Ash and Misty: A Friend in Need

by: Piccolo


Type: AAMRN(I think)

Description: This is the sequel to Pokémon: True Love Protected.  The main Characters in this story are Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Jesse, James, Meowth, Anna, and Ecthros.  Ash and Misty are growing closer, but Anna and Ecthros are having problems.  Ecthros has grown into a different person since he was human, and he sometimes scares Anna.  Then an organization much like Team Rocket starts attacking the group, and they fear that Giovanni may have escaped.  What has happened?  Find out in Ash and Misty: A Friend in Need.

Word Document



            Ash and all his friends sat around the fire.  All his friends except Ecthros, that is.  Ecthros never could relax, even when there was nothing to be afraid of.  Ecthros had lived his life being hunted, and he wasn’t about to calm down now that the hunt was over.  Even with Anna, his true love, sitting close to him, he could not make himself sit down.  Ash himself had his arm around Misty, the girl he loved.  Misty’s head was on Ash’s shoulder.  Jesse and James were talking amongst themselves, while Brock and Meowth disscussed how a Pokémon could learn English.  Pikachu and Togepi were sleeping right next to each other.  Suddenly, Anna stood up.  I want to show all of you, my good friends, an ability that I’ve discovered.  Only I have it, for Giovanni gave it to me only days before you saved me from his clutches.  And now, watch closely.”  She was wearing a trenchcoat, so as to conceal her Pokémon like characteristics.  Suddenly, she began to change.  Her skin grew lighter, her hair changed from the spiky yellow Jolteon hair to beautiful brown.  Her eyes turned blue, and she thinned out.  They all watched in shock as she became- a human!  She looked at them and smiled.  She looked up to see Ecthros’ face.  He was wide eyed and baring his sharp teeth.

            How- did-you-do-that?!?!?” He demanded.  Anna got a little scared of his tone and backed up a little.

            “I-I think that Giovanni gave me some Ditto DNA...I thought you’d like it!”  She exclaimed.  Jesse saw that she was scared and walked over to her.

            “Of course we like it!  This is wonderful, now you can look like you used to whenever you want!”  Jesse said and hugged her.  Anna smiled.  Brock turned red.

            “I think....that’s the most beatiful girl....I’ve ever seen...”   He stammered.  Anna blushed a little.  Ecthros growled at Brock, and he hid behind Ash.

            “Alex, what’s the matter with you?!”  Jesse demanded, “You should be happy for her!”  Ecthros looked at the floor.

            Forgive me, Anna, I’m being selfish.  I’m very happy for you!  You can go into the human world again.” Ecthros said as happy as he could, which wasn’t very much.  Anna smiled anyway, and hugged him.

            “I know that you want to be human again,”  She said, “This is something that only I have, but maybe you could get it...”  then, using her telepathy, <It’s ok, Lover, I know your pain.  Bare with me and we’ll find a way.>

            <Thank you for caring> Ecthros thought to her, <I Love you.>

            “I think that this is great news!”  Ash told them both, “And that this is definately proof that you two can be human again.”  Ecthros smiled.  Ash may be a little dense, but he had a good heart.

            Thank you, friends,” Ecthros told them all, “I’m off for a little while.  I’ll return shortly.  and then he dissapeared.

            “How do you guys do that?”  Ash asked Anna.

            “We move so fast you can’t see us.”  She replied, worried.  Misty and Jesse noticed how worried she was.

            Later that night, both Misty and Jesse got up to see Anna.  Anna was still in human form, and sleeping.  They woke her up.  “Anna?”  Misty said.

            “Mmph.  Oh, hi Jesse, hi Misty.”  Anna said sleepily, “I’ve almost forgotten what sleep is like.”  They all smiled.

            “We could see that you were really worried about something.”  Jesse said.       

            “We were wondering if we could help you.”  Misty put in.  Anna looked a little scared.

            “Lets go into the forest where they can’t hear us.”  She told them.  They followed her to an isolated place in the forest.  She gave them a nervous look and said; “It’s Alex.”

            “What’s he done now? Hit you?!”  Grumbled Jesse.

            “Oh no, it’s nothing like that.”  Anna assured them.  Misty hugged her.

            “Then what is it?  We’re here for you.”  Misty said.  A few tears streamed down Anna’s new human face.

            “It’s just that- well, Alex has changed so much-”  Anna tried to explain.

            “Yes, I know.”  Jesse agreed.  Misty was the only one of the three that hadn’t known Ecthros as a human.

            “What was he like before he changed?”  Misty asked, curious.

            “He was so sweet, he hated working for Team Rocket, even if all he had to do was steal a few common Pokémon.”  Anna sighed.

            “He always stopped James and I from argueing, and saved James a beating from me on more than one occasion.”  Jesse said, smiling.

            “It’s nothing like he is now, I feel like all he cares about is our well being, but... he’s so cold, I don’t know if he Loves me anymore....”  Anna couldn’t say any more.  She started sobbing.  Misty and Jesse calmed her down after a little while.

            “He still Loves you, I’m sure he does.”  Misty said, “You should’ve seen the look on his face when he saw you again at Team Rocket H.Q.”

            “He’s overly protective, is all.”  Jesse said, “He’s afraid that if he gets too close it’ll hurt you.”  Anna hugged them.

            “Thank you,”  She said, “I don’t deserve friends like you.”  They went back to their sleeping bags, not noticing the dark form watching from above.

            Ecthros watched them head back to camp. <I’ve been cruel to her...> he thought, <Tommorrow morning I will make up for it, that’s for sure.  I can’t believe she’s found a way to be human...>  And his thoughts trailed off the Team Rocket, Giovanni, and secrets which only he knew about.

            Ash had been lying awake in his sleeping bag.  He knew that Misty had gone off to talk with Anna, and was waiting for her to return.  Ash smiled.  He remembered all the things Ecthros had done for them.  He had saved their lives, and brought him and Misty togethar.  But why was he acting so cruel lately?  Ash was pondering this when Misty crawled into her sleeping bag, next to him.  He kissed her cheek.  “So, how is she?”  He whispered.  She looked him in the eyes.  They never used to be able to talk to each other like this, not before they knew about each other’s feelings.

            “Bad.”  Misty replied flatly, “Something is going on with Ecthros, and it’s hurting Anna more than he realizes.”

            “I’ll talk with him tommorrow.”  Ash swore, “I owe him and he deserves any help he can get.”

            “I almost feel sorry for him, having to talk with a thick skulled moron like you.”  Misty teased.  Ash pretended to be hurt, but then he kissed Misty.  They lay there, silent for a long time.

            “Only two more badges.”  Ash said suddenly.  Misty looked at him, startled.  He hadn’t mentioned his ambition for a long time, and suddenly Misty realized that she might be getting in the way of it.  This greatly disturbed her.

            “Ash?  Do you think that you’d be better off without me?”  Misty asked.  Ash’s face went white.

            “No!  I’d be lost without you, Misty!”  He insissted.  Misty kissed him and the worry went from his face.  They fell asleep shortly afterwards.


            When Misty woke up the next day, Brock, Meowth, and James were already up.  Brock and James were making breakfast, Meowth was talking to them while they cooked.  “Come on, Meowth,”  Brock was saying, “You know that you’d never have caught Pikachu no matter how long you tried.”  Misty could see this made Meowth very angry, so she decided to break in before anything more could be said.

            “Morning guys,”  She said, “what’s for breakfast?”

            “I’m scrambling some eggs and James is making some Toast.”  Brock replied.  Misty sat herself down next to Meowth in front of the stump they were using as a table.  Meowth grinned devilishly.

            “I’ll bet I c’n guess what you an’ Ash were doing last night.”  The cat said mischiviously.  Misty turned a little red.

            “What ever are you talking about, Meowth?”  She pretended not to understand.  Before he could answer, a large man in a trenchcoat apeared between them.  Standing, of course.

            Good morning, Meowth.  Morning Misty, James, and Brock.”  Ecthros greeted.  Meowth looked up eagerly at him.  Ah yes, I got it.”  Ecthros said loudly.  Meowth looked a little sheepish.

            “Keep it down, willya?  Could ya give it ta me when no one’s around?”  Meowth whispered.  Misty saw an opertunity and seized it.

            “What’s he got for you, Meowth?  A dead rat? haha!”  Misty teased.

            “Shut up ya runt....”  Meowth growled.  Ecthros tossed a little ball of yarn onto the ground.  Meowth looked very embarrassed.  He picked it up and walked off into the woods to play with it.

            He doesn’t like to admit that he’s still a Pokémon.”  Ecthros explained to them, “He’s been with humans so long he almost believes he is one.”  Jesse and Anna joined them.  Anna was startled by Ecthros’ presence, and looked a little scared.  Ecthros swiftly went next to her and hugged her.  <I’m sorry I’ve been so cruel>  Ecthros told her telepathicly, <I’ve got a lot on my mind.>  Anna kissed him.

            “Well, I’m glad that you’re acting like yourself again.”  She told him.  Misty went over and woke Pikachu and Togepi.  Everything was peiceful and tranquil, Misty was leaning on Ash who had his arm around her shoulder, Togepi was chewing on some pellets, Pikachu was eating katchup (Which he had to shock Brock to get) and no one was complaining.  Suddenly, an Electabuzz stumbled upon their camp.   “Bllllllll?”  It said, confused at seeing the humans.

            “Alright, an Electabuzz!”  Ash said, excited, “I’m gonna catch it!”  He stood up and took one of the Pokéballs from his belt.  “Bulbasaur, I choose you!”  He shouted, and he threw the ball as hard as he could.  Bulbasaur apeared in front of the Electabuzz.

            “Bulba!”  It shouted.  “Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf!”  Ash comanded.  Soon the air around Electabuzz was filled with razor sharp leaves, cutting it in many places.

            “Blllllll!!!!”  It cried in pain.

            “Now, Vine whip!”  Bulbasaur started beating the Electabuzz, and one would almost feel sorry for the electric type Pokémon.  Infuriated and hurt, the Electabuzz grabbed one of Bulbasaur’s vines and shocked it, fainting Bulbasaur.  “Bulbasaur, return!”  Bulbasaur was pulled back into it’s Pokéball by a beam of light.  “Charizard, go!”  The huge fire Pokémon apeared.  Then it fell asleep.  Ash and the others sweatdropped. “Charizard, won’t you ever listen to me?”  Ash demanded.

            “CHar...CHar...” It snored.  Electabuzz, seeing that it’s opponent wasn’t attacking, decided to attack itself.  Electricity flowed through it’s arms, and it hit Charizard with a Powerful Thunder Punch.  Charizard woke immidiately, and fried the unforunate electric Pokémon.  “Great job, Charizard!  Pokéball, go!”  Ash flung the Pokéball at Electabuzz, and it was caught.  He called Charizard back.  “AlllllllRIGHT!  I caught Electabuzz!”  Ash announced, and he got in his pose.  Misty went up and hugged him.

            “Congratulations.”  She said, “But I think that having another Electric Pokémon is maknig Pikachu jealous.”  She motioned to Pikachu, who was looking annoyed.

            “Don’t worry Pikachu, you’re still my best friend.”  Ash said, and he patted him on the head.

            Well done, Ash.”  Ecthros congratulated, “Now, lets discuss the best route to Cinnabar-”  Ecthros stopped in midsentence.   A look of rage was on his face.  He threw off his trenchcoat, revealing his big, black wings.  He flapped them, causing wind that almost knocked the others down.  He went up into the air, and stayed in place for a while, looking around.

            “What’s the matter, Alex?”  Anna called.

            “What’d’ya see up there, ‘Lex?”  Meowth shouted.  Ecthros ignored them, looked furious.  He flew off into the forest.

            “Come on,”  Ash said to Anna, “Lets follow him.”  Anna nodded, and they took off into the forest, as fast as their legs could run.  Misty almost smiled.  Ash was having a hard time keeping up with Anna.


            Ecthros was tearing through the forest when something hit him.  Hard.  He crashed into a tree and got up, enraged.  A group of men stood around him, snickering.  Claws in front of him, he lept at the attackers, hoping to finish them off in a short amount of time.  Three men were unconcious in a matter of seaconds, but then something blasted him with such force that he was knocked back again, knocking over several trees in the process.  What-Are-You-DOING?!!?!”  He demanded.  He looked over to see a man holding a giant gun, pointed at him.  The man smiled.  Ecthros could tell he was up against more than he had expected, and braced himself for another blast.



            Ash followed Anna through the forest.  Ash knew that Anna had some kind of mental link with Ecthros, so he followed without asking any questions.  Though his side was burning with pain from all the running, he was determined to help his friend, so he ignored it.  Suddenly, Anna stopped.  She pointed at a dark figuer in front of them.  Ash recognized it as Ecthros.  Ecthros stumbled forward.

            Ash watched as Ecthros crumpled to the ground.  Anna rushed up to him.

 "Alex?  ALEX?!?!"  She cried.  She hugged the motionless figure and cried.  Ash

 was both furious and terrified.  They heard some snickering from behind the trees.  They turned to see who it was, an several men with giant guns walked out of the forest.  They were all wearing uniforms with a big 'D' on them.  "Who are you?!"  Demanded Ash, "Why and how did you do this?"  The men laughed.  A man that apeared to be the leader stepped forward.

      "We are Team Death."  He said, "We come to prove that our powers surpass

 anything Giovanni and his miserable Team Rocket had."  The men behind him laughed at the mention of the name.  They lifted their guns and aimed at Ash and Anna.

       "Anna, you have to transform back into your mutated self!"  Ash said.  Anna

 concentrated, but nothing happened.

       "I-I can't!"  She stammered, "I can't change back!  I'm stuck in human form!"

 Ash stood in front of her.  The men loaded their guns, aimed, and fired.  Ash’s life flashed before his eyes.  Then he realized that it was just the flash of the bullets hitting Ecthros.  Ecthros, weak as he was, had managed to muster up just enough strength to leap in the path of the bullets.  He fell to the ground, and this time, he didn’t get back up.  The leader grumbled.  One of the men started kicking Ecthros.  When Ash tryed to stop him, he got hit in the stumack.  Then kneed in the face.  He fell back onto the ground, and Anna rushed over to see if he was ok.

            He is only delaying the inevitable.  He cannot survive another blast from our Death Cannons.”  The Leader said, still mad about Ecthros’ rescue. Then he smiled at Ash and Anna.  The smile sent a shiver down Ash’s spine.  We’ll soon return for you and your friends.  Until then....”  There was an explosion, and once the smoke cleared, Team Death was gone.  Ash sat there, frozen with fear and shock.  Anna was trying to lift Ecthros up.

            “Ash,”  She said, “Help me get him back to camp.  He’s got a lot of explaining to do.”

            “He’s also got a lot of healing to do.”  Ash pointed out, “What were in those Cannons, I wonder?”  He tugged at Ecthros, but the large black body wouldn’t budge.

            “Go back to camp and get the others.”  Anna told Ash, “I’ll stay here.”

            “But what if Team Death comes back?”  Ash demanded, “I can’t leave you here.”  Anna scowled.

            “You have no choice.”  She said, “Besides, I still have some of my strength and speed.  GO!  NOW!”  Ash hesitated, but then headed back to camp.


            “I wonder what’s taking them so long?”  Misty wondered out loud.  They were all sitting around the stump, worrying about their friends.

            “Probably are still lookin’ fer him.”  Meowth said, “Alex always was crafty.”  Jesse looked at Meowth strangely.

            “Why are you always dribbling with gratitude about Alex?”  She asked.

            “What did Alex do for you that makes you so grateful?”  James put in.

            “I-well he-ummm....hey!  Look!  It’s Ash!”  Meowth exclaimed, grateful that his friend had saved him an explination.  They all turned to see Ash running.  He looked brused.

            “Ecthros is in trouble-actualy, he’s unconcious-and we need to lift him-Anna can’t transform back-Team Death-”  Ash was talking as fast as he could.  He fell down, holding his stumack, which was stinging.

            “You’re not going anywhere.”  Misty said to him, “I’ll stay here with him.  They rest of you, and yes, that means you too, Pikachu, go find Ecthros and Anna.”  They all obliged, Except Pikachu, who shot Ash a worried look.

            “go...Pikachu...”  Ash said.  His head was throbbing with pain.  Pikachu walked slowly off. 



            Anna sat there, with Ecthros’ head in her lap, waiting for help to arrive.  Ecthros opened his eyes and looked to see where he was.  so...we survived...”  He said weakly.  She smiled.

            “Thanks to you we did.”  She said.  They heard a low growl from behind a tree.  Anna stood up.  A big Arcanine lept out from behind the tree a pounced on her.  It growled menacingly.  Ecthros yelled at it.

  ”  He passed out again.  Anna realized she was on her own.  The arcanine Lowered it’s head and prepared to bite her head off, when Anna pushed it.  The dog-like Pokémon flew into the tree it had hidden behind, which broke on impact.  Enraged, annoyed, and maybe even a little afraid of what had just happened to Ecthros, Anna was glad to find something to vent her anger out at.  For, even with her strength greatly lessened, she still had more than this Pokémon could take.  She lifted the huge red body by it’s neck and flung it against another tree.  An enraged Arcanine blasted fire at her, but she jumped above it, and landed on her opponent’s head.  She did a back flip, then kicked the Arcanine in the head, sending it flying.  It jumped at her once more, fangs and claws ready to kill, but she latched her legs around it’s neck and flipped it upside down onto the ground.  She lay there, clutching it’s neck with her legs.

            “I could kill you now.”  She said, “But I think you would be more useful alive.  Will you join me?  My friend over there,”  She motioned to Ecthros, “Could use some help.”

            “Arc!  Arcanine!(I respect you, human, you are strong.)”  Said the Arcanine, “Canine.  Arccanine.(I think I would enjoy being in your company.)”

            AUTHOR’S NOTE: Ecthros and Anna can understand The language Pokémon speak.

            Anna smiled and let go of the  Arcanine’s neck.  Anna managed to get Ecthros on Arcanine’s back, a feat which took more strength than beating Arcanine.  Once Ecthros was secured, Anna started to lead Arcanine back to camp.  On the way, she ran into Jesse, James, Meowth, Brock, and Pikachu.  They were all argueing as to which way they should go.  When they saw Anna and Arcanine, they shut up.  “There’ll be time for explinations later,”  She said, “Lets get back to camp.”


            Ash moaned.  He was lying on his back on his sleeping bag.  His chest felt like it was on fire.  Misty took his shirt off and started to feel his chest (For medical reasons, don’t get any sick ideas!).  She looked worried.  “You’ve got a broked rib, Ash.  What’d you do, duke it out with Ecthros?”  Ash Groaned again. 

            “Some turkeys calling themselves Team Death.  Lets wait till the others get back before I explain.”  He said weakly.  Misty could see that he was in real pain.  she went down beside him and hugged him gently.  They lay that was until the others got back.



            They sat around the campfire, all except Ecthros and Ash, who were put into their sleeping bags.  Arcanine was looking into the fire as if it were his home.  Anna had just finished explaining what had happened.  “Just what we need...”  Brock said, “Another Team to make our lives impossible.”  Then, after a glance at Jesse and James, “No offence, of course.”  Meowth was being very quiet.  James knew Meowth better than most people, better than Jesse even, and he knew what Meowth’s silence meant.

            “You know something about this, don’t you Meowth?”  James demanded.  Meowth looked at the ground.

            “A little.”  He admitted.

            “well?” Jesse said, irritatted, “What do you know?!”  Meowth took a deep breath.

            “I learned this back while I wus still Top Cat.  Before that stupid Persian took over.  Before I even learned how ta talk.  Da Boss was talkin with someone about a brudder.”

            “Brudder?”  Misty interrupted.  Sometimes Meowth’s Accent was hard to understand.

            “Brother.”  Said Meowth, annoyed, “He was talkin about his brother.  He said that his brud- er, brother was tryin to start a competin’ team, and that he should be killed.  But, fer some reason, his brudder...BROther never got killed, an rumor had it that he started another team dat even Giovanni feared to speak of.”

            Indeed he did.”  said a familiar deep voice.  They all turned to see Ecthros walking up to the fire.  Anna scowled.

            “You should be resting.”  She said.  He ignored her.

            Giovanni’s little brother, Capón, is the Leader of Team Death.  He steals rare Pokémon, but no one has ever heard of him, because he kills the owners of all the Pokémon he steals.  Anyone who learns of the Team’s existence is killed by Capón before they can tell anyone.  They have technology which far surpasses anything Giovanni ever got his hands on.  They only hire Professionals,” He looked at Jesse and James, “And anyone who fails even one unimportant mission is killed immidiately.”

            “One question Ecthros:”  Jesse asked, “How do you know all of this?”  Ecthros gave her a dark look.

            I know.”  Was his only reply.  They all heard someone groan.  They looked and saw Ash get out of his sleeping bag.

            “Then...we have to stop matter what...”  Ash said weakly, as he dragged himself over to the fire.  Anna motioned for Arcanine to help, and the fire Pokémon jumped over them and hoisted Ash onto his back.  He put Ash back down next to Misty, who put her hand on his cheek.

            “You’re no Ecthros,”  She said sternly, “You shouldn’t be out of your sleeping bag.”  Ash ignored her as Ecthros had Anna, and went on.

            “We...can’t let them continue to kill...I’m willing to give up...m-my life in order to stop them...”  Ash squirmed as a jolt of pain went through his body.

            “Alex, say something,”  Anna said to Ecthros, “He’s going to kill himself in the condition he’s in if you don’t do something.”  Ecthros looked at Anna.  Then he looked at the determination in Ash’s face.

            We will do what we can to stop them...” He said to Ash, and then, to Misty, “AFTER we’ve seen a docter.”  Ash smiled weakly.  Anna whistled for Arcanine to lift Ash.

            “Lets get going then.”  Brock said.  He pulled out a map and plotted the best path to a nearby hospital. 


            They arrived in Bright City a few hours later.  They went to the hospital and dropped off Ash.  Misty, Ecthros, and Anna stayed with Ash while the others decided to go out and get supplies.  Ash got his ribs patched up, and then was told to get some rest.  Misty was going to have a conversation with him, but found herself kissing him instead.  Anna and Ecthros decided not interrupt, so they went outside the building to wait.



            At the T.V. station, some evil men got to work.  After everyone was safely tied up, they started to get the equiptment ready for broadcast.  In front of all the cameras was a man sitting in a red chair.  Suddenly, a man ran in to the man in the red chair.  “They’re here, boss,”  He told him, “I saw the girl outside the hospital, and a big guy in a trenchcoat next to ‘im.  Should I plug them?”  The man in the chair scowled.

            Idiot!  We’re here for one reson only!  We are not going to kill them yet, you fool!  We are here to make them fear the name of Team Death!”  The man cowered, and walked off behind the propes.

            “Ready for broadcast, Boss!”  a man called from behind a camera.

            Then do it.” replied the dark figure at the red chair.

            “Alright, everyone!  Broadcast in 5...4...3...2...”



            After a lot of kisses, Misty made Ash lie down, though he complained.  “I swear, Misty, I’m fine!  Never felt better...OW!”  He cried as a swearing pain went through his body.

            “No argueing, Ash Ketchum!  Lie down right now!  You have to heal up!  Here, you can watch some T.V.”  Misty turned the T.V. on and tossed the remote control to him.  Ash finnaly layed down to watch.  Misty sat beside him, and they watched a tournament on T.V.  Suddenly, a countdown apeared on the screen, starting from five.

            “What’s this?”  Ash asked.  Misty shrugged.  When the counter got to zero, a man in a chair apeared on the screen.

            Greetings, people of The World of Pokémon!”  he said in a deep voice.  Ash shot up.

            “THAT’S HIM!!!!”  Ash exclaimed, “The guy that shot Ecthros!!!”

            Ecthros and Anna were watching a giant screen on the building in front of them.  Allow me to introduce myself.”  said the dark figure on the screen, “I am Capón, Leader of the Infamous Team Death!  We have lived in secrecy until this moment, and now, I want our name to be heard and Feared!  The petty Team Rocket was nothing compared to us!  We take no prisoners, those whom we steal from are never heard from again!”  He paused and grinned evilly, as though he could see the fear and anger on the faces of all his viewers around the world.  Then, he continued; “You must be wondering why I’m telling you this.  Well, you see, I have stumbled upon some Bio-Engineering techniques.  My Pokémon now have the power to transform into humans.  So...”  again he paused and grinned malevolently, “I want 10,000 Mews delivered to me by the end of the week.  No, you say?”  This time he burst out laughing, “If they aren’t delivered by then, the assasinations will start.  Whole cities can be murdered in a week.  And you’ll never know who it is.  They could be your brother, your best friend, even your boss.  And as Proof of this....Now!!”  Everyone froze.  Nothing happened.  People started to chatter.  Then, with an evil grin, Capón continued, “You can’t know what just happened yet, but just wait.  Read tommorrow’s newspaper, I’m sure it will make first page!” The screens went blank.


            Ash and Misty’s jaws dropped.  Ecthros and Anna came running in, and a few minutes, Brock, (who was holding Togepi), Pikachu, Jesse, James, and Meowth arrived a few minutes later.  That monster isn’t bluffing...” Ecthros growled, “I can feel it.”  He scrached Arcanine’s head.

            “Well, one thing’s for sure,”  Jesse said, “This is much more serious than it started out being.”

            “What, breaking Ash’s rib isn’t serious?”  Joked Brock.

            “Well, we can’t make our next move without knowing where Capón’s hideout is.”  Anna pointed out.

            Leave that to me.” Ecthros replied.

            “Alright then, once we find out, everyone except Ash will go and try to get Capón.”  Anna said.

            “Excuse me?!”  Ash asid darkly, “I’m coming.  You can’t stop me from helping, Anna.  And who elected you boss, anyway?”  Ecthros tried not to smile.  Anna was used to be in charge of ever situation, ane usualy, no one dared to question her.

            “I’m just trying to get a good working plan!  Sorry if that idea is too much for you, Mr. Ketchum!”  Anna shouted.

            “Well then don’t go leaving me out!”  Ash yelled back.  They argued furosiously.

            “Should we stop them?”  Misty whispered to Ecthros.

            Nah.  Anna could use a little mutiny.” Ecthros smiled, revealing all his fangs.  Brock, unfortunately, wasn’t about to let it go on.  He handed Togepi back to Misty, and walked between Anna and Ash.

            “Can’t we settle this peacefuly?”  He asked.  They looked at him.  Then they started argueing again.  “Jeez, you guys are making Misty and Ecthros jealous over here.”  Brock put in.  That was a mistake, he realized all too late.  He had forgotten about how strong Anna was.  He found himself stuck in the wall.

            “Hey, that reminds me,”  Ash said suddenly, “Why can’t you change back, Anna?”  That stopped the shouting at once.  Anna looked scared. 

            “I-I don’t know!  I thought that ditto’s transformations weren’t permanent, but-”

            We’ll worry about that later,” Ecthros said darkly, “Now, I have a job to do.”  Then he dissapeared.  His trenchcoat, hat, and gloves lay on the floor where he had been standing.

            “You have got to explain how he does that.”  Misty said.



            In a dark place, a dark man in a red suite is talking with another dark man in a black suite. “The Mayor is dead, killed by one of our transforming Pokémon.” Capón said, “And everyone now believes me the glorious leader of Team Death!  That’s better than anything you ever accomplished!”  and he laughed darkly.  The other man smiled.  Then he pulled out a gun.  Capón went white. “You-you wouldn’t!” he stammered.  A gun shot went off.  Capón collapsed.  The man with the gun called some guards.

            Take him and bury him where no one will find him.  And be sure to get some of his hair before you do.” The man said.


            Ecthros found the two guards burrying someone, but didn’t see who.  He noticed the big black ‘D’ on their shirts and decided to follow them.  He followed them to a large complex, one that reminded him of the Team Rocket complex he had seen his last moments of humanity at.  He smiled.  Capón wouldn’t be operating this Team for much longer, he thought.


            Everyone had gone back to the hotel, except for Anna, who was outside, and Misty, who was sitting next to Ash.  Ash had been looking out the window for a long time, when he said suddenly “I don’t want you to go.”  This was no surprise to Misty, Ash had become protective of her over the last year.

            “Ash, you know I’m going no matter what you say.”  She told him, and she cradeled Togepi.  Ash frowned.

            “Where’s Pikachu?”  He said, “He’ll side with me.”

            “He’s outside with Anna, waiting for Ecthros.”  Misty replied.

            “Misty...”  He started, but she kissed him.

            “Not another word.”  They embraced and held a long kiss, until a little “Pika...” made them jump back.  Pikachu, Anna, and Ecthros were watching them, mischievious grins on their faces.  Ash noticed that Anna was holding a camera.

            “Why you...”  He started.

            I found the base,” Ecthros interrupted, “Tommorrow, we attack.  You sure you can do this?”  Ash nodded.  Ecthros smiled a toothy smile and then dissapeared with Anna.  Pikachu was still laughing at having caught his friends in mid-kiss.

            “Oh you think it’s funny, do you?”  Ash scolded.

            “P-P-PIKAAA!!!(VERY! HAHA!)”  Pikachu replied.

            “Well, maybe Electabuzz will give me more privacy.”  Ash teased, “Electabuzz, go!”

            “Bllllll!(Hey Ash, what’s up?)”  The electabuzz said in a friendly voice.  Pikachu stopped laughing.

            “Pika pika pikachu!(Ash....cut it out....)”  Pikachu said, worried.

            “Ok, Pikachu, now you can go back into your Pokéball.”  Ash grinned and held out a little pokéball.  Pikachu went pale.  “Pikachu, retu-”

            “PIKAPIKAPIKACHUCHUPIKACHUCHUCHU!!!!(I’M SORRY, I WON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!! PLEASE, DON’T!!!!!)” Pikachu  went on it’s knees.  Ash and Misty and Togepi burst out laughing.

            “E-e-electabuzz, return!”  Ash said, still laughing.

            “You should have seen the look on your face, p-p-p-Pikachu!”  Misty laughed.

            “PikaaaaaCHUUUUUU!”  Pikachu thundershocked them.  Then he stormed off, angry.



            Everyone went to the hospital to pick up Ash and Misty.  They found the couple asleep, with their arms wrapped around each other.  Anna took some pictures, then Brock went to wake them up.  Ash and Misty woke up with their friends around them.  They got up, and James handed them a newspaper.

            “ ‘Double friendly murder’”Misty read out loud, “ ‘The Mayor of cerulean city was murdered yesterday by his best friend, Senator Kelly.  The Senator was found locked in his closet later.  At exactly the same time, The Mayor of Celadon City was murdered by his wife, who was also found locked in a bathroom later.  Suspicions fall on Capón, leader of Team Death.  Dr. Oak claims that the ransom should not be payed, it would only give Capón the idea that it was ok to steal Pokémon.  He asked not to be quoted.’”  Everyone looked at each other.

            “Well then,”  Ash said, “I think we better get moving if we’re going to stop that madman.”

            “Umm...Ash..” James said, “Maybe you should get changed first...and it wouldn’t hurt you either...Misty...”  Ash and Misty looked at themselves and realized they were in their underwear.  Running from the laughter, they went to get dressed.


            They met up outside, and decided to eat breakfast before going on their mission.  They all went to a resteraunt, except Ecthros, who dissapeared once they entered.


            Flying through the air, Ecthros was suddenly hit by a familiar blast.  He crashed into the ground, and found himself surrounded by men again.  They were all pointing Death Cannons at him.  He smiled, and stood up, hands in the air.  You may have taken me by surprise last time,” he told them, “But I think this time you’ll find it much harder to defeat me.”  Then he dissapeared, leaving his clothing behind him.  Suddenly, two men were lifted up by their necks.  Ecthros’ claws started to push at their skin.  They squirmed in his grip.  One wrong move and I snap their necks.”  He told their companions.  They all lifted their guns and readied them to fire.  He flung the two he had at his attackers, knocking several of them down.  All the standing Team Deaths fired.  Ecthros dodged the fire and rammed his razor-sharp Jolteon hair into one of them.  Screams of pain were heard, then they continued to fire.  Ecthros narrowly dodged one, but the blast fried the person he had been attacking. “YOU...IDIOTS!!!!” Ecthros shouted, “I WAS GOING TO LET HIM LIVE, AND YOU KILLED HIM!!!!  YOU THINK I’M A MONSTER?!?!?!”  enraged, Ecthros gathered up the energies inside him that he had from his electrode DNA.  He started to glow.

            “GET DOWN!”  One of the men shouted.  Ecthros smiled.



            Everyone was either eating or laughing and Ash was trying to hide his face.  “It wasn’t that funny...”  He insissted.  Suddenly, the ground rumbled and a blinding flash was seen.  They all ran out to see where it was coming from.  They the source was coming from a forest ahead of them.  Ash sent out his Charizard and got on it’s back with Misty, Pikachu, and Togepi.  Anna got on Arcanine, and everyone else got on Brock’s Onix.  They rushed towords where the explosion had been, and found a huge patch of land in the shape of a circle where there were no trees.  In the middle of the circle, trembling, trying to stay standing, was Ecthros.  Ash ran up to him.  “What happened?”  He asked.  Everyone came over to ask the same question.  Ecthros explained about the men.

            I...used...explosion....only done it once before...”  He explained, “I’m already healing, using my psychic recover ability.  I think it’s best to start now, lets get going.”  They all nodded in agreement.  Ash and Brock called back their Pokémon.  They all followed Ecthros, who started in a limp, then walked normaly.  On the way, Anna told them her plan.  Even Ash agreed that it was a good plan, and they decided to do it.

            Once they got to the complex, They split into three teams: Jesse, James and Meowth in one, Anna and Arcanine in another, and Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu in another.  Ecthros explained that he would meet up with all of them in the boss’ room.  They all had different jobs to do, and they had to get them done and then meet up in the Boss’ room.  Ecthros dissapeared for a moment and then reapeared with Team Death uniforms.  They all slipped into them.  “At least this time we won’t get knocked out...”  James muttered. (Last story).  They split up and went into separate directions.


            “Lets see...”  Brock said, looking at the map Ecthros had given him, “If I were a betting man, I’d say that the Pokémon storage room was...”  He turned the map sideways,then upside down “ where to be found”  Ash, Misty, and Pikachu fell down Anime-style. 

            “Give me that!”  Misty said.  She snatched to map from Brock, then started looking at it.  “It’s hopeless,”  She said finnaly, “Why doesn’t Ecthros ever give us good maps?”  Ash snickered.  “And I am NOT I repeat NOT going to sell out my body again just because YOU GUYS are too STUPID to find anything!”  The memory of the Team Rocket facility made Ash, Brock, and Pikachu laugh.  A young woman was walking down the hall in a Team Death uniform.

            “Then I will!”  Brock said, as his face went red.  He walked over to the woman, and tripped, and fell into her arms, like Misty had.  Unfortunately, he weighed slightly more than Misty, and the woman tumbled over.

            “You clumsy oaf!!”   She yelled, kicking him off.

            “Ow!  Ow!  No need to be rude!  I just tripped!  Ow!”  Brock tried to dodge her kicks, but was too slow.  “Do you know where the Pokémon storage is?”  He asked.  She narrowed her eyes.

            “Why do you want to know?”  She demanded.

            “They told me my Pokémon were put in there”  Brock replied nervously.  The woman looked at the Pokéballs at his belt. 

            “Then what’re those?”  She asked.

            “Those are the ones I just stole”  He said quikely.  She looked at him, then gave him the directions.  “Thanks, beautiful,”  He said, as Ash and Misty pulled him away.  That was a mistake, the woman threw an encyclepdia at his head.  “OW!  Jeez, I’m sorry!”  He said, rubbing the back of his head.  Once out of site, Misty, Ash, and Pikachu cracked up.

            “Hahahaha!!  Oh, you realy entranced her, Brock! hahahaha!”  Ash laughed.

            “Pfffft!  hahaha!  You realy swept her off her feet...or should I say, Knocked her off her feet? Hahahaha!”  Misty laughed.


            “Laugh all you want, I think she was crazy about me.”  Brock said. 

            “Alright, enough day dreaming,”  Ash said, “Lets get to that storage room.”



            Jesse, James, and Meowth headed towords the Arena, following the easy to read map Ecthros had given them.  “This feels just like old times.”  James smiled.  Jesse hugged him.

            “Except that this time we’re going to win!”  She said.

            “Meowth!  Sure we are..”  Meowth muttered.  They looked at him.

            “Are you saying we’re loosers?”  They demanded angrily.

            “Naw, you just loose a lot is all. OW!”  He added, as Jesse kicked him.  They found the arena at last.  They walked in, it was empty.  “Good.  Now, Alex says that Capón hid his own private fighting Pokémon here somewhere in here.  So...”  Then he sat down and crossed his legs, “get to work, you two.”

            “Why should we do all the work!??!”  Jesse demanded.

            “Because I gotta keep watch ta see if anyone’s coming.”  Meowth explained.  They couldn’t argue with that, so the grudgedly got to work.  They looked through books, desks, closets, until finnaly, James found a small Pokéball inside of a book. 

            “I think I found it!”  He announced triumphantly.  Jesse went over to look, when Meowth shouted that someone was coming.  James closed the book and hid it.  A man in a Team Death uniform walked into the arena.

            “a....challengers..”  He said when he saw them.

            “Who’re you?”  Jesse demanded.

            “You must be new,”  he said to her, “I’m the battling champion of Team Death.  Care to try your luck?”  James stepped forward. 

            “I’ll battle you.”  He said.

            “What are you doing?”  Jesse whispered.

            “Weezing hasn’t ever realy won a battle, he deserves this chance at glory.”  He replied.  “Take the book and get to Ecthros.”

            “Be careful.”  She told him, and led Meowth away.

            “One on one.”  Said James.

            “Sounds fine with me.”  The Champion replied.  James sent out his only Pokémon: Weezing.  “A Weezing?”  The champion asked, amused, “Then this should be enough of a match.  Ninetails, GO!!”  He flung out a Pokéball and a Ninetails apeared.  James started sweating.  A fire type.  That would mean it had an advantage over Weezing, who was a poisin type. 

            “Alright Weezing,” he said, “Smoke Screen!  Now!”  The arena was filled with smoke, and James could hardly see anything.

            “Ninetail, Flamethrower!”  The champion ordered calmly.  Ninetails used it’s flames to extinguish the smoke.

            “Weezing, takle attack!”  James shouted.  Weezing Launched itself at Ninetails, but Ninetails jumped out of the way and bit it.  Weezing cried out in pain.  “Hang in there, Weezing!”  James shouted.  Weezing stared at Ninetails.  They stood, glaring at each other, waiting for their next order.  “Weezing, sludge attack!”  James ordered, remembering how it had helped when he was on Team Rocket.  Weezing sprayed slime at Ninetails, hitting it in the eyes.

            “Niiiiiinnne!!!! Tails, Ninetails!!”  The fox-like Pokémon cried.

            “NineTails, Fire Blast!”  The champion said desperately.  All too late, he realized Nintails was facing the wrong way.  “Wait!!”  He started, but was cut off as he was engulfed by Ninetails’ flames.

            “Alright!  Weezing, finish it off with body slam!”  James ordered.  Weezing slammed into the Ninetails with all it’s strength, knocking it out cold.  James ran up and hugged his Weezing.  “You finnaly did it, Weezing!  Champion of Team Death!”  He exclaimed.  Weezing was overjoyed as well, and James called it back.  The old champion was unconcious, as well as it’s Ninetails.  James walked off in the direction of the Boss’ lair.



            Anna was trying to plot the fastest route to the Pokémon Lab when Arcanine started barking.  A woman in a Team Death uniform passed by, looked at them suspicously.  “Why is your Arcanine out of it’s Pokéball?”  She demanded.

            “Why should I tell you?!”  Anna demanded. 

            “You must be new,”  The woman growled, “I’m Starus, Seacond in command of Team Death.  Now, why isn’t your Pokémon in it’s Pokéball like it’s supposed to be?!”  Anna narrowed her eyes.

            “Because it doesn’t want to be.”  She replied.

            “What’s your name?”  Starus demanded.

            “um...Jenny.”  Anna said quikely.  Starus gave a weird look, as though she had just remembered something.

            “Come with me.  I want to show you the Pokémon Lab.”  Starus said.  Anna couldn’t believe it.  This was going to be too easy!  <I don’t trust that witch...>   She thought, <Better keep my eyes on her.>

            When they arrived at the lab, Starus walked to the back of the room and turned to face Anna.  “Now, lets see if you’re who I think you are.”  She said nastily.  Five men came out of the shadows with clubs in their hands.  “Kill her.”  Starus ordered.  Arcanine lept forward to stop the men, but a cage fell down onto it.  It barked furiously as Anna got ready to attack.

            “Hehehe...this is gonna be fun...” said one of the men.

            “Maybe we could keep her alive for a little while...”  said another

            “Why would we do that?”

            “Think about it.”  The conversation sent shivers down Anna’s spine.  The men lunged at her.  She kicked the first in the face, and he flew into the wall.  She ducked and one missed her with his club, and hit the one behind her.  She grabbed the attacker’s arm and flung him at Starus.  Starus stepped to one side and kicked to aproaching man away from her.  The two remaining men struck at her as hard as they could, but she dodged them and kicked one in the neck, and elbowed the last in the stumack.  They all fell down and decided not to get up.  Starus was clapping.  “Go show, good show.  So, you must be the Anna I’ve heard so much about.  Well, letsssss seee hooww strroonnng yoouuu reeeaallllyyy arrrrrre” Suddenly Starus began to change, her skin turned black, four sets of wings grew from her back, and muscles bulged from her body.  Her teeth sharpened, and her hair turned yellow and hardened like a Jolteons.  She grew to sizes at least twice that of Ecthros.  Anna realized she was in trouble, and braced herself for one hell of a fight.



            Ecthros was waiting outside the boss room.  Soon, Brock, Misty, Ash, and Pikachu apeared with news that they had sent all the Pokémon in the storage room free.  Jesse and Meowth came soonafterwards with a Pokéball, and James followed a few minutes later bragging that he had defeated the Team Death champion.  They waited for half an hour, but there was no sign of Anna or Arcanine.  Finnaly, they decided to go in without her.  Ecthros knocked the door down.  Inside, sitting behind the desk, was Capón.  So nice of you to join me.” Capón said in a voice that reminded Ash of Giovanni, “I’m almost surprised that you made it this far, but, knowing all of your reputations, I guess I shuoldn’t be.  It’s such a shame that you’ll never leave here alive.”  Capón said with mock pity.

            “Ha!  and what exactly are you planning to do about us?  We’ve got our Pokémon, and Ecthros is with us as well.  You’re outnumbered and outgunned.”  Ash said arrogantly.  He looked at Ecthros and grinned, but Ecthros was not grinning.

            Something’s not right...  He said, “This isn’t Capón!”

            Well deduced, Alex...or should I call you Ecthros?  Does it matter?” ‘Capón’ laughed.  He stepped aside, revealing a door.  the seat he was in went below the floor, and a new chair imerged from the doorway and went in place of the old one.  Ash couldn’t quite see who was sitting in the chair, but Meowth and Ecthros had nocturnal vision, and were both frozen with shock.

            It’s been a long time, Ash Ketchum, Alex.”  said the man.  Ash recognized the voice at once.

            “GIOVANNI!!!!!”  Ash exclaimed.  Giovanni laughed.

            Yes, I escaped prison.  Did you realy think that metal bars could hold the wrath of Giovanni!?”  He demanded.

            “But...what about Capón...your”  Meowth asked, still a little shaken up.

            Well, my former top cat, my little brother took his last look at life shortly after he went on the air.  I had helped him build Team Death up into a powerful cult, and now nothing can stop me!”  He laughed again.  He continued to laugh and Ash’s fear was drained from him, turning instead into anger and rage.

            “SHUT UP!!!”  Ash shouted.  Misty put her hand on his shoulder, but he shook it off.  “I’ve had it with you and your evil, Giovanni!  People have died, just because you want to make some money!!  You think you can scare us?!  Just because you’re not who we think you are, doesn’t mean that we can’t defeat you!”  For a moment, Giovanni almost looked impressed.  Almost.

            “And,”  Jesse put in, taking out the Pokéball they had stolen, “We’ve got your strongest Pokémon right here!”  This caused Giovanni to laugh again.

            Have you actualy looked inside the Pokéball yet, Jesse?”  He asked, amused.

            “Well uh...”  She opened it.  It was empty.

            “What the-”  James said.

            Fools!  That was were I hid it, until I got the DNA material needed to transform my Pokémon into Capón for a short period of time!” Giovanni laughed.  The fake Capón stepped forward.  Then it started to change.  It grew two more arms, which had bulging muscles like a Machamp’s,  and red hair resembling Flareon furr covered it.  Say hello to...Champeon!” Giovanni announced.  Ecthros stepped forward.  Ash sent out all his Pokémon, Misty did the same, as did Brock, Jesse, and James.  Champeon blasted out fire, so Charizard jumped forward to intercept it.  It liked the heat, and slashed Champeon on the chest- or tried to.  Champeon caught it’s claw and flung it into the wall.  This gave Pikachu the opertunity to use thunderbolt, knocking Champeon back.   Then, Champeon started to walk forward against Pikachu’s attack.  Pikachu pushed as hard as it could, but Champeon was too strong.  It reached Pikachu, and backhanded it.  All of Misty’s Pokémon, which were the water type, along with squirtle, joined to make a giant Hydro Pump.  Champeon, being part Fire type, was greatly weakened by this.  Weezing spit sludge into it’s eyes and Arbok bit it’s foot.  Needless to say, Giovanni was loosing.  Throbbing from the water, Champeon desperately grabbed at Arbok, who clung to it’s leg.  The result; Arbok used it’s glare attack and Champeon was left paralyzed.  Charizard, furious, slashed Champeon across the face.

            “I think I’m starting to feel sorry for Champeon.”  Ash said.  Everyone called back their Pokémon, and Champeon fell to the floor.

            “Well, BOSS,”  Jesse said with faked respect, “It looks like your secret weapon wasn’t so tough after all.”  But Giovanni was grinning.

            “Grin all you want,”  Ash shuoted angrily, “You’ve still lost!  Admit it!” 

            You are very wrong, Mr. Ketchum.  If you want to know just how wrong, I think you’d better ask...her.” Everyone turned to see a gigantic black figure walk towords the room and break through the wall.  It had four wings, four arms, and looked exactly like what Ecthros might look like if one was seeing double.  In two of it’s four hands, it held Arcanine and Anna.  It dropped them, and Ecthros quikely grabbed them and pulled them back with the group.

            She wasn’t much fun” complained the giant creature, “Transforming back into a human must of realy made her a wuss.”  Now, everyone had seen Ecthros angry before.  Heck, Jesse and James thank their luck every day that they are still alive after provoking him.  But Ash could tell that Ecthros wasn’t going to let ANYONE call Anna a wuss and live.

            WHY YOU.....”  Ecthros stuttered with rage, “YOU WANT A CHALLENGE?!?!  LETS SEE IF YOU CAN HANDLE...THIS!!!!” his head sparked, and a blast of lighning hit the giant form.  It barely moved.

            You’ll have to do better than that, good looking...hey!  Where’d he-”  Too busy boasting to notice Ecthros had gotten behind her, Starus felt a jolt of pain as Ecthros double kicked her in the back.

            Get out of here!” Ecthros shouted to the others.  They didn’t budge.  Ecthros blasted a hole in the wall.  Now!  She may be stronger, but I’ve got years of experience that she’ll never live to see!” They all started to leave, but Ash wouldn’t move.  Misty pulled at him.

            “We have to get out!”  She shouted.

            “I’m not leaving him!”  Ash replied, “I can’t abandon my friend in his time of need, Misty.  You go, save yourself.”  He knew it was futile.

            “If you stay, I stay!”  She shouted.  They sent out all their Pokémon.  Ecthros had just taken a punch in the gut.

            “Pikachu, FLASH!”  Ash commanded.  Pikachu jumped up to The creature’s face and a burst of light came from it’s cheeks.  The creature clutched it’s eyes.

            MY EYES!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU LITTLE RAT?!?!”  she shouted.  Ecthros took the opertunity and rammed his sharp, spiked hair into her belly.  She started to bleed, but then the wound healed.  Misty’s Tentacruel grabbed it’s legs, and pulled them togethar, in an attempt to make it trip.  It didn’t work, The creature kicked it off easily, and it had to go back into it’s Pokéball.  hey...I think I can see again.. I UNGH!” the creature’s vision returned just as Ecthros smashed his fist into it’s face.  Again, blood came dripping down her nose, but then it healed.

            Blast it,” exclaimed Ecthros, “She can Recover...There’s only one thing to do...”  With that, he flew up and blasted fire in her face.  While she was distracted, he latched himself onto her and started to glow.  GET OUT!!!” He shouted to Ash and Misty, “NOW!!!” Ash and Misty started to leave, but Ash made his Charizard grab Giovanni first.

            No!” shouted the former Team Rocket Leader, “I always win!  You will not defeat-”  he was cut off by an explosion that consumed the entire building.  They were all sent flying, and landed nearby the rest of the group.  Anna, now concious, ran up to them.

            “Ash?  Misty?  Are you alright?  WHAT HAPPENED TO ALEX?!?!”  She exclaimed.

            “I-I don’t know...” said Ash, stunned.

            “I think he used explosion!”  Misty stammered, “He might be in real trouble!”  They all ran back to what had been Team Death complex, except for Giovanni, who was being held by Misty’s Tentacruel.  Meowth was diggin furiously at the rubble.

            “Come on, ‘Lex,” he was saying, “don’t be dead.  Come on, how’m I gonna pay ya back for-”  Suddenly, a big black form pushed up from under the rubble.  It was the creature.  At it’s feet was Ecthros, unconcious.

            y-ya think that th-th-that’ll stop me?  I cn recover and...” Ash could tell that the creature was very weak, but he had to stop her before she recovered.

            “Pikachu, Thunder attack!!!  Hurry, we don’t have much time!!!” Ash ordered.  Pikachu summoned up all it’s power and hit the creature with everything it had.  After about five full minutes of bombardment, Pikachu fell down, weak from using so much power, but the creature still stood.  “I don’t believe this!!”  Exclaimed Ash.  But the creature didn’t say anything.  Anna walked over to it, and gave it a little nudge.  It collapsed onto the ground, making the Earth shake.  Anna felt it’s wrist.

            “Dead.”  She confirmed.  That made Ash scared.  What about Ecthros?  Anna quikely ran over to their fallen friend, and felt his wrist.  Then, she smiled.  “Alive,”  She said happily, “It’ll take more than some overgrown goon to take down my Alex!”  Of course, they once again had the problem of carrying Ecthros, who, like Pokémon do, had gotten stronger by the battle, and was much too heavy for Arcanine alone.  So they all had to send out their Pokémon to give Arcanine a hand.  It took them five long hours of walking, but they finnaly arrived back at Bright City, and immidiately went to the Pokémon Center to heal up their Pokémon.  They got Ecthros back into his Trenchcoat first.  They propped him up on a sofa, and after a while, he woke up.  He immidiately used recover, and soon was fully healed.  After all their Pokémon were back to full health, they decided to stay in town for another day, as they were all exausted.  Ash and Ecthros went for a walk, and talked most of the way.  “You could have been killed!”  Said Ash, “You would sacrifice yourself for us?”  Ecthros grinned his toothy grin and replied;

            you five are the only ones who have accepted me for who I am, not what I look like, it would have been worth it.”

            “Say, what is it that Meowth owes you for?”  Ash asked.

            I was the one who taught him how to talk.”  Ecthros replied.  Another shock for Ash.  They walked off togethar, a human and a Monster with the heart of a human, friends until death.

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