Chapter 6


“Ohw era uoy?!” Raven cried out.

“Ym eman si..” A male voice replied.

“Yats yawa!!!! Og Vulpix!” Raven hurled the Pokeball to the ground. The shy fox came out, puzzled at it’s surroundings.

“No wait! I mean you know harm!”


“Yyyyyaaaaaa!! Help me!” The man scampered off. Raven scratched her head.

“Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?”

A ringing laughter filled the air.

“I know that annoying laugh..” Raven said, a cold expression on her face.

“Sorry about that!” Tregeis mysteriously appeared out of nothing.

“Oh, your that weird girl,” The male said.

“That would be me,” Tregeis grinned.

“That music.. It’s still going!” Raven sat down in frustration. And Raven barely ever sits down.

“This is giving me a head ache!” The boy’s voice was filled with agony.

“Blame her,” Raven pointed to Tregeis.

“It’s all her fault, so blame her.”

“Me? What did I do? How do you know I did this if you don’t know what’s going on.”

“Maybe if you tell us!!”

“Yeah! Tell us! Do what she said.”

“Great. From now on  I’m “she”. And Tregeis is “weird girl”.”

“So your Tregeis?”

“My name’s Xela, but most call me Zel,” Raven said.

“Yeah right, RAVEN.”

“Tregeis? Raven? You guys have the weirdest names!”

“Uh, thanks?”   

“Sorry. I’m just confused.”

“You think your confused! WHAT ABOUT ME?! AND WHAT IS THAT NOISE?!”

“Do you feel something?”

“Some kind of rumbling.”

“I feel like I’m changing.”

“This has never happened before. What is going on?” Tregeis said.

“How many times have people said that?”

“My vision is getting all fuzzy!” The boy said, covering his eyes.

“Everyone shut there eyes.”

“Okay. Now what?”

“The music stopped. Maybe we can open our eyes now.”

The three opened there eyes slowly and cautiously.

“Vul! Vulpix! VULPIX!!”

“I’m a human!! I’m a human!” The boy said.

“You guys are acting strange,” Raven said.

“I agree. But the music stopped, and my visions fine.”

“What is Vulpix trying to say?” Raven leaned closer.


“Huh, is that so?”

“I know what’s happening. It’s happened to me before.”

“What? What happened?” Raven said, raising an eyebrow.

          “The boy and Vulpix have switched bodies!”

          “Master!” The boy cried out, and ran to Raven and hugged her.

          “Gross!! I’m being hugged by a boy!! Well I guess I have to believe you.”

          “Why aren’t you surprised?”

          “Well my “strange” file is overloaded so incoming “strange” messages are transferred into  the “perfectly normal” file. That’s why I’m not shocked at them switching bodies, or that bird over there.”

          “What bird?”



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