The Adventures of a Pokémon Trainer: New Friends

Previously, John Grain, a soon-to-be student at Pokémon Tech ran away from 
home with his Squirtle, and caught a Doduo.

It was getting bright now, the sun was rising. Soon my parents would wake 
to find their son gone. I wish it didn't have to be this way, I thought to 
myself. But it has to. 
Well, the map said a Pokémon Center was about 5 miles ahead and Viridian 
City 7 miles after that. It would be too risky to go to the Center. That's 
the first place they would look. I would try to make Viridian by nightfall, 
as I didn't take a sleeping bag from home. On the way I can try and capture 
some new Pokémon.

3 hours later and I had no new Pokémon. Twice I saw Ratatas but failed to 
capture them. 
"Ow!" I tripped over something.
'Meta' said the injured Pokémon.
I whipped out my Pokédex, already fairly certain of what it was.
'Metapod: a cocoon Pokémon. No offensive techniques. Its only weapon is 
its ability to harden its own shell.' Replied my father's voice. He really 
had programmed this Pokédex.
'Injured specimen, Advice: catch and heal.'
"My father has spoken. In you go!" With a whoosh it was sucked into the 
"Hey! Howabout a battle!" cried a kid from across the forest.
Still shooken up from earlier, I said, "Gee, I don't know…"
"Pidgey go!" Out came the fat little bird.
"Uh, Squirtle, Go!" My little turtle seemed up to the task.
"Pidgey, Gust Attack!" 
"Squirtle, Withdraw!" Retracted into its shell, the wind did nothing to 
"Now Squirtle, Water Gun!" He popped his head out and shot the rat out of 
the sky.
"Ugh! Pidgeoto, Go!" The sleek and powerful bird simply dive-bombed poor 
little Squirtle.
"Go, Doduo…" I said, not quiet sure…
"Doduo, uhh… run around!" And did he ever. He kicked up so much dust that 
the Pidgeoto was blinded.
"Now, Peck!" Doduo jumped into the dust cloud, but was thrown right back 
out again, fainted. 
"So you loose?" Said the child.
"Uhhh… No! Go Metapod!"
"OOOOHHH! SOOO SCARED! What are ya gonna do, harden it ta death?"
"Metapod! Harden like you never have before!"
And so he did. And the bird dove. And the bird broke its beak.
"YAHA!" I shouted as the cocoon split open and out came a HUGE Butterfree.
"Go Farfetch'd!" The kid wasn't through.
"Butterfree, Confusion!" So then Farfetch'd hit itself, and then fainted. 

The kid stomped away, defeated. Three more victories followed. Even Doduo 
won a few! 
I had noticed some time ago the kids, not too far behind me, watching my 
battles. After the fourth victory, the older boy approached me.
"Salutations. I am Anthony K. Bo, and this is my sister Luci-"
"What my brother means is hi. I'm Lucy, and this is Tony."
"Hi," I said. The boy was about 2 years older, he spoke in kind of a 
British, highborn accent. The sister was normal. No, the sister spoke 
normally, but she was spectacular.
"Ah, yes, uh you see, your style reminds me of a friend, Cecilia Grain. 
Do you know her by any chance?"
"Why, yes she's my sister-"
"Ah! You must be little John whom she spoke of so often. You must be on 
your way to Pokémon Technical School for you first year! Ah, so is my sister 
here. You know you got quite a standard set for you what with your sister and 
all and- what is it?"
"I'm not going to Pokémon Tech." I said. He was dumbstruck, but it passed 
"What do you mean? You sister told me it was a family tradition and-"
"Oh stop talking like you were best friends, Tony. You just hung around 
with her."
I didn't mean to, but I liked the girl. She was my age, a bit shorter, 
with short blond hair.
"Yes, well, how is it that you do not go to Pokémon Tech?"
"Ah, well, I kinda ran away…"
"Now that is a good idea," said Lucy. 
"Lucy! You talked this over with matter and patter before. They said-"
"They said it would be too dangerous traveling alone. If I went with 
"Oh no…" I muttered, seeing where this was going.
"You just met this boy! You can't be serious."
"Hey! You said you knew all about him! You could convince Mom and Dad-"
"Look," I started. "I don't want to get in the middle of what looks to me 
like a family argument and-" I knew that I was in this now. I was being 
completely ignored; my presence had taken on a life of it's own.
"Please! Please can I come with you," she pleaded, giving me a sad face.
"Uhh… Okay." I broke down.
"OH! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She gave me a 
peck on the cheek. 
I rubbed the back of my head, blushing. "You're uhh… welcome."
Tony was looking very flustered. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to call 
matter and patter about this," Tony said, as if it would help.
"I think we should go to Viridian City, a Pokémon master named Gary Oak 
was just put in charge of the gym there." I said after clearing my throat.
"To Viridian City, then."

To be continued…

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