīt talk, just walked step by step
in quiet. I started thinking to myself. Even
when I was holding his hand I felt that he was so far
away now. I started to understand that I will
have to suffer till the end. And all this was because
of him. He was now my greatest enemy. Tears
began to roll down my cheeks this time it was not the

Note: Can you gues whi the 3 characters are, Ai-Chan
knows for sure. I got this idea after RGPing
with her :). Comments? Flames? Anything will be
accepted.e-mail Mew_95@yahoo.com
Note: this the same story but from the other charcater
point of view. i thought it would be intereting
to have different points of view.

Today I kissed her, I dunno why. I didnīt love hr, I
already had a love, my angle, my light. I am sure
she knew that I would never like her moe than a
friend, but she tried.
The sweet snow falling around us, the sensation of
being one, the moment and time screamed at me
to kiss her. Yet I know it was wrong. Guiltyness
burned inside me like a red hot iron being pushed
against my chest. Tears running into my eyes I pushed
away from her. Her cold purple eyes gazed at
me steadily, aware, calm. Iīll never know what that
kiss meant for sure. It was full of love, passion,
sorrow, it was bursting out with a hundred feelings.
But nothing between us two had changed, we
were what before: friends. The kind of friends you
play basketball with, the kind of friends you can
expect to stick up for you. Nothing more. Not now. Not
"Why?" I asked her.
"Because I love you, I always have, and I always
will." She said her short hair waving slightly in the
Those words sank into my mind. Not cause I was afraid
but because I knew it was true every bit of
it. And it hurted, the truth hurted more than anything
She carried on, her voice sounding more broken. " I
never told you before because..I..was too
I wanted to say something, to make her feel better.
Without thinking I streached out to hold her. She
wrapped her arms around me and the it started snowing
faster. I am not sure how long we stood
there side by side. But the moment was to pleasent to
last. Out of the corner of my eye her running
away. She, my love, and angle must have seen us I
thought desperadly. Pushing out of my friends
loving embrace, I looked around for a sign of my love.
"She is gone," My friends cold tone said behind me.
I turned around to glare at her, "You! This is all
your fault if I lose her!" Anger took over me.
I ran off, leaving her in the distance, my best
friend, my greatest enemy, who had nothing to give but
her heart, unwisely she gave it to me, and I didnīt
take it.

When I entered home, every muscle inside me hurted,
and soul was heavy with guilt. My pumping
heart protested, and punded furiosly. Collapsing into
the nearest chair I didnīt say anything, not even
"Hi" to my parents. i though what could I do, what
could I say to take away what I had done.
Washing my mouth serval times so my lips felt clean. I
decided to call my love early net morning
and ask her out.

I didnīt sleep. My guilt keep boiling inside me. I
thought I wouldnīt call, I was too sacared, too
I dialed the numbers with a trembling hand, prying my
angle would be awake. I myself had no idea
what time it was, I didnīt care.

Ring, a silence, ring, no answer. I hung up. Maybe it
was too early and she was still asleep. Perhaps
she just didnīt want to talk with me, no if that were
the case someone would have picked up, and
say she wasenīt at home. Once again I picked up the
phone, and dialed. Ring, pause, an answer.
"Hello" She said.
"Hi itīs me" I answered.
There was a very uneasy pasue between us. I thought
she might hang up the phone. She didnīt.
"Do you want to go somewhere today?" I said softly,
She didnīt answer. After a few seconds she hung up. I
felt a dagger had been stuck in my heart.
I rang again. No one picked it up, I waited, I was
"Hello" she answered.
"Why did you do that?" I asked, and my voice strted
"Do what?" She answer casualy.
"Hang up the phone," i said a bit angry.
"Oh I am sorry I pressed a button," Her voice sounded
fake, and empty.
"Hmm.." I said hinting that I didnīt belive her.
"Okay..fine...so...are we going?" I asked.
She paused for a moment I though she might hang up
again." Yes," she answer.
I was far more pleased, and satisfied. We said our
goodbyes and hung up the phone. I got ready.

I arrived there a bit early. Perhaps she cahnged her
mind and wouldnīt come. But I was wrong ther
among the crowed she was coming. I reached out for her
hand and we waked on together in silent. I
felt distant. My mind wandered away from my love, to
where my best friend was, I knew I would
never see her again, she was gone. for good, or for
bad I donīt know.

Note: So what do you people think? Comments Critisism,
flames are accepted. Thanks to
KasumiKewl for helping me out in this part. Also it
might be a bit confusing, sorry about that.

Note: Part 3, this is from the last persons point of
view. I hope you like it.

Why did I push him to kiss me? How could I have been
so blind. So foolish, before I had his
friendship, now I had nothing.Still something deep
inside told me to kiss him, a mad urge, an
impulse. Call it how you want. I kissed him, and I did
His lips felt cold against mine. From that moment I
understood he will never love me. Not now, not
ever, not before. I still needed to tell him, I keep
it secret for so long, my heart ached.
But I was wasting sweetness on the desert air. I was
skating on thin ice. I was tweaking the tigers
tail. The thought apealed to me. I who love
challenging people, who need emotion and passion in
my life.
Still it was wrong, it was wrong. He and I both knew
this. I am wrong, and I am am sorry. But I
didnīt cry, not a tear I shed. Cause my heart was
forever his, and he had refused it. Pushing me
away wonīt help. I canīt accept it.

I am his dear friend, the friends he can trust with a
secret, the friends he can play with. But I am not
his love, his angel. How each day i pryed for him to
love me, how each day I wished he would be
there. More, I always wanted more.

I am bitter, I am resentful cause he doesnīt love me.
I close my eyes, I blink a tear, I promised I
wouldnīt cry not now not ever. All the sounds I heard
were wrong. Hateful, cold, unloving, thatīs
how I felt. My mind would not or could not accept it.
Not after that kiss, not after what he said.

"Itīs all your fault!" he said, and ran away once
He didnīt know how much those words hurted. He didnīt
know I already carried too much guilt in
me. He didnīt know....

I tried calling to explain, he would not pick the
phone, he knew it was me. He knew, he knew.. I
canīt hate him, I love him yet too much. All I had to
give was my heart, and he refused it....
I hate her, his love, his angel. For me she was no
angel, a demon send to hurt me, a stone to carry in
my back. Thatīs what she was for me. Yet I
knew..deep...down... if it wouldnīt be her it would be
other, it would be other.

His arms, his lips so cold with me, so warm with her.
It is not fair. Why did she had to take all I
wanted to have? I had no high ambitions, I had no high
dreams, all I wanted was someone to love,
to kiss me, to warm me.

Iīll had to live with my pain, always..forever...
Wasting sweetness on the desert air...

I hide behind a mask
I lock myself inside
In the shodows there I hide
In the darkness ther I cry
And crave the fate of those who hide behinde a mask..

Note: YAY! the last one! Now I can get some sleep :)
Anyway feedback? Anything will be
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