Chapter 4


Raven’s eyelids opened slowly and the blurred vision of the ceiling cleared.

“Huhh, uhh?” She mumbled, puzzled at her surroundings. Raven sat up and looked around. She was in a place similar to where James was. Raven was on the floor of the hallway. A giggling girl with blue eyes and blue hair was standing above her.

“Uhh?” Raven was to dazed to speak.

The girl’s clear blue eyes laughed at Raven.

“Em rebmemer, nevar olleh?”

The words made sense to Raven, but she was in shock. The girl with the blue hair and eyes was Tregeis. A person familiar to Raven.

“S  p   e   a   k     e  n   g   l   I  s   h?” Raven said slowly.

Tregeis tilted her head to the side, then laughed.

“s’drow y’nnuf!”

It was pointless. Raven tried speaking niblish with her.

“I ma erehw?”

“Heh!” Was Tregeis’s only response.

“I always knew that girl was weird,” Raven said to her self.

“Look who’s talking!” Tregeis said in plain English.

“So you can speak English!!” Raven said, disgusted.  Tregeis through back her head and gave another of her annoying laughs.

“I’m sorry. So when have I last seen you?” Tregeis said, helping Raven up.

“That really doesn’t matter. What I’d like to know is what’s going on here.”

“Nuf saw tuoba derac I lla nehw, s’yad eht erew esoht!” Tregeis began singing an old song. A frustrated Raven gabbed Tregeis by the collar.

“A want answers and I want them straight. Now you listen to me, d’sard?”

Tregeis closed her eyes.

“I can’t tell you, but I can get you out of here.”

Raven paused, relaxing her grip.

“Where is Max, and Team Rocket?”

“I can find them and bring all of you back to where you belong.”

Raven sighed.

“I want to know what’s going on here. It’s not every day that you find yourself in a strange place you’ve never been to. Or even herd of.”

Tregeis nodded.

Raven continued, “And it’s not everyday that you find a lost friend.”

Tregeis smiled, and tears welled up her eyes.

“I’m sorry! You were my best friend. We told each other everything! I

 can’t keep this a secret any longer!” Tregeis turned away.

          “I’m sorry it hurt your friends.”

          “Huh? What do you mean?”

          A knot tied it self in Tregeis’s throat.

          “Max, Max is hurt badly.”

          Raven was confused.

          “What happened?”
          “Something went wrong. And dear James is hurt too.”

          “Wait! How do you know there names?”

          “I can tell you later. But we have to help Max and James.” Tregeis’s cheeks flushed bright red at the name “James”.

          “Ugh! You like him!! Gross!!” Raven looked like she was going to be sick.

          Tregeis hastily changed the subject, “No emoc!”

          “All right. But you know I’m telling him.”

          Tregeis glared at Raven and the two girls were swallowed by a white mist.

          “Ahhhhhh! What’s going In here?!!” But Raven’s cries were engulfed in the mist and the world slowly faded away with the cool whiteness.


          “James, wake up,” Tregeis said delicately.

          “Let me handle this,” Raven reached out and slapped James as hard as she could.  He awoke with a start.

          “Why where you sleeping?” Raven asked.

          “I wasn’t sleeping! Well at first I fainted or something, then I guess I did kinda fall asleep,” James said. Then he quickly added, “After I was back to conscience.”

          “Enough of that,” Raven referred to Tregeis’s staring, “Let’s go.”

          “Who are you?” James asked Tregeis.

          “He he he!! I’m Tregeis!” She stammered.

          “This is my old best friend who speaks another language,” Raven interrupted.

          “And she just came out of the middle of no where and she can help us get out of here and tell us what’s going on!!” Raven tried to speak quickly so that Tregeis wouldn’t interrupt her.

          “And she likes you,” Raven added. And before ether of them could be surprised, she pulled them into another white mist. 

          They arrived in a grassy plain. But James was too busy talking with Tregeis. 

          “So, for how long did you know Raven?”

          “Since we were born. But we got separated.”


          Tregeis had a far off look on her face.

          “Hey guys!” Raven butted in.

          “I think I see Meowth!”

          A blurry white streak of lightning speeded by.

          “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?!” Meowth cried.

          “Calm down. It’s us Meowth,” Tregeis said coolly.

          “Ohhhhhhh, your that weird girl who appeared out of no where.”

          “Yes,” James turned to Tregeis but still spoke to Meowth, “Someone needs to explain what’s going on here.”

          “I will!” Tregeis raised a hand, “But first let’s look for Max.”

          “Meowth, what do you mean, “the girl who appeared out of no where?”

          Tregeis grabbed Meowth and covered his mouth with her hand.

          “Let’s save that for later,” Tregeis forced a fake smile.

          Raven sighed and shook her head, “Just get us out of here.”

          Tregeis looked at the struggling Meowth, James, and Raven, “Three out of  five,” she said.


          The two girls, James and Meowth found themselves in a very large classroom. There was a chalkboard that took up the northern wall, desks arranged in rows, a table in the back with paper on it, windows overlooking the field they were in, and a few closets. The field was a sea of rippling grass bathed in the crisp morning fog.

          “Huh, weren’t we just there?” James motioned to the windows.

          A bell rang, promptly after James said the word “there”.

          “That can’t be good,” Raven wore a look of concern.

          A stampede of children rushed down the hallway.

          “Jesse should be around here,” Tregeis said.

          “She is?” Meowth said. To the surprise of the four, the classroom filled with  children.

          “I should of known this would happen.” Raven smacked her self in the forehead.

          “Good morning Mr. James,” The class said in unison as soon as they were seated.


          “I guess you are the teacher,” Tregeis said casually.


          A small boy with red hair and freckles raised his hand.

          “Yes?” James said not knowing what to call the kid.

          “Who are they?” The boy stared at Tregeis and Raven.

          “WHAT A CUTE CAT!!!” A girl burst out and ran over to Meowth. A few girls followed to pet Meowth. The boys stayed.

          “Are they your GIRLFRIENDS?” One of them said, emphasizing “girlfriend”.

          “Uh no,” James paused.

          “They are… they are.. m m my sisters! Yes, sisters!” He sputtered.

          “This is Raven, and this is T.. T.. Tregeis!”

          “Raven doesn’t look at all like you,” Another boy said.

          “She got mother’s looks,” James responded quickly.

          “I’ll stay here, and you look for Jesse,” James whispered to Tregeis and Raven.

          “Well, we dropped in just to say hi!” Tregeis said, a phony smile plastered on her face.

          “And we must be going!” The two girls walked out the door. They walked down the hallway, there footsteps echoing.

          “Where do we begin to look?” Raven said.

          “Trust me. I know what I’m doing,” Tregeis said.

          “I can’t wait ‘till you tell me what is going on here,” Raven said, frowning.

          They entered room #301. Sure enough, Jesse was there, teaching a class (or at least trying to).

          “Hello class,” Raven said and grabbed Jesse’s arm.

          “We must be going.” The class looked puzzled as Jesse was dragged out the door.

          “What is going on?” Jesse asked.

          Tregeis groaned.

          “I EXPLAIN LATER!!!!!!!!!”

          “Meep,” Jesse said and backed away from the yelling stranger.

          “Don’t ask,” Raven said.

          “And by the way,” She added, “This is my friend, Tregeis.”

          Raven narrowed her gaze at the hustling Tregeis.

          “Or at least was.”

          “Don’t start that again!” Tregeis said and walked even faster.

          A puzzled Jesse just stared. **************************************************************

          When the 6 were once again reunited, they stood in front of the Time Machine.

          “Hey Tregeis! You said you would explain what’s happening to us. Please do. Now is a fine time,” Max said, his arms crossed across his chest.

          “Y.. y. .yes. I did, d.. didn’t I?” Tregeis sputtered.

          “Hmm. Welltoobad!” Tregeis shoved the 5 into the time machine, and it started up. Reaching for the door, Tregeis tried to shove the door shut. But Raven had blocked it. The two pushed as hard as they could in opposite directions.

          “You said you would tell us what was going on,” Raven said leaning her weight against the door of the Time Machine.

          “Are you crazy? Do you want  to get killed?”  The Time Machine jerked suddenly and Raven and Tregeis flew backwards,  away from the Time Machine.

          “Nooooo! You can’t do this to my friend! Come back!” Tregeis shouted as the Time Machine faded away. She collapsed on her knees and broke into violent sobs

          “What is up with you? Why am I here and not with them?” Raven asked, her harsh facial expression demanding an answer.

          “I don’t know why,” Tregeis said. She looked up at Raven with her tear-stained face and choked out the words, “But I do know you will be here for a long time.”

          “What do you mean?”

          Tregeis looked to the ground.

          “Sit down,” She said, wiping her face with the back of her pale hand.

          “I have a lot to tell you..”


                           To Be Continued!           

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