Chapter 1

          Raven wiped the sweat off her palms. Her hands trembled as she made an attempt to fasten her seat belt. Raven’s heart hammered against her chest. Raven glanced at the panels in front of her. It had flashing buttons and screens with images foreign to her.

          “Get out your Haunter,” Raven’s male partner, Max, said.

          Raven fumbled for her Pokeball. She pulled it off her belt and out Haunter came. The swirling green energy formed the ghost Pokemon.

          “Haunter, is the time passage way clear?” Haunter looked at his master with fondness then closed his eyes. For a brief second he looked rather, distant. But when he opened his eyes, the image of him became more clear.

          “Only a few spirits linger,” Haunter said, “But it is safe to proceed.”

          Although she wished she didn’t have to go through with it, Raven nodded.

          “Are you ready?” Max asked.

          Raven shifted uncomfortably in her seat, then paused.

          “Yes,” Raven replied softly.

          Max began punching codes into the computer. Raven clasped her hands on her lap tightly and clenched her teeth.

          A wirr and some beeps were herd, then…

                    The World Went Black. 


          Raven had golden brown hair, shoulder length. Her eyes were emerald green. She always kept her hair up because she didn’t care much for her appearance. Raven’s head was always swimming in deadlines and assignments. School was just to much for her. She started to take lessons to fly a spaceship after school. She also became a Pokemon Trainer, part time. It sounds like too much for a girl her age. But a lot of things were expected from a girl her age in the year 3,000. But Raven had chosen this life.

          Raven opened her eyes. The first thing she saw above her was Max.

          “Max, what  happened?” Raven asked, her voice a bit dazed.

          “I guess time traveling was too much for you. You fell unconscious. I set you down on a patch of grass  when we arrived. It didn’t take you long to wake up though.”    

          “Where are we?”

          “I don’t know. The computer chose a random place. Land, that is. I’ll I know is that we are on Earth in the year 1999.”

          “1999? I thought you said we were going to a different year.”

          “Yeah. But you see, those “lingering spirits” Haunter was talking about changed the year we arrived in slightly. But it won’t affect our mission.”

          “Are my Pokemon okay?”

          “Yup. So are mine.”

          Raven sighed with relief. She leaned back on the soft grass and watched the fluffy white clouds drift across the blue sky.

          “It’s so beautiful.”

          Raven took only a brief moment to enjoy it before she saw two figures flying through the air.

          “Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off agaaaaaain!” They cried. Raven leapt up.

          “Uh oh! It’s Team Rocket! Let’s scram!”

Max laughed, “It’s the past remember? Let’s go ask them for help.”

          Raven dusted her pants and ran over to the sprawled figures. One was a girl with outrages red hair and blue eyes. The other was a boy with blue hair and green eyes.

          “Excuse me. Can you help us?” Raven asked.

          “Help you with what?” The female asked.

          “We wanted to know where we are,”

          “The middle of nowhere,” The male said, “Viridian City is over there.”

          Max and Raven looked at each other.

          “Hey! Are you Pokemon trainers?” The female said.

          “Yeah. But who are you?”

          “Allow us to introduce ourselves,

          Prepare for trouble!

          Make it double!

          To protect the world from devastation!

          To unite all peoples within our nation!

          To denounce the evils of truth and love!

          To extend our reach to the stars above!



          Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

          Surrender now or prepare to fight!

          Meowth! That’s right!

          Raven and Max had a puzzled expression on both there faces.

“Oh if it isn’t the infamous Jesse and James! It’s such an honor to meet you!” Raven said, even though she had clearly never heard of Jesse and James. Much less, admired them.

          “What about me?” The Pokemon member of TR spoke up.

          “Ah yes…Meowth!”

          “It’s good finally we are recognized,” James said.

          “Yeah! You deserve it!”

          “Hey James. What’s that thing over there?” Jesse pointed to the time machine.

          “Er, that’s…my…thing…for…flying!” Max said nervously.

          “Coooool!” James squealed, “Let’s go!”

          “Wait!” Raven cried out in despair. But it was to late. The members of Team Rocket had already boarded.

          “Some sophisticated plane!” Meowth said.

          “What are all these dates for?” He was referring to the computer screens that said, “June 30, 1999.”

          “Hey, I wonder what will happen if I press this,” Jesse said. She reached for the button titled, “BACK”. The words, “ENTER CODE” appeared on the screen. A feeling of relief washed over Raven when they wouldn’t be transported back to the year 3,000.

          “Ohhh! I know the code,” James said. He typed in the letters rapidly then entered it. The engine started.

          “How did you know the code?” Max yelled.

          “Easy. Every man uses the same code.”

          “What is it?” Raven yelled, despite the panic.

          “I can’t tell!”

          “Hey we’re not flying! We’re not even moving!”

          “Yes we are. We’re moving. Through time!”

          “THIS IS A TIME MACHINE?!!!!!”


          “I don’t believe you!”

          “In a short while you’ll see for yourself!!”


                           Once Again, The World Went Black.

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