Chapter 5


          “Please, go on,” Raven sat down.

          “Well, um, see.. I guess you kinda can say, well what I’m tying to say, I mean, well you could kinda say.. I’m not really Tregeis.”


          “It all depends on what you consider me. My parents named me Tregeis, but did they name me? Tregeis is me, but is it me?”


          “I mean the real me.”


          “You know.. me.”

          Raven slapped Tregeis.

          “You’re not making any sense!”

          Tregeis rubbed her sore cheek.

          “It’s a long story. No, it’s short, but you wouldn’t understand.”

          Raven shook her head.

          “More  excuses. What’s the point?” Raven stood up and looked around. All that filled her vision was bleak nothingness.

          “So.. What do we do now?”

          Tregeis stood up and rubbed her hands together.

          “We have some fun!”

          “Oh no!” Raven put her hands up and backed away slowly.

          “I’m not to exhilarated about having “fun”. Your definition of “fun” is not quite my idea of a good time.”

          Tregeis ignored Raven completely and appeared to be deep in thought.

          “No. I don’t want to show you my friends until I have explained everything. But we can go..” Tregeis paused a moment to think some more.

          “I know! I have a great idea about how to have the greatest time!” Raven said, acting strangely perky.

          “Hmm, now what was I going to say? Where’s a place we can have a wonderful time?” Raven said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

          “Now.. where is it again? L e t   m e   t h I n k..” She stopped, pretending to be thinking, trying to remember.

          “Ah, yes!” She said, as if recalling, when she had know the whole time.

          “What do you call that place?” Raven said the sentence slowly.

          “Now I remember! It’s called, HOME.”

          “Gee! I had no idea you wanted to go back so badly,” Tregeis put her hands to her temples.

          “I don’t know exactly what to do… And there’s no one who I can actually ask,” Although Raven’s response would normally, “What do you mean?!” or, “FIND A WAY OUT!!” she whispered something in response instead.

          “Shh. Listen.”



          A faint, eerie music trickled through the vast gaping whiteness they were standing in.

          “OH that’s..” Tregeis stopped in mid-sentence.

          “Never mind.”

          “The sound is growing louder!” Raven said, searching for it’s origin.

          “What, are you scared?” Tregeis said, grinning.

          “Me? No! I’m never scared,” Raven boasted.

          “Heh. G’niddik on,” Tregeis said, sarcastically.

          “Will you just shut up and tell me what’s going on?”

          “Maybe I should let you find out!” Tregeis stepped back. Raven responded with a sharp glare.

          “Maybe you should! Then you would stop getting on my nerves!” Raven hissed.

          “FINE! I will.”

          With that, Tregeis mysteriously vanished.  Raven braced herself for whatever was approaching. The figure neared, and it’s silhouette grew larger and bolder. Raven gripped the Pokeballs on her belt, and strained her eyes to catch an early glimpse of this stranger.

          “Who are you?” Raven yelled, but the only response was her own voice, echoing off the walls of nothingness.



          Jesse twisted her hands in her lap. James was staring at a wall. Meowth was laying near Max’s Jigglypuff.

          “Sooo,” Max said, his voice breaking the silence.

          “What do we do now?”

          “I say we go back!” James said jumping off his chair and startling the sleeping Meowth.

          “It wouldn’t be right to just leave them.”

          “Well we can’t exactly go back. We don’t even know where we came from.”

          “True. Max has a point,” Meowth spoke up.

          “Wait! Hold it! We have a problem,” Max said, his fingers typing rapidly at the main computer keyboard.

          “What’s the problem?” James asked, his tone heavy with panic.

          “We’ve suddenly entered Rocket territory.”

          “Is that bad?”

          “If they know we are rebels, then yes. But I doubt it because we are driving a time machine, which is not classified as any vessel they know of. Unless they have..”

          “Have what?”


          “HAVE WHAT?!” Everyone cried out.

          “Let’s move, and fast!”

          Max punched in a few codes and the time machine began gradually turning.


          “What is it?” Meowth asked.

          “Our power supply is leaking. They know who we are. They are draining our electricity.”

          “Can’t we get more?!!” James asked, clutching his head.

          “Raichu!” Max took out a Pokeball.

          “Go, Raichu!” The electric rodent popped out of the Pokeball.

          “Raichu, let out a steady stream of electricity right here.” He pointed to a metal valve.  Raichu did as he commanded, and let out sparks of electricity in his cheeks turn in to a current of electricity.

          “James,” Jesse said, her eyes filled with tears.

          “This Raichu reminds me of that Pikachu we always tried to capture.”

          “I don’t know about this but, I THINK WE MISS ALL THE ADVENTURES WE HAD!!” Jesse and James burst into tears and little waterfalls were pouring from their eyes.


          “What now?” The Team Rocket members said together.

          “Raichu can’t supply us enough energy.”

          “No!! Can’t you do some thing?”

          Max shook his head.

          “But it gets worse. If we don’t act soon, we will be captured, and thrown into jail.”

          “Can’t your friends come and bail you out?” Meowth said.

          Max shook his head.

          “The only ones who can help us now are Raven and Tregeis.”




          To be continued..           

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